Windows 7 Windows 7 - Zillions of new Printer drivers on Windows update


New Member
Jan 20, 2009
Hi guys
If you haven't done a Windows update on your Windows 7 (this is where the guys who jumped the gun on using the torrents will come unstuck) you'll find that the update will probably offer you a driver for the printer you couldn't get working when you first installed windows 7. Ensure you have the printer plugged in or connected (via a LAN if necessary).
Sometimes as in the case of the epson 1290 printer the VISTA and XP driver doesn't work.
My nearly 5 year old epson 1290 printer now works fine - epson have long discontinued this printer but windows has these drivers now "straight out of the box".


Haven't tried it yet; but I wonder if my 10 (plus or minus) year old HP P1100 printer will work. It is currently performing as new on an XP machine.