
New Member
Jun 17, 2009
Hey Guys,

i have a problem with the service TCP/IP NET BIOS Helper...

Error Code 1083

i cannot for the life of me figure out how to get past this as before i had produced this error the service was not in operation at all (The service could not be found) - following a .reg code and merging to get one step further into running this service again :(

the reg code i merged was:

Windows Registry Editor Version 5.00

"DisplayName"="TCP/IP NetBIOS Helper"
"ObjectName"="NT AUTHORITY\\LocalService"
"Description"="Enables support for NetBIOS over TCP/IP (NetBT) service and NetBIOS name resolution."




If you type services.msc in the start menu and hit enter, do you see the service?

If not, you should run a system file integrity check. It will ensure that system files are as intended, and fix whatever may not be.

In an elevated command prompt:

[B]sfc /scannow[/B]
Did you do the rest of the process?

Power cycle your PC to complete installation of the LmHosts Service (TCP/IP NetBIOS Helper).

Notes: This only installs the service into CurrentControlSet. If you run into problems, hit F8 after power cycling your PC and select the option "Last known settings that worked". This installs the service into registry only, you need to verify that lmhsvc.dll is in your system32 directory and that the IPSEC Service is installed and not disabled(set it to manual or auto). Most of you removed this service after hearing about security vulnerabilities relating to the NetBIOS. There are many secure solutions available that do not remove the service or its functionality. Please take a moment to read the following article at Wikipedia.org/NetBIOS.

See if resetting the TCP/IP stack fixes it for you.
Make sure you enter all the IP information back into the NIC after this or you're server won't have any known addresses.

You should also try to reset your Internet Protocol:

From someone one else:
317518 is a good one, but KB325356 is what did it. I actually tried the one you linked to no avail. Some lucky seacrhing let me find Link Removed which did the trick. I performed the process exactly as written on my domain controller and the only thing I changed on the user server was that I used safe mode with networking rather than directory services restore mode.

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If you type services.msc in the start menu and hit enter, do you see the service?

If not, you should run a system file integrity check. It will ensure that system files are as intended, and fix whatever may not be.

In an elevated command prompt:

[B]sfc /scannow[/B]

Hello and Welcome !!

What Firewall are you using apart from Windows ? Most just re-creating the Service won't fix it because maybe some dependencies also might be missing or corrupted. I would say at this point Repair Install would be my best suggestion if SFC /SCANNOW didn't work Repair Install - Windows 7 Forums

Good Luck,

Did you do the rest of the process?

Power cycle your PC to complete installation of the LmHosts Service (TCP/IP NetBIOS Helper).

I proceeded with restarting of my pc after merging the reg keys over but the error 1083 had posted up, that is where i am at now but i will try the last known good config now as we speak

If you type services.msc in the start menu and hit enter, do you see the service?

If not, you should run a system file integrity check. It will ensure that system files are as intended, and fix whatever may not be.

In an elevated command prompt:

[B]sfc /scannow[/B]

i had tried this and after completion it came up with corrupt files which wasnt possible to fix and has been saved in a .log file

would you like for me to post this up?

Hello and Welcome !!

What Firewall are you using apart from Windows ? Most just re-creating the Service won't fix it because maybe some dependencies also might be missing or corrupted. I would say at this point Repair Install would be my best suggestion if SFC /SCANNOW didn't work Repair Install - Windows 7 Forums

Good Luck,

i have no other firewalls running atm, i have tried a few since this ver. of windows 7 i have installed.
hopefully i wont have to revert to a repair install :(

i had tried this and after completion it came up with corrupt files which wasnt possible to fix and has been saved in a .log file

would you like for me to post this up?

It's not necessary. Boot into safe mode and run the command from there.
