Windows 8 Windows 8 Theme Customization...

Jeremy Boutin

New Member
Jun 24, 2012
Is there already a way, or will there be a way in the near future to style the visual style (Link Removed)? That, and the Start Menu are the only two things holding me back from upgrading...


You can pretty much make Windows 8 look just like Windows 7, or Windows XP if you want to, (I do).
Here's my desktop.

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I bypass the start screen at boot and go right to my desktop.
As you can see I use Rocket Dock to add all my software icons to the desktop.
I have used it since Widows XP so this looks pretty much like my desktop did back then.


When I installed the CP, I was running into walls when I tried to install any visual styles, and even yours has an aero-esque styling that I was trying to avoid.

Is there a website you can view all of the downloadable 8 visual styles?

Tongue in cheek. I am aware this has been totally thrashed in (too) many other threads, but I have to comment.
1. Why do you need rocket dock to make your desktop look like Windows 7. Mine does without any add ons, other than a third party start menu/globe, if that is your wish?

2. With that unreal mass of icons in your face, would you not, respectfully, find the Metro interface more, or just as convenient? Its only a graphical menu.
3. Maybe not relevant, and I respect you is you say "none of my business", but do you really use all of those programs on a regular, or daily, basis?

1. Why do you need rocket dock to make your desktop look like Windows 7. Mine does without any add ons, other than a third party start menu/globe, if that is your wish?
I use ObjectDock for my Docked icons, but that wasn't what I was referring to when I was asking about the visual style. I was referring to the visual style of the windows, and taskbar as seen in my screen cap, and seen here.


It's just what I'm used to.
At one time I had them all on my task bar but I have way to many for that now.

They are grouped by the type of program they are, i.e. graphic arts, games, tools, I have my Windows 8 start page set up the same way.

I could use my start page if I wanted to but this is the way I've done it since Windows XP.

In XP and 7 I had it run up the right side, I don't do that in 8 because of the menu that 8 opens in the same location and I really have too many to do it that way now as well.

If I could find a way to take a picture of my Start Page I'd show that too, but neither Snipping Tool, or Fraps seem to be able to take a clip of it.

How have other people taken pictures of their Start Page.
I suppose I could use my iPad!

That seems almost like sacrilege. LOL

I do use most of these programs often if not every day.

Starting from the left, are Tools for Windows, many of these I use every day, like CCleaner, Agent Ransack and Malwarebytes.

Next are Graphic Arts Programs, I do use all of these regularly Illustrator, Indesign, Photoshop, Premiere, and Font Manager.

After that comes my software for Animation and Video, Poser, Blacksmith, Mimic, several video converters, and fraps.

The next group is non Role Playing Games like FreeCell, I play every day, current record 55 wins in a row.

And last RPGs and MMOs.

I beta test games a lot, right now I've been doing The Secret World for months.
Those icons are on my desktop, left side since they are temporary.

But I still have WOW, Age of Conan, Lord of the Rings Online, The Witcher 2 and Tomb Raider Underworld plus Skyrim and several programs used to modify the Skyrim Content installed.

I have to admit I only log into most of these rarely and if I need to cut down on icons some of these could be left on the start menu.

I also have text to speech software, lip-syncing software, plus the usual Word etc.
Boy I'm getting tired just thinking about it.

Here's one of my videos, this one seems appropriate for this post.
This was a quicky that I did as a joke but I do things I spend weeks on.



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Hi Mike.

" If I could find a way to take a picture of my Start Page I'd show that too, but neither Snipping Tool, or Fraps seem to be able to take a clip of it."

Try your "Print Screen " , or Alt + "Print Screen" Key, and paste it into Paint. You can then save it somewhere and post it up.

Quite a "professional" video, Mike, congrats.

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I forgot to mention the icons for my 3D image and video software. LOL

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I have at least 12 pair of various 3D glasses.


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Print screen never seems to do anything.
Or Alt + Print Screen.

And Fraps doesn't seem to be able to monitor Windows 8.

I've used Fraps in Windows 7 to make screen shots and video of my desktop and other Windows applications but I can't seem to get it to work in Windows 8.

It still works fine in games that are running in Windows 8.



Print screen never seems to do anything.
Or Alt + Print Screen.

And Fraps doesn't seem to be able to monitor Windows 8.

I've used Fraps in Windows 7 to make screen shots and video of my desktop and other Windows applications but I can't seem to get it to work in Windows 8.

It still works fine in games that are running in Windows 8.


Hello Mike:
Since you are using Windows 8, use the Windows Logo Key + the Print Screen key you should see your screen(s) dim slightly.
and then look in your pictures folder, for a folder called Screenshots and see if you have a file called Screenshot (#).png

That's odd, mike. I have just tried both, on my desktop and in Metro. Full window with prntscreen and a portion of this page with Alt+prntscrn.
Anyone else?


That worked Randy, the Windows key plus the Print Screen key did the trick.

Here's my Start Screen...

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Thanks for the help!


You're welcome Mike, glad to have been able to help, although I'm still not sure why you couldn't use the other normal Ctrl, or Alt + PrintScreen Key to copy to clipboard and paste into Paint.
In the mean time we Geezers will stumble along figuring this new fangled Windows 8 out.
