crash logs

  1. Cryswar

    Windows 10 BSOD Problem Accelerating

    So for a while my computer would occasionally BSOD if I left it alone for too long (20-30 minutes), but inconsistently enough that it wasn't really an issue since I usually put it in sleep mode when I go somewhere anyways. Over the last week it's started doing it a lot more though, and starting...
  2. P

    Windows 8 File Explorer issues. Keeps booting me out :(

    Hi Guys, I have heard good things about this forum so I thought I would join. Unfortunately I have been having a few issues over the last day or so. Basically evertime I open a folder in my internal back-up drivers it seems to intermittently boot me out and closes the window so I end back...
  3. D

    Windows 7 Endless BSODs

    Hey there, just joined the forum after I got tired of searching about my problem with no solution, I started to have these BSOD for a less than a year on my Toshiba Qosmio Windows 7 64xbit and I can't figure out the cause. They mostly happen while playing games especially League of Legends, but...
  4. P

    Windows 8 *UPDATED* Months of Bluescreens... now very frequently happening while watching Youtube videos

    Hi all, This has been an ongoing issue for months, but it had calmed down. But now the past few days it has become very frequent again - I am now getting totally fed up with it as I don't know what it causing it. I have a 4770k Intel Kingston 8GB 2400mhz ram MSI MPower Z87 Board AMD 290X video...
  5. J

    Windows 7 Weekly MEMORY_MANAGEMENT

    First of all, sorry if my english is broken. Since arround a month ago, almost once a week my PC crashes and shows a Memory_Management BSOD error. Usually happens when web browsing or watching a youtube video or a stream. I thought it was some bad drivers or a problem with certain programs, but...
  6. F

    Windows 7 Can't access crash logs

    I've been attempting to diagnose and fix an occasional blue screen crash that I get. I've downloaded windows debugger, but I can't open the mindump files because it says I don't have administrator privileges. I'm the administrator on this computer (It's my personal laptop). Any ideas? I'm...
  7. M

    Windows 7 Random Blue Screen Crashes

    Hello , my PC has recently began to crash at random times and when i restart it and log in , a "blue screen error " message appears. This isn't the BSOD. The PC has been crashing for about 2 months and its getting really annoying. Please share any idea you have that might fix this problem. Thanks!
  8. colinberan

    Windows 7 Can't start up after forced shut down during update.

    First off, let me say that I realize that turn off my computer during the update configuration was a terrible idea.Anyway, there isn't much I can say besides that my computer just won't start up. I've tried safe mode, I've tried system restores, but they both failed. I'd supply you with crash...
  9. J

    Windows 7 Frequent BSODs

    I've been getting these BSODs for the last few days. At first I was getting different error messages, some of them were MEMORY_MANAGEMENT and FAULT_IN_NONPAGED_AREA. After uninstalling a few programs I suspected, I've been getting the IRQL_NOT_LESS_OR EQUAL BSOD. Here are all files you might...
  10. S

    Windows 7 Difficult to repeat, seemingly many different causes of a rash of BSOD's

    I am not too familiar with reading info and taking action on BSOD's so I have come here for help. in the past week my newly rebuilt home PC has been experiencing a rash of blue screens that I have not been able to attribute to any particular source. I have been analyzing each minidump file but...
  11. G

    Windows 7 Computer restarts several times a day...

    Hi! My win7 32 bit comuter restarts contineuosly. I am attaching dump files collected with the tool that was published in one of the forum's threads. Awaiting for help, thanks in advance!
  12. H

    Windows 7 DMP files. How to open? Can ordinary users learn anything from them? Other crash log files?

    I got no hits searching in this forum for the term "DMP" A certain program -- Roxio VideoWave12 -- is associated with several dumps located in . . . \Appdata\Local\CrashDumps. They have names, e.g., VideoWave12.exe.2300.dmp , and are from 18+ to 20+ million bytes in size. I Googled on "dmp"...
  13. A

    Windows 7 BlueScreen multiple issues

    hello my system keeps crashing and i don't know why. My Sistem: CPU-Z TXT Report ------------------------------------------------------------------------- Binaries ------------------------------------------------------------------------- CPU-Z version 1.53 Processors...
  14. G

    Windows 7 Random BSoD's

    Hi, as my title suggests, I have been randomly getting BSoD's. Most times they occour on the login screen, or a few minuites after login, and a few times after it has been running for several hours, Infact this is the second time I have written this. My system specs are: OS: Windows 7...