Windows 7 Win7 won't boot after installing non-compatible partition magic (I know....)


New Member
Mar 15, 2010
I wanted to resize the partitions on an external hard drive, so I installed Partition magic 8 on my brand new Windows 7 machine. I have used PM on XP and just wasn't thinking when I installed it that it wasn't compatible. Now my computer won't boot. I can't roll back to a previous time because I get an error there too.

I am trying to figure out what PM altered to cause this. I am dreading reinstalling the OS so I want to exhaust all other possibilities. Anyone familiar with PM know what caused this?

I would start off with a startup repair.

Did you actually run the software?

yeah, nothing worked. I really f-d it up. I ended up reformatting/reinstalling windows 7. Luckily a back up had just run over night so I didn't really lose much.

Thanks for all of the advice.
