Windows 7 Windows 7 RC updates


New Member
May 6, 2009
Am I correct in thinking that MS is not going to release andy bug fixes for the RC? or Builds? Other than their just testing the update procces? Other than a Windows Defender update:confused:, and 5 or 6 Driver updates, I've not seen anything other than the first time I updated.

Has it not occured to you the reason there are 'little' in the way of updates, and 'fixes' for the Release Candidate Build 7100 is that they've already 'done' the majority of the work in that area; manufacturers of hardware & software have this time beenworking to provide updated or new drivers for use with Win7.

The premise with Win7 was also to be 'compatible' with Hardware/Software currently in use on the Vista platform. Therefore, unless the manufacuturers themselves have been 'slow' to keep their drivers updated for Vista ( and some have), there won't be that many 'updates' necessary for Win7.

That's not to say there won't be updates in the future, there will be ; but they will be issued as an when MS or...
Am I correct in thinking that MS is not going to release andy bug fixes for the RC? or Builds? Other than their just testing the update procces? Other than a Windows Defender update:confused:, and 5 or 6 Driver updates, I've not seen anything other than the first time I updated.

There are new builds but they aren't realeased to the general public.

GEEZ, I hope they come out with a new book called Arrogant People who think their Super Pro:rolleyes:

Is this not a place to share feedback and ask for support? Not a place to sound like an arrogant prick with a "Dont like Windows 7, Fuck off" attitude, I'm shocked tbh.

and gjbnh, I have to agree, Its not as bad as Vista was but I dont beleive it is ready for release, Maybe an RC based on what I've seen I cant even get it to install, Microsoft is kind of running but they should be jogging. Until Windows XP is the perfect balanace, All the programs I've ever wanted run, It runs fast but I'm looking for more, I'm bored of the same old workings and look. I want something new like Windows 98 - Windows XP and I think Windows 7 could be that but it seems anything Microsoft and EA releases has its fair share of bugs and what now. I know EA is un related but they just ticked me off latley ^^ Lets hope they polish it off enough so it doesnt become another "fuck this, Back to XP" story.
My feelings exactly. This is good, a vast improvement, but dude, it's got major problems.

I've run windows since the 3.1 days. I thripe-boo:, Win 7, Vista, and Ubuntu 9.04. It takes me sometimes weeks to get the answer to an OS problem. With Ubuntu, the ave search time for info is less than 3 days. Forget linux?? NOT HARDLY. Windows has a more polished GUI, but I find linux easier to troubleshhot in so many ways. I find I have to use Linux LIVE-CD's to fix windows systems frequently; never been able to fix a Linux Os from a Windows disk. EACH of them has it's strenghts. I like BOTH.

MisterTickle and gjbnh,

It was not an attack on any single person. It was simply a joke.

Sorry you took it that way.

I apoligize for thinking it might have been. I tend to be passionate about my views many times, and I can provoke people.Sorry.

MisterTickle and gjbnh and for anyone involved in this thread.

This was not an attack on any individual here. The Book thing was a joke. Sorry you interpreted it that way.

That's why I like my good friend whoosh. He brings laughter which helps us relieve some of the stress and basically boosts moral for us.;)

The frequent posters here work as many as 10 hours a day of their own personal time.

I'd like to be out doing other things, but I don't like to leave until a poster has gotten a solution, or in sometimes, it's a driver or hardware issue that will be resolved before Windows hits the streets.

Listen I really appreciate the fact that many of you guys are unsung hereos when it comes to this kind of stuff. It is a often thankless and fustrating job; I know. It is always better to have the system you trying to triage right in front of you. So again I want to apologize to any ones skin Imgot under or ticked off in anyway. Just trying to get a handle on this. When it comes out, I, like many of you will end up having to rescue somebody who didn't read the directions, or take the time to properly educate themselves. So thank you for all your hardwork; Have a beer on me :)

I've actually been extremely impressed with Windows 7. On most systems that I've installed it on, I have had to install ZERO drivers. (Not even print drivers..) I have had a few older systems that had to run with generic video drivers, but I understand that - they are old. Most didn't even have Vista drivers.

