
New Member
Sep 5, 2017
Hello, I just found my old pc and it has windows xp installed on it, last time I used it, it worked perfectly and now a few years later it don't work! Whenever it tries to load windows xp it always reboots and starts over, even in safe mode. Can someone please help, thanks in advance! :)

If nothing is on the drive worth saving then why not download the drivers you need and pop them on a USB stick or something. You could then pop into the bios, change the boot order so that you can boot from CD/DVD and then boot from the XP install disk. Install a fresh copy and see if that works.
Well my advice is that you have to check your cabeling. Open your old 'can' and disconnect your HDD few times, reboot, check if same repeat until success. Try to find board beeper speaker so you can hear board beeps if any. It could be CPU or RAM as well. So go thru post check.
My best guess is moist on disks cabeling that lead to rusted connectors.
