Windows 7 Unidentified Network Public When Wired - No Internet Access


New Member
Jul 25, 2010

I have encountered an unusual problem. While I am always able to connect to the internet wirelessly, I have issues when connecting to the internet when wired directly to my cable modem. The computer reports back Unidentified Public Network--no internet

What is odd, it that I can make a wired connection when connected to a port on my router. Also, I can make a wired connection at work and more recently I successfully made a wired connection at a car dealership while having my car serviced. However, if I attempt to connect to the internet with my computer directly connected to the modem, I get Unidentified Public Network--no internet.

Incidentally, if I connect my old Vista Professional machine directly to the same modem there are no issues with obtaining an internet connection.

Thoughts on what to try?


Hello and welcome to the forums;
When you are connected directly to the cable modem,
Can you open the Network and Sharing Center and click on the public network and change it to work or home?
Can you use the ipconfig /all command from a command prompt and determine what IP addressing scheme your wired network card is receiving from the device?
Sometimes you'll get the unidentified network issue if the IP addressing scheme is missing a default gateway.
Sometimes when changing devices that are plugged into the ISP's modem you may have to restart the modem inorder to receive new DHCP information, as the old info is associated with a different MAC address.
If it's an ADSL connection using PPPoE, you may have to embed the username...
Hello and welcome to the forums;
When you are connected directly to the cable modem,
Can you open the Network and Sharing Center and click on the public network and change it to work or home?
Can you use the ipconfig /all command from a command prompt and determine what IP addressing scheme your wired network card is receiving from the device?
Sometimes you'll get the unidentified network issue if the IP addressing scheme is missing a default gateway.
Sometimes when changing devices that are plugged into the ISP's modem you may have to restart the modem inorder to receive new DHCP information, as the old info is associated with a different MAC address.
If it's an ADSL connection using PPPoE, you may have to embed the username and password into the connection properties. This may be already on the router as well as on the old Vista machine.
Also in some cases, some ISPs have longer lease times, which require that either the current lease be released or allowed to expire before they will assign a new one to a new MAC address.
Just some possible causes.