I'm running it as my primary work desktop right now. I build all of the desktop images for our company (approx 3000 PCs) and have found no applications that won't run on it.

I've actually been extremely impressed with Windows 7. On most systems that I've installed it on, I have had to install ZERO drivers. (Not even print drivers..) I have had a few older systems that had to run with generic video drivers, but I understand that - they are old. Most didn't even have Vista drivers.

I'm running it as my primary work desktop right now. I build all of the desktop images for our company (approx 3000 PCs) and have found no applications that won't run on it.

Well who can argue with 3000 PCs not me for sure :D Glad you are having great results with Windows 7 and still not the finished product ;)
Bodes well for the version for sure :)
Have a great stay on this forum and welcome .

I must be over a bad magnetic spot. I have 3 laptops, 3 different makers, all less than 3 years old, which ALL have some issues with WIN 7. Hard to beleive that some of you guys have over a 1000 systems you manage/oversee that have no issues. I for one am not buying it. 20plus years of repairing systems tells me different.

Yes WIN 7 is good, but there are TONS of things that need to be fixed. I have to wait several hours for WIN 7 to unfreeze/unhang to install almost ALL 3rd party apps. Half the time thsese hangs don't even show up in the event log. Other problems, mine and others, are NOT minor annoyances, but things that must be fixed.

I must be over a bad magnetic spot. I have 3 laptops, 3 different makers, all less than 3 years old, which ALL have some issues with WIN 7. Hard to beleive that some of you guys have over a 1000 systems you manage/oversee that have no issues. I for one am not buying it. 20plus years of repairing systems tells me different.

Yes WIN 7 is good, but there are TONS of things that need to be fixed. I have to wait several hours for WIN 7 to unfreeze/unhang to install almost ALL 3rd party apps. Half the time thsese hangs don't even show up in the event log. Other problems, mine and others, are NOT minor annoyances, but things that must be fixed.

I am sorry to hear of your problems . I have no answer for them it is something I have never experianced . There are far more experianced people on this forum who may be able to help you .
You would need to post a help issue etc on the appropriate thread . Giving details of computer hardware etc .
Most problems can be resolved . Driver issues are one of the key problems .
Dont be so hard on windows 7 it does work and works well :D

I've been using Windows7 since the beta came out. Of course, there are some issues. That's why they call it a beta. For my machines and my applications the issues are minor nuisance. All but one of my old programs loaded and ran fine. No lost data, no BSODs, no major problems. I get new drivers occasionally but I figure they are written by the hardware manufacturers and passed on to Microsoft. I assume Microsoft is working on finishing the product.

If the issues are a problem for you the solution is simple. Don't use betas.

Pat, i know this is a beta. I'm screaming about the problems so they get FIXED! Or a LEAST looked at. If MS is to avoid the Vista debarcle, it needs to hear about this now. It's great that LOTS of people have little or no problems with WIN 7. The purpose of a Beta version is to see where software is broken. It's great to toute the successes with it, but LOTS of people are having problems.

Whoosh ( I LOVE that name lol), I've been posting like a demon when I run into a problem. Some try to help, others just brag they don't have the problem, and some have complained I'm overly negative. Screw'em. I just want a RTM that works, and MS won't get there without feedback. I don't want perfection, just something that is REALLY usable on a day to day basis. I'm disabled, I spend up to 12-14 hours a day on my system, and I just want it to work.


I have goten 3 updates. One of them was a backup corection. Backup now works. I would say Windows 7 IS THE BEST OS OUT THERE !!! :redface:

Thomas :cool:

Pat, i know this is a beta. I'm screaming about the problems so they get FIXED! Or a LEAST looked at. If MS is to avoid the Vista debarcle, it needs to hear about this now. It's great that LOTS of people have little or no problems with WIN 7. The purpose of a Beta version is to see where software is broken. It's great to toute the successes with it, but LOTS of people are having problems.

Whoosh ( I LOVE that name lol), I've been posting like a demon when I run into a problem. Some try to help, others just brag they don't have the problem, and some have complained I'm overly negative. Screw'em. I just want a RTM that works, and MS won't get there without feedback. I don't want perfection, just something that is REALLY usable on a day to day basis. I'm disabled, I spend up to 12-14 hours a day on my system, and I just want it to work.

