default os

  1. VenomSnake8

    Windows 10 Unable to boot back to Windows

    I was trying to setup a dual boot with Windows 10 and Remix OS. I created a hard drive partition and used it to install Remix OS with EasyBCD. When I rebooted my system, I did not get the dual boot menu, and was taken to Windows 10 normally. I went to advanced system settings in Windows and...
  2. J

    Windows 7 Windows 7 boot menu woes

    Hi, i recently upgraded from windows XP Professional, to windows 7 home professional x64. When i upgraded to service pack 3 on xp, it gave me some authentication issues. Now when i boot my computer it gives me 2 boot options being: Windows 7 Microsoft Windows XP Professional Setup I have tried...
  3. P

    Windows 7 unable to enter windows 7

    i recently installed ubuntu inside windows 7. after that in the advanced system settings by mistake i made ubuntu as the default os and time =0. but now i am unable to use windows as boot menu automatically skips every time boot. how can i recover my windows.
  4. Medico

    Windows 8 Lost Win 8 DP fancy new Boot Screen

    I had to reformat my Win 8 DP partition and then restore from an Image I had created. When I did this I lost the fancy new Win 8 DP Boot Screen (boot loader). I did have to go into Win 7 and use EasyBCD to add my Win 8 DP OS to the MBR, but the boring old Win 7 boot screen comes up, even when I...
  5. News

    Revisiting Windows 7 on MacBooks

    Last year I published a ZDnet article about installing Windows 7 as the default operating system on a MacBook Air. It was well-received, and generated a number of questions from the readers.There’s still a great deal of interest in using Windows 7 as the primary operating system on Apple...
  6. P

    Windows XP Remove Windows 7 from boot or change default to boot to

    When W7 was still in evaluation mode, I did a dual boot thing on one of my XP boxes. Later, I bought W7 and installed it on it's very own computer. Now, I have an XP system that BY DEFAULT tries to boot into Windows 7. Which is no longer there. I don't MIND the dual boot questions that...
  7. theoldmancunian

    Windows 7 Boot screen: ever increasing options

    I don't know whether this is the right place to ask this question but here goes: I've installed Windows 7 Ultimate on a notebook which previously ran Vista. No problems there ..... I've now installed Ubuntu (now updated to 10.04) so that it can boot to either OS. It all works fine and when I...
  8. S

    Windows 7 Mouse and Keyboard do not work on the OS selection screen

    Hi, I am facing an issue where my keyboard does not work on the OS selection scrren, I have Windows XP and Windows 7 installed on two different partitions and Windows 7 has been set as Default OS, i do not have the option of choosing Windows XP as the Keyboard does not function, strangely it...
  9. A

    Windows 7 Win7 wont boot without DVD on MacBook

    Hi all. I have a Win 7 Ultimate running off boot camp on an intel 13" Macbook. When I choose the operating system at started (holding down alt), the Win 7 partition wont boot. It reports not being able to find the drive (the flashing gray folder with the question mark appears) However...
  10. S

    Windows 7 How to change the booting sequence for Windows 7 & XP?

    I hav installed Windows 7 and previously had XP... wenever mi pc starts up the first problems I face is I cant select which OS I want to log in as mi keyboard driver is not loaded (dont knw y???) second thing I m havin trouble is I cant find the way to change the booting sequence in Win.7 so...