This website seems to be slow again at entering point, sorry if its in wrong topic

I have moved your post to our feedback forum. The problem you are experiencing is currently being investigated by both the admin group and our managed hosting provider. Thanks for the heads up - I will go ahead and update a support ticket we have with them and point them to this posting to see what is going on. They are actively monitoring our database activity and will hopefully be able to pick up on whatever lag issues are effecting you at this time.
The database storage type has been significantly altered, which may now result in a massive improvement in access times. We are currently evaluating this modification.
The change was made, literally, about 15 minutes ago. This inquiry has been open for some time, and this change has been in consideration for some time. There may be side effects from the change (not lag related) that we are looking at. It is important that you please give more time in this regard. The problem with the MyISAM implementation that this forum software uses by default is that it lacks row level locking on tables. This means that entire tables can become locked when they are in use. By converting the tables to InnnoDB, this change alleviates serious performance problems that are well known on large database-driven sites. I would ask for more patience in this regard, as the database is currently being monitored by an entire team of database administrators for speed optimization at this time. I will not have more pertinent information until I get feedback from them.

Also: The DBA team is the only one at our managed hosting provider that doesn't work 24/7. So until business hours are open there will be a wait to see what results we are looking at. I am noticing a significant performance improvement, but I am also on an extremely fast connection. I do not know what other connection types people are on, but this should improve things in the interim, most definitely. We will be skipping a non-essential maintenance release of the forum software until version 4.1 is released, which include profile customization and other features. This change that has been made today will likely have far reaching impact that is, even right now, having data collection taking place.

Ok thanks will see how it goes, not that I actually found it a huge issue but seeing the subject did come up I thought I would add my $0.02c worth lol
DirtRider, further adjustments have now been made by the DBA team, who are now awake and online. If all goes well (and we will see within the next couple days), we have finally cut into this problem a lot of people have been experiencing. The site may always render a bit slow at first when coming onto the site, but once the person is in this should be different. Obviously a thread like this is not going to get all of the great comments on how fast, speedy, and well-working the site is. Most of the time, people are good to browse, and have no need to comment. But for the few people that are having problems, or have noticed periodic slowdowns, this has been a number one issue for some time now. Again, need more time to see what the result is.
Thank you everyone the forum is once again fixed, had trouble past before, but I'm glad they fixed it now, nothing is perfect :tongue:
