asus rampage

  1. Fierce Guppy

    Windows 8 Win 8.0 Pro --> Win8.1 Preview failed with 0xC1900101 - 0x40019

    The upgrade went perfectly smooth up until the License Terms screen appeared. I had no way to click on "Agree" because the OS would not accept any input. My keyboard and mouse appeared dead. I tried all the other USB ports and the mini 6-pin mouse socket. After I rebooted and Windows 8 Pro...
  2. crazykilla

    Windows 7 Windows 8 Beta/Motherboard problem

    Hello this is CrazyKilla About 1 day ago i wanted to install windows 8 beta, after a couple restarts, everything working fine, windows 8 begins installing, i wait a while and it finally reaches 100%, and then the computer restarts, this time its different, it first starts at: PNY Geforce GTS 450...
  3. Z

    Windows 7 Clean install of Win7 Pro 64bit gone wrong

    I am having trouble with a clean install of Win7. I installed/formatted a new HD in prep for installing Win7. Installion went fine. Got to desktop. Everything looked great. Began loading updates, drivers, software. Was directed to reboot system to complete install, then got a message that...
  4. M

    Windows 7 Random Blue Screen- Memory_Management

    I am experiencing this annoying problem and I can't figure out why. My computer will randomly get the Blue screen of death and the blue screen says it's due to MEMORY_MANAGEMENT. I am using a custom built PC: Pentium i7 @ 3.33ghz, ASUS Rampage II extreme motherboard, ATI Raedon video card, 6gb...
  5. mrniceguy

    Windows 7 Win 7 and major Sound Issues

    Hey guys, Got too excited and went out and bought Windows 7 Ultimate x64 - fantastic. Problem is, I have no sound - my Asus Rampage Formula motherboard has no onboard sound as it comes with a seperate sound card (Asus Supreme FX2) which won't work and neither will the cheap Audigy standard one I...
  6. B

    Windows 7 Win 7 RC Event Viewer Help?

    I was having weird system issues (mostly system freezes) with Win 7 RC x64 after doing an in place upgrade (build 7068 was rock solid) so I bit the bullet and did a clean install. Now 1 day later I have 10,000+ events in event viewer and still have random freezes. Most entries are either a...
  7. R

    Windows 7 Win7 7068 x64 - a few problems

    I have recently installed Windows 7 Build 7068 x64 and encountered a few problems #1 - I have an ATI 4870x2 - I installed the actual Win7 drivers that ATI has and they seemed to install correctly but they did'nt ask me to "restart" like they should, and the CCC (Catalyst Control Center) would...