Perhaps if you gave details of the 3rd party applications that are causing problems, you might find some help. I take it you've used the feedback function on the Betas' to let MS know the problems you are experiencing. Let us know...there are people out there who might be able to solve or at least pass on useful advice. :)

EVERY program takes forever to install. They hang for several minutes, and sometimes NEVER completes. This happenswith WIN 7 compatible programs and others.Windows updatre works only about 50% of the time. After starting a windows update it hangs sometimes for several minutes andjust dies. I have no assurance that the update has REALLY installed even when it shows up as having been installed. The only way to end the program is to reboot. IE8 is horrible for speed when opening a new tab. Shutdown does not work. I have to power off via the power button. Silverlight 2 will not install. These problems have happenedon 2 different fresh installs.

I'm sorry, but you have still NOT told us the actual programs that are causing you problems; neither have you said if you have actually 'reported' these issues to MS. In fact, the problems you have listed tell me (based entirely on the limited information you've provided) that your Configurations are 'screwed'. I note you've mentioned you've experienced Ubuntu, XP, & vista. Are we really talking about one configuration or more than one machine....please be specific.

The question which sits in my mind, is what system are you using that isn't causing you problems? What OS are you using now?

To help us help you...please let us know precisely what the configuration of your PC you're using to load Win7.

Sorry for the lag, real life had some errands that needed done.

I'm sorry if the phrase EVERY PROGRAM I try to install isn't clear enough. Tweaking progams recommended for WIN 7, Advanced System Care, PIGIN, Adobe Reader, Adobe Flash, MS Silverlight, Driver Magician, Avast, MS MMDC:, IS that Clear enought??? Let me repeat myself, EVERYTHING!!!! This is occuring on one machine. SFC turns up corrupt files, and then other times does not. The Problems stay persistant regardless of the install. I have installed Win 7 RC 3 times on this unit; once over Vista (best install so far), twice as clean installs. The disk used for the install is perfect.

Sorry if I sound a bit short tempered, I realize that a lot of people are fuctionally computer dumb. I am not. 20 plus years of computer repair, and I am not afraid of "googling" to find my answers. This comp;uter is LESS than a month old. It was check against the published listof Win 7 requirements.

The problem is the OS IS BROKEN. This is not a production machine,right now it is for Testing Win 7. It came with Vista SP1 installed, and runs great. I triple boot it, so I know that hardware is good.

Sorry for the lag, real life had some errands that needed done.

I'm sorry if the phrase EVERY PROGRAM I try to install isn't clear enough. Tweaking progams recommended for WIN 7, Advanced System Care, PIGIN, Adobe Reader, Adobe Flash, MS Silverlight, Driver Magician, Avast, MS MMDC:, IS that Clear enought??? Let me repeat myself, EVERYTHING!!!! This is occuring on one machine. SFC turns up corrupt files, and then other times does not. The Problems stay persistant regardless of the install. I have installed Win 7 RC 3 times on this unit; once over Vista (best install so far), twice as clean installs. The disk used for the install is perfect.

Sorry if I sound a bit short tempered, I realize that a lot of people are fuctionally computer dumb. I am not. 20 plus years of computer repair, and I am not afraid of "googling" to find my answers. This comp;uter is LESS than a month old. It was check against the published listof Win 7 requirements.

The problem is the OS IS BROKEN. This is not a production machine,right now it is for Testing Win 7. It came with Vista SP1 installed, and runs great. I triple boot it, so I know that hardware is good.
my personal impression of win 7 is that they have made some fundamental changes which require anything third party to be rewritten to run on it, 3rd party drivers have always been the biggest problem on any windows system I have ever worked on :rolleyes:

I don't think the new OS is broken ;)

I totally understand about the driver issue. But the install and update is not an driver issue. The fact the this system no longer print to my network where it could in a previos install. The flaky IE8 is not. The OS is great, it is sooo much faster than Vista in so many ways. But, it is broken.
