
  1. S

    Windows 8 How can I change this BONKERS behaviour by Windows?

    Hello One long-standing feature of Windows really, REALLY p*sses me off. All I want it that when I click on an icon on the taskbar, I want to be taken to that application. Every time. With no exceptions. However, it seems that in Windows, the SECOND time you click on any application, it takes...
  2. Windows 7 Windows Accounts Nightmare

    I wanted to set up another account in my Windows 7 PC for my daughter so she could have her own desktop , bookmarks and everything. I somehow ended up with all my stuff going under her user name. All my settings are now associated with her and I am on a new account! I don't know how to go...
  3. P

    security windows 10

    I picked up 9 trojans at once with Win 10 defender and stock firewall at youtube while trying to read about a clean install of Win 10. I have windows defender and firewall with mbam and a router. Is there a more secure solution for a mid level user like me or was I just unlucky when I took that...
  4. VIDEO Trump Confused Between Health Insurance & Life Insurance

  5. VIDEO Confused Trump Supporters Give Trump an "A"

  6. Windows 10 Does 'svchost.exe' being in the 'SysWOW64' folder, constitute a Virus/Malware?

    I have read at multiple places that the file 'svchost.exe' should only be in the 'System32' folder. I searched my PC and this file is also present in the 'SysWOW64' folder. Does this mean that there is a virus/malware? Note:- I have also read at wikipedia that this file has one of its image...
  7. B

    Windows 10 How to do things on tablet with touchscreen/touchpen

    Hi, first time here. I'm not computer-savvy at all (couldn't even find where to type hello in the intro thread I saw after I had done give you an idea of 'savvy'). Just got tablet, RCA Cambio W101 V2 2-in1 (detachable keyboard). First time using touchscreen/pad/pen. Spent days...
  8. Windows 7 What good are libraries?

    Without getting too deep into the various features of libraries, I'd like to know their basic purpose. I have found them just getting in my way, but I'm afraid that deleting items in them will actually delete the same items where they really belong, if that makes any sense.
  9. Windows 10 Numlock keeps turning on and off

    Hey everyone. I just upgraded from Windows 7 to Windows 10 and since then the numlock light on the keyboard is constantly going on and off randomly - every 20-30 seconds or so. Once it goes off, if I turn it back on it turns off again instantly the first time and then stays on the second time...
  10. Windows 10 Task manager - diff between Processes and Details

    Hi, I'm kind of curious as to what Windows decides to list in the Processes list and the Details list. I'm confused as to why there are far more listed executable files in the Details tab than in the processes tab. Is this because Details lists everything with and without a UI? Thanks.
  11. R

    Windows 10 Confused - Want to set up storage space - All look like 1 drive

    An answer to this question may clear up my confusion: Can the C: drive be part of a pool, having all drives (including the c: drive) look like 1 drive? If so, how do I do that? I created a storage space, but it made me set it up as drive D:, and I see no way to combine it with C:. To clarify...
  12. P

    Windows 7 why is Windows 7 impossible to stream?

    hi every1 k so basically where I work they're gonna install win7 64bit (discs with sp1 apparently) and of course this sort of task is given to the little interns like me :p personally I still use XP @ home btw now recently MS has released a crapload of links to all the updates of the past years...
  13. M

    Windows 10 Apps vs programs

    I tend to use "app" to refer to the metro apps and "program" to refer to things like excel or Word. But in W10 menus, "app" seems to refer to both which I find confusing. Why the blurring of the distinction? Thanks.
  14. Windows 10 Confused about Cortana and Microsoft Account changes

    I'm a bit confused about Cortana and it's use of a Microsoft Account and I was wondering if someone can shed a little light on this issue? I have 2 accounts with Microsoft. One is a account and the other is an account. I use my account for email and I use...
  15. Windows 8 Windows 8.1 Dell xps focus stolen 2012

    I need help with my computer my focus is constantly stolenand it only happens on my account not anyone elses its a dell xps and ive tried scans, process explorer and im just confused please help!
  16. A

    Windows 8 Windows Warning Message Confusion

    Hi there, When attempting to shut down my computer, I've had the error message 'If you shut down now, you will lose the work that you and others are doing on your computer' where as far as I'm aware, there is only me working on the computer. Is this something i should be worried about? or is...
  17. O

    Windows 8 Whether and which preinstalled os do i have?

    Hello! (My first thread here!) My mom bought a laptop online (I know how it sounds...). It's Lenovo's Thinkpad x240. Problem is, it appears to be running a pirated Windows 7. (Also it's not a clean installation, but just a computer that somebody used for some time. So I'd like to format it.) I...
  18. T

    Pointless ISOs

    Well, now I sit here with a couple of downloaded ISOs because I thought I need specific ones for Windows Home Premium, Professional, Ultimate, etc. But I just saw that each of these ISOs contains every Windows subversion... I don't know if to feel stupid or angry now because I waited for so...
  19. K

    Windows 7 Why are there 2 Picture folders in my libraries folder in my Windows 7 ?

    Have an Admin user acc. and a personal user acc. When I'm in personal acc. always see 2 'Pictures' folders in Libraries pane, there is under each a sub folder each named 'My Pictures' and both have different amount of photos, most are similar Photos. First 'Picture' has a 'My Pictures' and a 'My...
  20. D

    Windows 7 Keyboard disconnects randomly

    Hey guys and here is my problem. About a year my computer and all devices were working just fine, but one beautiful day suddenly my keyboards stopped working, it disconnected somehow and I heard a sound when a device is plugged out, but my keyboards was plugged in, but I re-plugged my keyboard...