
  1. manolain

    Windows 7 Cant boot Server 2003 after having installed Windows 7

    Hello guys Hope you can help me with this, because I really need to get my Server 2003 running, as that is working platform (need it for my job). I had three operating systems in my computer: Ubunt, Win XP and Win Server 2003. Grub was the booting program, that offers you go to Windows...
  2. B

    Windows 7 My Apologies, another XP/W7 Dual boot issue

    As i said in the title i apologize for yet another dual boot Xp W7 post, iv searched and solved my problem partially but now another issue has arisen and im unsure on how to continue. Il start from the beginning. My PC just had XP 64 Prof on a sata HD but i bought a new sata HD to install W7 64...
  3. C

    Windows 7 Impossible to make new fresh install.

    Good morning, my PC has two internal hard drives. One with Ubuntu installed and the other one with Win7 x64. After problems on Win OS, I decided to re-install it but, after re-booting from installation disc, it freezed, so I decided to re-install from inside Windows. That compelled me to work...
  4. P

    Windows 7 Installing XP on a second physical drive with Windows 7 already on the physical primary boot drive

    Hi guys I've recently assembled a new PC and installed W7 on it, only to then find that some of my cherished software won't run on W7 whereas it did on my old pc running XP (which has now been dismantled and cannibalised). So I've decided to make my new machine a dual boot. Having looked at...
  5. E

    Windows 7 Boot then Crash

    I recently got a new harddrive, I backed up my C: drive to an external drive, then cloned the C: drive to the new drive, then I swapped the drives out and fixed the bootloader, however the bootloader also found the backup. I recently deleted the backup and had to restart. When I tried to load...
  6. N

    Windows 7 tripe boot xp, xp and win 7 problem

    All right Guys, this little weird and complicated. I have 2 versions of XP in my C drive and D drive respectively. (I use D drive xp mainly and C drive XP is for maintenance incase I get virus in D drive, I know its little weird)But anyways i installed WIN 7 on my E drive (all 3 os in same...
  7. A

    Windows 7 Install windows 7 on 2nd HD without damaging OS on 1st HD?

    Hello everyone, after trying for several hours to install windows 7, I hope that I can find help here. I am trying to install windows 7 to the second hard drive in my laptop in a manner which ignores the first hard drive completely. My laptop contains 2 hard drives. The first drive (with...
  8. A

    How-To Install Snow Leopard on an AMD PC

    Complete Tutorial @ Link Removed
  9. T

    Windows 7 Ghosting with two partitions?

    on my laptop, running the grub bootloader, debian as the main os, and windows 7 as the secondary, how can i ghost it to a larger drive (from 250 split into two partitions, into 500 split into 2 partitions, 250 gigs for each)? im wondering this, because when i ghost the drive using norton ghost...
  10. W

    Windows 7 Can't create Win 7 Gateway Recovery disks

    Hi there I recently bought a new Gateway desktop. I added another hard drive to it and installed Ubuntu on it. Ubuntu installed the Grub bootloader to the wrong drive, the Windows 7 drive. All this happened before I made the Gateway Recovery Backup disks. I managed to fix the Windows 7 drive...
  11. Forza

    Windows 7 Windows 7 And XP Bootloader problems

    Hi all, I can't boot Windows XP anymore. I have two OSs on my system. They are both on the same disk in different partitions. I have XP and Windows 7. I first installed Windows Vista, then Windows 7. Since I don't like Vista, I will return to Windows XP. So I reïnstalled Windows XP on the...
  12. M

    Windows 7 Bootloader XP-seven

    Hello, hi everyone I hope to be collaborative with the entire group and good friendship between us I have in my PC a windows seven.I made a partition to install Windows XP on. I installed but the problem that my system starts automatically on XP without giving me the choice between the 2...
  13. K

    Windows 7 Won't boot into XP or W7 anymore after adding/removing extra hard drive

    My computer won't boot into XP or 7 anymore after adding/remvoing extra hard drive I have 1 hard drive 3 partitions: 1 XP (C) 2 7 (E) 3 Documents (X) I plugged in an extra ide hard drive to see what was in it, after unplugging it, all of my drive letters became messed up so the windows...
  14. navienavnav

    Windows 7 Unable to install and/or run my previous installation of WIndows 7 Please help

    Okay i have been using Windows 7 for approximately 10 months and it never gave me any trouble...i have using it all along as the beta versions rolled in to the final 7600 build. None gave me problems. But just a few days ago i rebooted my computer and then my windows 7 got stuck at a black...
  15. A

    Windows 7 Windows 7 Professional x64, GPT-formatted disk and Intel DG45ID

    Greetings, Yesterday a sudden disk crash got me new 512GB drive and I decided to use the mishap to play with GPT partition tables. In addition to the different Windows versions, I use different flavors of BSD a lot and on my systems I often feel a little bit limited by the number of bootable...
  16. S

    Windows 7 Windows 7 blank screen after bootloader

    have a Dell Inspirion 1525 with Windows 7 RC dual booting with MacOS 10.5.8 on two separate partitions on one 160GB drive. Windows 7 has been running great since installing on release day, this morning after i turned my laptop on, i got to the Windows bootloader, selected Windows 7, it then...
  17. T

    Windows 7 Move bootloader to another disk

    Hi, I recently installed Windows 7 home premium 64-bits. I upgraded it from a Windows vista business 32-bits. That was not trivial, but it worked fine. Problems came when a driver "classpnp.sys" made the system halt. Repair programs did not work until I copied another file over the driver and a...
  18. H

    Windows 7 Fixing Bootloader

    Hi everyone! i am using Windows 7 professional. i wanted to install Linux, using unetbootin. in fact unetbootin creates a boot option and we have to choose that option to install Linux. After installation, when we boot Windows unetbootin promts to uninstall and it also removes boot option for...
  19. T

    Windows 7 Invalid Partition Table

    Basically while I was running Windows 7 I wanted to clone my 149GB Hard Drive to a 500GB partition on my 1TB HardDrive, with Ubuntu taking up the other 500GB. I coulnd'nt clone using Windows tools because I always had an error of some sort. I then tried cloning using various Ubuntu tools on the...
  20. P

    Windows 7 Disappearing Disk 0

    Hello I've run into a problem, my Disk0 is disappearing in windows 7 after I wake my computer from sleep mode. At first I thought the problem was caused by lilo (a linux bootloader for those that don't know). I disabled lilo by running bootsect for my Winodws 7 install disk. It turns out lilo...