Windows 10 Unusual Message at Start up


Honorable Member
Nov 27, 2016
Since creators update was installed a couple of days ago, I've been seeing this message on the screen during boot up: "Scanning and repairing drive , (followed by a bunch of things in parentheses), then ending with 100%" Then the machine finishes booting up. This happens all the time when powering up. Any idea why this message appears? And, is it important? Thanks.

Toshiba laptop, W10, version 1703 (creators update)
SUCCESS! Got it working I made a simple registry change at "boot exe" I changed the original key (autochk autochk*) to (autochk autochk /kC*). I thought I had done that before, but evidently it wasn't done correctly. Anyhow, glad to get rid of that message and the boot time is quicker. I'm also happy that my HDD is OK. Thanks to all who helped on this thread
Getting these every now and then isn't an issue. Usually means the dirty bit is set on the drive, improper shutdown or not all writes have been committed from the journal.
Getting these every now and then isn't an issue. Usually means the dirty bit is set on the drive, improper shutdown or not all writes have been committed from the journal.

Hi, Neemo. The message is there at every boot-up. It doesn't remain on the screen long enough to write it down, but it begins like this: //? volume {df3f----------------} that's as far as I've gotten. Anyhow, doesn't seem to be affecting operation.
" The message is there at every boot-up. It doesn't remain on the screen long enough to write it down "

i use cell-phone's camera for these li'l incidents … then upload 'em to a folder on the hard-drive for future reference. in your case, hermitkrab … you might even google the message while waiting for additional intervention from neemobeer or others.
If you're getting the message all the time, it's possible the drive has some issues or the beginnings of
I made a change in the registry, as suggested on another forum, but the message still appears . I will try to photograph it on next startup. Perhaps Neemo is correct about the hard drive. I've been looking at new Toshiba laptops on line just in case. I've only owned Toshiba's since I started with computers, so I'm partial to that brand.
So the \\? is the GLOBAL?? root object namespace. That is how Windows exposes devices to users.
Volume{GUID} is a symbolic link to a \Device\HarddiskVolume# object You can ID the device and partition that's having issues with WinObj WinObj
Sorry for joining this thread, but I would feel very uncomfortable if I not had tested that HDD with the Seatools, as Neem pointed out it might be an issue with your harddisk. At the very least I would monitor the error rate of it.
I have the Seagate program installed and will keep an eye on the HDD. If it gives up, I'll probably buy a new laptop, considering the cost of replacing the drive. I have use of only one arm, so I can't do it myself.

BTW, I checked my PC's health using "Security and Maintenance." and it reports nothing unusual.
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Next thing you may try is restoring your Toshiba to factory settings.
I think you need holding down the "0" key at power up/boot time to boot into the recovery partition.
It is a time consuming job, all updates have to be installed again...
And also check on the Toshiba site whether or not W10 drivers are available. If that is not the case your laptop is not supported and you can expect these kind of issues.

Hope this helps
If the laptop has a number pad you can't use the "0" key in it. You have to use the one in the regular keypad.

The first thing I did was reset the computer. Isn't that the same as restoring to factory settings, except W8 was originally installed when purchased new. I upgraded it to 8.1 and then 10 to Anniv update and finally Creators update
If you reinstalled everything starting with W8 from the recovery partition than updated to W8.1 and to W10 it is the same. If you test it between the updates you know for sure whether it is a problem introduced in the latest update or that your hardware is going backwards.

Reinstalling from All Settings > Update and Restore > System Restore may also do the trick.
As I understand it well you may inherit drivers / settings from W8 / W8.1 installations in the first case and in the 2nd case all is new.

Another point might be whether there is W10 support for your laptop by Toshiba - are there W10 drivers on their webpage? To solve your problem you might need them, who knows.
If you need a reliable laptop for what you are doing you may decide to stay in W8.1. Nothing wrong with that.

It are just some thoughts and general remarks, I can't solve your problem either. Sorry
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Hi Ed,
sorry to hear about your problems with the Toshiba laptop. I agree with both Neem & Henk that it's looking a lot like a failing hard drive issue. Toshiba uses the worst quality drives on the market in their laptops (Toshibas which are really Fujitsu's and Panasonics). Therefore they are only designed to last 2 years before failure. If your laptop had W8 on it when you bought it, it's now 6 years old and if you are the original owner of that laptop and you've never replaced the hard drive in it before it is HIGHLY likely that your hard drive is failing or has failed completely *and thus the recurring error messages on boot up*.

Also, RAM stick failures can produce these same kind of messages, and you have to test your RAM memory sticks (all of them) to narrow things down. I recommend that you take a look my free TROUBLESHOOTING GUIDE here for step-by-step testing on your HDD & RAM memory: Windows 10 - Unclickable Task Bar

A couple of other things you should know, Toshiba, just like Dell, HP, Acer, and all other laptop manufacturer's built-in hardware diagnostics are not reliable and are very rarely used by trained repair Techs. DO NOT RELY ON THOSE FOR THE HEALTH OF YOUR HARDWARE!! Finally, Toshiba used to be #1 in the World just about 18 years ago, and had close to 75%of the worldwide marketshare. In 1999 or so, Toshiba made the decision to stop assembling their laptops (the Satellite line at first) in the U.S. (In Irvine, CA, a suburb of Orange County CA about 60 miles southwest of Los Angeles). Once that was done, Toshiba moved those factories back to Japan and laid off hundreds of US workers here. There product quality has steadily dropped year after year since then, and has never recovered. The majority of laptops from US makers, Dell, Lenovo, HP have all moved to China for their manufacturing beginning in 2005. The rest are mostly in Japan, and a handful are made in Europe (such as MSI and Clevo). I certainly get a lot of broken Toshibas, they don't last nearly as long as they used to, but even more HPs as they keep a roof over my head.

My recommendation is to look at Dell or Samsung; the rest of the players in the laptop market are certainly not recommended. At least with Dell and Samsung you'll get the best bang for your buck.

SUCCESS! Got it working I made a simple registry change at "boot exe" I changed the original key (autochk autochk*) to (autochk autochk /kC*). I thought I had done that before, but evidently it wasn't done correctly. Anyhow, glad to get rid of that message and the boot time is quicker. I'm also happy that my HDD is OK. Thanks to all who helped on this thread
Hi Ed,
Hey that's terrific! Glad you got it figured out. And thanks very much for sharing your final solution with the rest of the forum!

See you soon; and have a Great week!