Windows 7 Windows 7 desktop screenshot


New Member
Jan 6, 2009
I posted this on another thread but found this thread to be more specific to screenshots of the desktop so here it is again.

Only the wallpaper was changed and I resized the icons and moved them.

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:D here's my new one



Nothing too special but it works for me perfectly
How is everyone getting these color gadgets. My gadgets are in gray or black/white. I am using the ObjectDock and thats all in color. Also, where did you find the XboxLive Gamertag gadget?

Here's Mine..
Nothing Fancy, Just Clean and Simple :D

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Looks amazing. I have been trying to figure it out but have gotten stumped :mad:... I have gotten some icons to change but can't get other like Windows Explorer to change. What is the best way to change icons for programs? Thanks for the help...

Oh awesome stardock works with win7 now!? I have all of their software for vista/xp but for some reason it would not run on my windows 7 beta.. even with the latest updates before win7 was released on the market. Cant wait to get it.

How is everyone getting these color gadgets. My gadgets are in gray or black/white. I am using the ObjectDock and thats all in color. Also, where did you find the XboxLive Gamertag gadget?

I can't help you on your problem with your colorless gadgets but I just the Xbox LIVE Gamertag gadget from the featured section of the gadgets web page. It's called Avater360.

Finally got it perfect for me which took abit of time messing around with different rainmeter skins
