Here you are hitting on the reason we're in the mess we experiencing now. Today I heard about some of Maddoff's
Inverstors . Some of them expected 900% a year returns!!! 900%!! How much is MS making per year inpure profit????
Here we are STEALING TRILLONS of dollars from people to sure up a system of EXCESSIVE profits so people making FAR too much money can continue to live their jetsetting live style. A few years ago, an MSNBC financial guru wrote a book that people could live very confortable and fullfilling lives on about $50,000 a yr. I think that in view of the mess were in, maybe society should move toward that as a lifestyle. People who contribuate more to society should make more, but the days of badly run companies is over. And let's face it. GM, Bank of America, Fannie Me, etc were and are badly run companies. They ran their companies on credit while their executives got millions in paychecks. Our children and grandchilren and great grandchildren and beyond will be paying for these leaders of industry's exccesses for all of them lives. They will never know a day of rest, work all their lives, know hunger, cold and destitution. All because they turned Capatilism into a four letter word. They have a last succeded in thier long term goal: to reduce us to the rank of slaves.
And if your running your business on debt, if can't be that good, can it?
3 because that is the number of seats that come with Office 2007 Home and Student edition. (Presuming that they would offer some kind of a discount for multiple seats, 3 would be a likely number.); and because that is the number that someone in a previous post suggested. Is everyone not aware that Office 2007 is automatically licensed for 3 users with no restriction as to type of computer? (laptop, desktop, whatever) They are restricted to one "household" but I don't know how they are able to inforce that. I have heard no rumors of offering any kind of multiple packaging, but it is not absurd to think of such. If I could get three seats in one package for 2 or even 2 1/2 times the price of one, I might find it tempting as I have 8 computers on my home network. There is NO WAY I would buy 8 copies of Windows 7 at retail price. Maybe one (to replace my one Vista) without any quantity discount. Many households have 2 to 5 computers counting the children off to college and another one or two finishing high school, etc.
How about Microsoft raises the price because people like you will pay it? Or the fact that Microsoft seemingly can't make a verison of Windows that can't be pirated?? Or the fact... you know what, on sceond thought, it's not worth it. Buy it if you want, or pirate it. Makes no difference to me.
I'm staying out of that conversation
I myself do not condone piracy of any MS software unless I desperately need it for a computer I'm working on a lot of the OEM discs I have today came from either Torrent websites or by cloning another disc from a customer yeah being able to place 7 on up to 3 computers from one disc would be nice and you never know it might happen if you buy something they might call "The Family Pack" which might be a discounted 3 license version instead of paying up wards of $1000 for 3 you get it for around I dunno $650-$750 maybe they'll throw in Office 2010 option home and student for free I dunno that would be nice though. But anyway My whole opinion on this is If you pirate software just because you don't want to spend the money for another copy go get yourself a Tech Net Subscription for $349 a year and download as many as you want before your subscription expires.
I myself do not condone piracy of any MS software unless I desperately need it for a computer I'm working on a lot of the OEM discs I have today came from either Torrent websites or by cloning another disc from a customer yeah being able to place 7 on up to 3 computers from one disc would be nice and you never know it might happen if you buy something they might call "The Family Pack" which might be a discounted 3 license version instead of paying up wards of $1000 for 3 you get it for around I dunno $650-$750 maybe they'll throw in Office 2010 option home and student for free I dunno that would be nice though. But anyway My whole opinion on this is If you pirate software just because you don't want to spend the money for another copy go get yourself a Tech Net Subscription for $349 a year and download as many as you want before your subscription expires.
That is the problem!! We've allowed society to be built on debt!!! That massive amount of debt is one of the major reasons things are so expsensve. By allowing people who PRINT the money to control wealth (the FED is a owned by a number of banks) to control the wealth and make profit over the bowerring of it) we have allowed the average citizen to become nothing more than a slave. Being a innocent bystander when the house is burning down (newsflash: IT IS) is the major problem here. The ave. citizen is concerned with making it thru the week, so they can watch American Idol and Dancing with the stars. They have been lulled to sleep. They are too distracted to accept the truth. A return to the gold standard would serve us well.
I think your first paragraph there was a little over the top. Yes, some execs get paid too much, and I'm sure there are plenty of people at M$ that don't get paid enough for what they're doing. I can't do anything about that.
As far as debt, pretty much every company has debt. It's not always a bad thing. But if you're putting off profits long enough, even if you have a good amount of cash on hand you can't expect to go on too long without profits coming in. I'm not even going to pretend to know M$'s financial situation, so there's not much more I can say about that.
Most students already get ridiculous discounts on OSs. I myself didn't go to college but most of the people I know that did could go to their school bookstore and buy Win XP Pro for under $30.
