Windows 7 Trying to strip unneccesary windows explorer bars


New Member
Feb 2, 2010

I'm trying to get rid of stuff I do not need on my windows 7 explorer windows. I've read about tweaking the registry and already turned off most of it, but I still have problems with 2 items that I do not know how to get rid off.

Any ideas? Marked with pink...

ps. sorry for my English.


  • Bez tytuÅ‚u.png
    Bez tytułu.png
    103.3 KB · Views: 973
I don't think there is a way to get rid of those - they are system bars. Maybe someone else has an idea.

Your English looks fine.
I would not recommend getting rid of the quite useful windows explorer bar.


It involves editting 2 dll files "shellstyle.dll" and "FolderBandStyle" with a resource editor.

Remove command bar in explorer on windows 2008 server

Put your desktop theme on classic.

1. Download resource hacker (Resource Hacker)
2. copy c:windowssystem32shellstyle.dll to a location where you have write rights.
3. copy shellstyle in the location where to copied shellstyle.dll to, to shellstyle-backup.dll
4. Open shellstyle.dll with reshacker.exe.
5. go to UIFILE --> 1 --> 1033
6. press CTRL+F to find <style resid="FolderBandStyle">
7. Insert the following line under <style resid="FolderBandStyle">
<!-- @page { margin: 0.79in } P { margin-bottom: 0.08in } -->

<Element padding="rect(0rp,0rp,0rp,-32rp)"/>

8. Click on compile script
9. save the file (file --> save)
10. Boot the server with a linux live CD. ( I recommend knoppix ). Windows won't allow you to overwrite shellstyle.dll in system32 even in safe mode. So you'll have to use something else. A bart PE CD would probably work too, but I used a knoppix cd.
11. copy the modified shellstyle.dll to the c:windowssystem32 folder
12. reboot
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