Windows 7 Windows 7 Free AntiVirus Software


New Member
May 27, 2009
Installed Comodo but am getting a constant nag saying that Comodo reporting is in a format no longer supported.

Tryed Avira Antivir - Just keeps freezing!

What virus software are you Windows 7 users installing?????
Curiously PCWorld published this top 10 of 2010's Anti virus & malware suites, and Norton despite a poor record over the last few years managed top contrary to nearly every review, and Microsofts offering is not in the top 10 at all. Seems they omitted testing of quite a few decent programs to compile the results to... not very professional.
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Here is an Alternaive list of just the Antivirus software as comparison, no idea if they are any more reliable but more apps are in the test and looks legit based on the programs I've tested myself this year...though Norton still listed in the top end...hmmm

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