
  1. N

    Windows 7 Poor quality playback using DivX

    Hi, After a couple of years of being behind the times, I've just purchased a smart new Samsung laptop with a decent graphics card in order to allow me to play newer games. The laptop comes with Windows 7 Home Premium SP1 and it actually has two graphics cards, the Intel HD4000 (integrated into...
  2. L

    Windows 7 Driver crashing (KFA2 GTX 580 Anarchy Ed.)

    Hello people! I recently updated my drivers at the same time as I bought a new case for my computer, but after installing the components in the new case I have issues with the driver crashing all the time. It's seemingly at random, might be after 2 hours or right after booting. Sometimes...
  3. K

    Windows 7 Been dealing with this BSOD for over a year. help please!

    ok so i built this computer about a year and a half ago and i have been dealing with this same blue screen almost from the start. it used to only happen rarely when i played video games and i was also getting graphical artifacts so last christmas i upgraded my failing graphics card thinking this...
  4. R

    Windows 7 Artifacts on top of Starting Windows screen, freezing

    My Asus G73-JH laptop is currently freezing at the Windows Starting screen. I've read a lot of other forum posts that feature the same problem, BUT there is artifacting (bunch of colored dots) on the top of this screen that goes across the "Starting Windows" screen in a sort of horizontal...
  5. C

    Windows 7 MSI 560/Sandy Bridge

    Hey, i have just built a new rig and i'm having a couple of problems. As i said in the title i have a MSI 560 on a ASUS p67 mobo with a intel I5 2500. I've had the computer for about 2 months now and a few days ago, when i started the computer, a message saying "disk read error, push ctrl +...
  6. Z

    Windows 7 Win7 can't use a lossless PNG or BMP as the Background, It makes it a lossy jpg!!

    I don't know why this happens but setting a perfect lossless PNG as a windows background does not yield that same image windows uses as the background. Somewhere along the line windows seems to re-save it as a jpg with lots of artifacts and jaggies before using it as wallpaper. Is there some...
  7. Enormous Pharaoh Statue Unearthed In Egypt

    CAIRO -- Archaeologists unearthed one of the largest statues found to date of a powerful ancient Egyptian pharaoh at his mortuary temple in the southern city of Luxor, the country's antiquities authority announced Tuesday. The 13 meter (42 foot) tall statue of Amenhotep III was one of a pair...
  8. D

    VIDEO Strange ATI Graphics problem

    Hi guys! I have this weird graphics problem where sometimes programs look like ink(the pictures will help to show you what I mean) Ive only noticed it on iTunes, Visual Basic 2010 and a screen capture software Link Removed - Invalid URL Ive also made a Video on youtube to show you what...
  9. Illinois Tries to Reclaim John Lennon's Ax

    Illinois Attorney General Lisa Madigan gave the Peace Museum a chance -- and now she wants John Lennon's guitar back. The state's top prosecutor sued the small and financially troubled Chicago museum in Cook County Court on Feb. 8 to turn over an acoustic guitar that belonged to the former...
  10. K

    Windows 7 WEI causes shutdown ideas?

    Hi, When I run WEI, the computer shuts down at the end of the CPU assessment. I worked on this for most of the night last night and have not had any previous problems with this issue. What was I trying to do? Install a Kingston 128GB SSD with a fresh install of Windows 7 x86. System...
  11. Windows 7 STALKER £0.75p on GFWL marketplace one day special

    STALKER £0.75p on GFWL marketplace one day special S.T.A.L.K.E.R. - Games For Windows BUY NOW! Daily Deal bargain price ends 7 December 2010 at 16:30. In 1986, the world's worst nuclear disaster occurred at the Chernobyl power station. Soviet authorities established a 30km 'Exclusion Zone'...
  12. Urine: The Natural Way to Clean Your Clothes

    When in (Ancient) Rome You've seen that commercial where the woman gets so frustrated with set in stains that she hurls her washing machine out of the window. Getting clothes clean can drive a person crazy; however, perhaps the solution isn't in those expensive store bought detergent. Perhaps...
  13. Windows 7 Display Problems CS5

    Haalllp!! I have been using Photoshop CS3 until recently upgrading to CS5. Things were about as normal as things can be with a PC until I installed CS5. Since then I have been experiencing display problems while in Photoshop. My system configuration is below my signature. Artifacts began...
  14. W

    Windows 7 Video problem

    Since installing home premium 32 bit I am experiencing lines running left to right on my monitor. My video card is NVidia GEForce 8600 and a Samsung SyncMaster 204B monitor. Previously I used the RC WIndows 32 bit and the monitor was fine? Thanks for your help.
  15. S

    Windows 7 Quick format during install process

    Anyone else notice you have to go into Advanced Options to select a quick format of the C: drive before installing Windows 7? The first time I installed the RC version on my XP computer I had a artifacts left over from XP that caused problems. I was told by a friend to reinstall and go into...
  16. D

    Windows 7 Graphics artifacts when using aero

    I installed windows 7 yesterday and it ran fine using the standard theme, but as soon as I changed to aero i noticed small red lines and pixels appearing when the aero effect is used. It seems to be a mixture of occasional red pixels and sometimes big red lines. Aero runs smoothly it just looks...
  17. T

    Windows 7 Trouble installing Windows 7/Vista - Diagnosis Needed

    I am having trouble installing Windows 7 & Vista. XP Pro works fine. On Windows 7, it installs really slowly, and then eventually (on the last item, I believe it says configuring) it says that Windows 7 is unable to configure for your software. Windows Vista just hangs on setup. My...