No problem. You failed to answer 2 of my questions; and that information would certainly be helpful:
1) What programs did you use to determine that your HDD and RAM are working OK??
2) And what is the Make/Model of your Hard Drive?? Both original HDD and new HDD you replaced with for testing??
It certainly sounds like the Motherboard is at fault, but I can't say until you give us the requested information to confirm your testing Modality. People love to jump to conclusions without proper basis. Hey, it's your computer.
Also, I would recommend you replace the Motherboard first, as only about 10% or less of CPU chips goes bad, unless you have visual evidence such as scarring, burning or Mold buildup on the CPU chip surfaces themselfves. That means that if you can buy an exact Motherboard replacement with CPU chip (same Chip as you have now, the T4300) already included, you can eliminate the possibility of the CPU chip being bad all in one shot for a little more money. The T4300 is similar to a T4200 I replaced for a client on a laptop last month (Dell Inpsiron 1545). However, the only Motherboard I could find did not come with a new T4200, so I was forced to order it and move over the existing T4200 chip to the new Motherboard. Things seemed to work with Windows7 just fine, but several of my diagnostics programs still failed under the HDD section (5/7 tests fail). So, I ordered a replacement T4200 from ebay, and waited for it to get here. I swapped out the CPU with the new T4200 and voila! The tests still failed!
Turns out it was a testing anomaly for that particular model laptop. New version of my testing diagnostic suite works fine on the old T4200 as well as the new one. That means the old Motherboard was good as well. This is one of the reasons we are asking you for more information on your testing programs.
You can experience false-positives! Very rare, but it does happen.
I recommend that if you do replace the CPU chip,
DO NOT REPLACE IT WITH A DIFFERENT CHIP than came on your original Motherboard, even if Manuals and online references tell you that you may do so. If you replace with the exact same CPU chip (the T4300), you won't have to worry about compatibility issues with the CPU chip. If Windows still doesn't install, with the
NEW Motherboard and the
NEW T4300 CPU chip, that means you have a failure in your installation media.
That could include the Toshiba Recovery Disc as well; those can go bad due to age or mishandling; such as deep scratches. You said you installed with other Windows media; are those Microsoft
LEGIT retail discs of Windows or copies? It's important to know that. Has your Windows installation media been used
RECENTLY on another computer to successfully install Windows? If not, you should test that out. If your Microsoft Windows media does install ok on another CPU, you could still have a RAM problem.
**Back to Question #1 again**. You'll need to tell us what you tested with an how. We can then recommend reliable tests to find the failed RAM chip. Replacing the CPU chip without an identical CPU chip is not going to help you until you can find the faulty component. Once you do this, and correct the problem so that Windows completely installs and works on the Internet, you can then go back and try your Celeron CPU chip. If it fails to work or boot Windows or even turn on, then you know it's incompatible. By the way, the T4300 is not a Celeron chip; it's CoreDuo Centrino, not the same as a Celeron. The CoreDuo Centrino CPU chip is a dual-on-die-version of the Mobile Celeron chip and
NOT identical. fyi.
Post back your answers so we can advise you further or post back your final resolution.