
New Member
Mar 23, 2017
My computer went through an automatic update. It was working fine I wouldn't have done it if it didn't force me. Now it loads a temporary profile and is literally useless as attempting to connect to the Internet says the proxy server isn't responding. I tried system recovery, it is also useless. Anyone able to help? Because with this laptop being old and borrowed I'm considering turning to the devil (apple), because this is just stupid

Since this is a borrowed laptop, and you don't want to pay to get it fixed, or spend the effort doing hardware testing of your hard drive, you can simply purchase a new hard drive (set the old one aside for now), and reinstall your W10 by doing a Clean Install by creating bootable media (DVD or USB) and download the free MCT tool from Microsoft website here: Link Removed

A couple of things to take note of:
(1.) A W10 Clean...
Temp profiles can be used for a number of reasons.
  • Anti Virus software locking up your NTUSER.DAT file during login
  • Possible Corruption in the user profile
  • Updates
  • User profile service didn't properly load the profile
You can try fixing the profile by doing the following
  • Click the Start button and type regedit
  • Navigate to the following HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows NT\CurrentVersion\ProfileList
  • Select each SID that starts with S-1-5-21 and look at the right hand pane at the ProfileImagePath click each SID until you find the one with your username in the Data column
  • If the data ends in .bak or .old double click the ProfileImagePath name and edit the data to reead C:\Users\<yourusername>
  • Reboot

Temp profiles can be used for a number of reasons.
  • Anti Virus software locking up your NTUSER.DAT file during login
  • Possible Corruption in the user profile
  • Updates
  • User profile service didn't properly load the profile
You can try fixing the profile by doing the following
  • Click the Start button and type regedit
  • Navigate to the following HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows NT\CurrentVersion\ProfileList
  • Select each SID that starts with S-1-5-21 and look at the right hand pane at the ProfileImagePath click each SID until you find the one with your username in the Data column
  • If the data ends in .bak or .old double click the ProfileImagePath name and edit the data to reead C:\Users\<yourusername>
  • Reboot
Temp profiles can be used for a number of reasons.
  • Anti Virus software locking up your NTUSER.DAT file during login
  • Possible Corruption in the user profile
  • Updates
  • User profile service didn't properly load the profile
You can try fixing the profile by doing the following
  • Click the Start button and type regedit
  • Navigate to the following HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows NT\CurrentVersion\ProfileList
  • Select each SID that starts with S-1-5-21 and look at the right hand pane at the ProfileImagePath click each SID until you find the one with your username in the Data column
  • If the data ends in .bak or .old double click the ProfileImagePath name and edit the data to reead C:\Users\<yourusername>
  • Reboot
This was the first thing I tried but I'll try again

Test the harddisk with Seatools, to make sure that it functions correctly.
See the Seagate webpage, look for Seatools for DOS, it is a separate testsuite on a bootable CD.

Test the harddisk with Seatools, to make sure that it functions correctly.
See the Seagate webpage, look for Seatools for DOS, it is a separate testsuite on a bootable CD.
I can't access the Internet on the computer though, it was working before I did a recovery. And that would be a cd I'd have to have mailed then?

Temp profiles can be used for a number of reasons.
  • Anti Virus software locking up your NTUSER.DAT file during login
  • Possible Corruption in the user profile
  • Updates
  • User profile service didn't properly load the profile
You can try fixing the profile by doing the following
  • Click the Start button and type regedit
  • Navigate to the following HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows NT\CurrentVersion\ProfileList
  • Select each SID that starts with S-1-5-21 and look at the right hand pane at the ProfileImagePath click each SID until you find the one with your username in the Data column
  • If the data ends in .bak or .old double click the ProfileImagePath name and edit the data to reead C:\Users\<yourusername>
  • Reboot
I tried again and the .bak is still gone, didn't work. Also tried turning off Antivirus and logging out/in. Is there a way to check exactly what the username was? I may have typed it wrong otherwise I have no idea

The username wouldn't change just the profile path. If you type whoami while logged in you will get your username. You may want to look in Event Viewer for errors regarding the user profile service.

I can't access the Internet on the computer though, it was working before I did a recovery....
A corrupted profile on an old computer? Before going through a long and difficult repair I would certainly test the HDD. It may be the cause.
You can make a bootable Seatools test CD on any computer and use it where ever you like.

