computer upgrade

  1. W

    Windows 7 what will i be able to upgrade?

    im going to be buying w7 upgrade disc.what im needing to know is what ill be able to upgrade on my pc after i install w7 from the rc disc? i already bought a neww hd .but ill probably like to buy a new cpu .i have a gigabyte p35 board w/ a pentium d 925 3.0 cpu .id like to get a 3.33 1333 c2duo...
  2. S

    Windows 7 Remote Desktop Problem

    I just installed Windows 7 RC build 7100 on a computer that was running W7 Beta before installing from a USB drive (not sure if that affects how `clean' the installation was). I connect to two separate computers, and after the upgrade, one is working, the other is not. Both remote computers are...
  3. D

    Windows 7 Windows VISTA 64 BSOD when running upgrade advisor

    Hi All, I am new here. I dl'd the upgrade advisor today to see about preordering. I have tried to run it 3 times and get the BSOD about 2 minutes into it scanning my system. Does this mean that my system cannot run windows 7? I find it hard to believe considering that I have a quad core...
  4. C

    Windows 7 how to upload xp hd to dell vista

    my old xp desktop finally died after multiple power source/ram/external hd upgrades and i gave in a bought a new dell vista desktop. if i remove the internal hd from my old xp, is there a way to upload it to my new dell vista without transfering everything to an external hd, i would but my old...
  5. A

    Windows Vista You asked. Here is my problem.

    First, sorry for the long post. (I could have literally written a novel on this.) I made this comment on another thread: To which I received this reply: OK. I am giving some examples here. I also apologize for the above comment. However, Vista has proven to be a nightmarish migraine...
  6. T

    Windows 7 Installation freeze mystery - hardware issue?

    As the title says. My install constantly freezes up (usuall during expanding files). This happens with 4 different ISOs both CD and USB. I managed to install it a couple of times but it just freezes then anyways. My comp is OLD (2004) but it easily meets the minimum specs and surpasses what...
  7. J

    Windows 7 Hands up those who've wiped their original OS. How to Move On

    Hi guys I hope that NONE of you has irreparably wiped your original OS since if there is no Upgrade path from Beta 7 to the Final 7 you'll either have to re-install your Old OS to get an upgrade version or have to buy a totally new version which will of course cost considerably more. For...
  8. I

    Windows Vista Crossroads: Mac OS X or Vista???

    None of my PCs will run the premium version of Vista as they are configured leaving me at a crossroads:( . As I move to dual processor system, should I stick with Windows and go Vista? Or since I have to buy a new computer anyway, should I go with a Mac? I'm not much of a PC gamer (I prefer my...
  9. N

    Windows Vista Hm, just a question.

    Before the question, I had a 2,000 dollar PC that was crap, 930~ MHZ of Processor, 128 MB of RAM, (recently upgraded to 512) and was a stupid Compaq. I got a new nicer 2.8 GHz 1 GB Pentium 4 Hyperthreading black Dell tower for 300$, with Windows XP, and my old PC has Windows ME and I don't want...