As far as a family discount it just seems like something that's going to be hard to do. You have some families that have one kid and 3 computers, then you'll have families with 3 kids and 8 computers. I just don't see any good way to do something like that besides buying licencing in semi-bulk. That would be done more at the retail level though.
And most people are giong to get the OS with their computer anyway. If you want to upgrade an old computer, buy the upgrade, it's alot cheaper than a full retail version.
People like me have to pay for it because people like you steal it. It's common sense that if you have something that should be sold for $100, but 30% of possible clients steal it, you're going to have to raise the price to compensate. As far as M$ making a version that can't be pirated, that's just a bad argument. They should have to if people weren't immoral and stealing in the first place. Since people aren't they have to work hard to put that in place, but it's impossible to make a perfect system. Something can always be cracked, there is no perfect security.
And it honestly makes no difference to me either because I get all my M$ licensing through work. I haven't had to pay for a copy of Windows in over 5 years. I do feel bad for the people that have to pay more because of all the thieves out there though.
If you're on my side you should back me up. If not, stick to your original idea.
Most of those kind of discounts would be done at a retail level. I don't know if M$ would actually setup a family pack or anything like that at their licensing level. Who knows though, the way the economy has been we could see a shift. Technet would be a great idea for alot of people if they use alot of M$ products, but that $350 is yearly if you want access to new stuff that's not on your existing subscription.
I don't think M$ does everything perfectly, but we don't either. The OS wouldn't be as expensive if so many people weren't pirating it, that's a fact. In addition to making up for losses associated with pirating they also have to pay people to research new ways to make it harder for Windows to be pirated, which again adds costs. Yes M$ still manages to make a profit, but if they weren't we wouldn't be seeing a new OS very often.
I think I've gotten my opinion out sufficiently so I'll stop with the massively long posts now.
I have just on word for this thread......activator!
i guess i better explain....Buy a copy of windows 7 ,or not, and then find a activator for the other computers in ur home.... i know it is not legal. But who is gonna pay 1000 for 3 ( or however many cpus you may have) copies of Windows 7...I'm not. So i might buy a copy, then put it on my wifes computer with an activator.
people like me steal it huh. well arguing over the internet is like running in the special olympics. You may win but your still a retard. So on that note, I never said I was stealing anything. Way to make an ass out of yourself. and why can't Microsoft a 100 billion dollar(i made that figure up) company make a software that can't be pirated???? Because people will always find a way to stick it to the man. Thats why. But honestly this thread has gotten very old and I am finished. maybe think twice before you call somebody a thief.
You more or less admitted it there (in bold). I honestly don't care what you call me, you're not going to hurt my feelings. I do know people that work for the Special Olympics so I don't really appreciate your comment though.
As far as a multi billion dollar company not being able to make software that can't be pirated, that just shows how little you know about how software is written. It's literally impossible to make any software perfect. There will always be exploits, and the licensing part of it is no different. It doesn't matter how big the company is, it's just impossible to reach perfection. And you can call it "sticking it to the man" all you want, but it still stealing.
I do think twice before calling someone a thief, and you have given me sufficient reason to believe that you are at this point.
I won't argue with you specifically anymore. If others want to chime in on the subject I am more than happy to continue a friendly debate on this subject.
I'm sorry I had to laugh on that one,you don't CONDONE it unless you Really need it,well maybe the person who got it from a torrent Really needed it.So lets get this straight condone it unless you need it(Think about that).
Just one question are you sending let's say Dell any of the money that you collect from the system you fixed?there is a very big difference between downloading a copy of software for business use and personal use every bit of software that I have downloaded have been OEM Cd's or DVDs for OEM manufactures not for my own personal pleasure the reason I say that is because downloading say a DELL OEM COPY of XP that Dell OEM copy will only work on a DELL computer not my own personal RIG. People who download a retail version of XP, Vista or any other software with an Activator or use a mass license they stole from the back of the computer at work just so they won't have to pay for it that to me is wrong having to download a copy from a torrent website because one you called the company and they don't have them anymore or you have to pay $25 plus S/H and tell your customer they'll be without their computer for 2 weeks until the disc gets there and not get paid for 2 and a half weks because of it it's faster to download them to keep away all the headaches. So there thats the big difference SO NO I DO NOT CONDONE PIRACY OF ANY SOFTWARE UNLESS NEEDED TO FIX AN OEM COMPUTER should have put that in there so nobody would get confused.
Just one question are you sending let's say Dell any of the money that you collect from the system you fixed?
Downloading a copy of Windows is not illegal (AFAIK), it's bypassing the activation that's illegal. I download iso's of Windows products all the time, sometimes from M$, sometimes from bittorrent. It's not having a valid license (whether you paid for it, got it from work, whatever) that is the problem. I get all my licenses through MSDN now, so I don't need to buy my own copy. But that's because I work for a Microsoft Gold Partner and we sell a ton of M$ stuff.