Since this is a borrowed laptop, and you don't want to pay to get it fixed, or spend the effort doing hardware testing of your hard drive, you can simply purchase a new hard drive (set the old one aside for now), and reinstall your W10 by doing a Clean Install by creating bootable media (DVD or USB) and download the free MCT tool from Microsoft website here: Link Removed

A couple of things to take note of:
(1.) A W10 Clean Install will wipe all programs and data off of the hard drive, including stuff that the owner of the laptop had installed on there. You or he/she will need to reinstall ALL of those programs from their installation source media. (this can be difficult if they have a lot of programs on there; I had one Client who had 400+ programs installed!).
(2.) After the Clean Install, do NOT install any web updates, apps such as MS Office, Photoshop, Games, etc. but attempt to connect to the Internet immediately after the W10 install completes after the 1st reboot into the clean W10 desktop. If the Internet now works; you've identified the problem as most likely the original drive being a failed hard drive (if your friend's laptop is older than 2 years old, this is the case since they are not designed to last more than 2 years! :eek:).
(3.) Before you attempt something like a Hard Drive swap on your friend's computer, it would be a very good idea to get permission to do so, and of course explain what you are doing. If you don't, you risk losing that friend if you make a mistake and bork the laptop completely! Something to keep in mind.:hide:

Let us know how you get on.

The internet is working again after it had me reenter my password. I looked on the event viewer and it does have user profile service errors but I'm not really sure what to do with that information

event id 1502: Windows cannot load the locally stored profile. Possible causes of this error include insufficient security rights or a corrupt local profile.
DETAIL - The process cannot access the file because it is being used by another process.

Event ID 1508:
Windows was unable to load the registry. This problem is often caused by insufficient memory or insufficient security rights.
DETAIL - The process cannot access the file because it is being used by another process.

Event ID 1511: Windows cannot find the local profile and is logging you on with a temporary profile. Changes you make to this profile will be lost when you log off.

Event ID 1515: Windows has backed up this user profile. Windows will automatically try to use the backup profile the next time this user logs on.

Event ID 1533:
Windows cannot delete the profile directory C:\Users\Owner. This error may be caused by files in this directory being used by another program.
DETAIL - The process cannot access the file because it is being used by another process.

There are multiple instances of all of these

As the 1502 and 1533 errors are stating either some process has NTUSER.dat locked or the profile is corrupt.

If the profile is corrupt
You can either A setup a new user, login and copy your data over

If something is locking the profile
You can download procmon and run the boot process logging, this should tell you what is locking the profile

Did you make the attempt to test your Hard Drive yet? You didn't say. If you didn't, you could be chasing dragons so-to-speak for days or weeks or longer trying to make a software repair on laptop with a failed hard drive. You might wish to re-read my Post #9; item #2. If that laptop is older than 2 years old, it's HIGHLY likely that the hard drive has failed.:andwhat: Henk and I have both recommended that you test your Hard Drive which it sounds like you have never done before, otherwise you would have replied back with your test result. That and the question about Seagate sending you a SeaTools disc. They don't do that anymore; you can buy it on a USB stick. But, it's quite easy to download it to a $10 USB stick yourself. Here are instructions for doing that: How To Create Bootable USB Disk For Seagate SeaTools For DOS - Computer Forums

Once you have your bootable Seatools either on USB stick or DVD disc, here's a very helpful video on how to use the Seatools program to run the 2 tests you need to test your drive to see if it's Ok or not: how to use a seatools for dos - Bing video
It's a bit long; over 9 min. but worth watching to the end as the presenter does a very good job of covering how to use the program and it's options.:thumbs_up:

Of course, this is your friend's laptop, not yours but in either case it's always prudent to backup all your data and any of your friend's data that happens to still be on the laptop *if applicable* to external media, that's the big CAUTION I had in RED in Post #9 above. This way, if you accidentally erase the drive which does occasionally happen with first time Seatools users, and you have an "oops" moment, your data *and perhaps your friend's data as well* will not be permanently lost!:headache:

Make sure to run BOTH the short and long tests on your friend's laptop hard drive. If Seatools returns errors on either test or both tests, you drive has failed and must be replaced!:waah: You can choose whether to do this for your friend, or simply tell them about it and let them do it or pay to have a licensed Tech do for them.

The thing you have to realize is, that trying the suggested software fixes will never solve your problem if the hard drive has failed.:noway: As I always say to people who are home users, "There is no software on the planet that can fix broken hardware!". :ohno:
If you do certify the drive as Ok by having it pass both Seatools tests, you can then try the suggested fixes such as creating a new profile and copying all the stuff from your bad profile over to the new profile. This only works about half the time or less, especially on computers that are 5 years older or more. That's because 90% of the time the hard drives have failed in those computers, and mimic a software failure *a corrupted profile or one that locks out it's owner*! o_O If that fix or neemo's other fixes fail, at least you know that your hard drive is Ok, and you can apply more agreessive software repairs such as a W10 Reset or W10 Reinstallation from Factory Recovery Media. Steps for doing this are included in my free TROUBLESHOOTING GUIDE available here: Sound Problems

Well, you now have everything you need to solve your friend's laptop problem. If you decide to follow all our suggestions and attempt the repair yourself, remember if you get stuck along the way, post your questions back here to this thread; we are here 24x7x365.

Best of luck,:encouragement:

