backup utility

  1. ShoobieStomper

    Windows 8 Backup & Restore Start Screen

    Hey, guys! Here is a simple way to backup and restore your Start screen. 1) Extract the .zip to your desktop. 2) Open START. 3) Right-click on BACKUP START and replace my username (ALEX) with yours. Repeat this step for RESTORE START. I wanted to add a variable so that you didn't have to do...
  2. G

    Troubleshooting Windows

    I have to say, back when the career path for technology led through end user support I learned a lot right out of school. Most of what I learned I still carry with me today. Even so, time and bad habits can cause a person to forget some best practices. When Windows 8 was forced upon my new...
  3. Saltgrass

    Windows 8 Windows 8 image backup fails-"Backup engine could not be contacted"

    Since Microsoft is removing the Backup utility from Windows 8.1, I have been exploring alternatives to that very useful utility. I know there are third party utilities that will work fine, but I would rather stay with a native version, if possible. It seems the utility WBADMIN is capable of...
  4. News

    Windows Server Backup utility does not back up some newly created files in Windows 7 or in Windows S

  5. K

    Windows 7 encrypting or password protecting contents of a batch file

    hello, i'm running win7 ultimate x64. i have network backup utility that requires that i mount some network drives as the SYSTEM user. i created a bacth file to run at logon that works great. my issue is that this batch file contains plain-text password(s) that i would rather not have...
  6. D

    Windows 7 Trying to run Virus Scan (CLAMWIN) and Backup Utility (SEAGATE MANAGER) in standard user.

    I have a problem.... I have two programs that I need to run when the PC is on late at night. I have my BIOS set to boot up the PC @ 1AM every day; then I "wanted" to run the backup and virus scan automatically then use shutdown.exe to shot down the PC @ 4AM. Here is the problem... First I am...
  7. News

    Windows 8 May Have Ribbon UI, History Vault, PDF-Viewer

    The next version of Windows could include a ribbon interface, History Vault backup utility and tablet optimisation. mehr... Link Removed
  8. News

    Windows 8 Possible Features: Ribbon, History Vault, PDF Reader

    Microsoft's next version of Windows could include a ribbon interface, a backup utility named History Vault, and tablet optimization, according to new reports. Link Removed
  9. News

    Rumored Windows 8 Feature: "History Vault"

    History Vault supposedly will be an advance backup utility similar to Apple OS X's Time Machine. Source: Yahoo! News
  10. Adam Lawrence

    Windows 7 Booting from restored system image fails

    My Win7 HP x64 PC has two hard drives, each partitioned into two volumes: My C:\ and E:\ drives are each half of a 200GB drive, both NTFS. My D:\ and F:\ drives are each half of a newer, 1TB drive, both NTFS. My F:\ drive has around 400GB of 'stuff' that I want to preserve. I've been trying...
  11. M

    Windows 7 Backup and Restore

    In the past, my backup strategy consisted of periodically copying user document folders to CDs or DVDs. I recently acquired a new HP laptop running Windows 7 and thought maybe I should try using the Backup/Restore utility that came with it. I ran backup but I have some serious reservations...
  12. Y

    Windows 7 multiple backups

    Hi, I'm using the Win7 Backup utility and no problem with incremental backups.Let's call this Backup #1. However, I wanted a separate backup task for all my photos to a separate backup drive about once/month (Backup #2) as opposed to once/week for Backup #1. I looked around for trying to do...
  13. Sphagnum

    Windows 7 Windows 7 Backup Utility backes up every file, every time

    I used to use Windows Vista backup, and it wasn't perfect but it got the job done for me. So now I've set up Windows 7 Backup to run once a week to an external hdd on a home server I have set up on my local network. So anyway, that all went well and it backed up the roughly 55 gigs I was...
  14. S

    Windows 7 Windows 7 Backup and Restore

    Windows 7RC1 I'm dual-booting XP and Win 7RC1. Each is on a separate hhd. In Win 7, drive "C" is the Win 7 drive and "D" is the XP drive. "G" is an usb external drive. I wanted to write my backups to "D", but "D" doesn't show up in the backup utility. It shows up in My Computer. Only "C"...