Windows 7 Windows 7 desktop screenshot


New Member
Jan 6, 2009
I posted this on another thread but found this thread to be more specific to screenshots of the desktop so here it is again.

Only the wallpaper was changed and I resized the icons and moved them.

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Heres my desktop. The icon "groups" is Stardock Fences and the topbar and sidebar is Rainmeter using the engima theme.

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He could be using a certain app such as stardock although I can't be certain..
It looks more like he is using a winstep start bar. I cannot be sure. I use winstep an I know you can hide the system tray and task list or detach them using Winstep
All I can say is wow! You've certainly got a skill.. I remember stardock and the like could be a little buggy (I haven't used it since XP) is this still the case?
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