Windows 10 Windows 10 wouldn't open

Help guys. I got another phone call. She went to shut down the computer and didn't have a cursor so she held the button down. She tried to start it again and couldn't get in. She tells me that when she tries to put her pin in nothing shows on the monitor. So it seems that it decides to not recognize the mouse or the key board. Both are wireless.What can be the problem?

The fact that she lost the mouse before she shut down is troubling.
I would have expected rebooting to bring it back under normal circumstances.

If you have a plain old USB keyboard and mouse I'd plug them in and see if that lets you log in.

Once in it should be possible to diagnose the problem

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It seems to me that the USB controller is messing up. I am going to get over there and find out.
Here is the situation. As it turns out . There was a USB hub connected via a USB cable. The little receivers for the mouse and keyboard were in the hub. The cable was bad. I found that out when I tried connecting an external DVD drive to the cable. All seems fine now.
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