
New Member
May 7, 2009
Hey guys i recently got the Windows 7 RC, i burnt it, booted up, it passed the ' Starting Windows ' phase but then freezes on the first screen which uses a colourful, blue wallpaper, I can move the mouse but nothing else, the cd drive & hard drive stop loading. I am currently using XP SP3 and any help would really be appreciated, Thanks.


MB: ASRock 4CoreDual-SATA2
CPU: Q6600 G0
RAM: 2GB Ballistix
GPU: ATi Radeon X1950 AGP 512MB
PSU: Corsair 620w
OS: XP SP3 upgrading to Windows 7 RC 64-bit
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A couple things. Try re-burning at a lower speed, and also try waiting for a while. This happened to me but I ended up just leaving it for a while and it came up with the install menu.