default profile

  1. D

    Windows 11 Full Context Menu tweak not working for All Users (HKU/Default), works fine for HKCU

    Recently I used the known tweak to enable the full context menu in Windows 11 on my work laptop, and it worked as advertised, no problems at all. I understand that this tweak will only change the context menu for the currently logged in user (ME), hence modifying HKCU.... Reg.exe add...
  2. Windows 10 Multiple users on my C: drive? Where do they cone from, and can I delete them?

    Hi Everybody, I have a basic question. This is probably all very normal, but as far as I can remember there are only three possible users on my compute .... "me", a "guest", and a mysterious "Administrator". But, My "C:\User\" DIRECTORY shows a bunch of users I don't recognize, and although...
  3. Z

    Windows 8 User Profile Service failed the log on >>>>> New user account not found in registry

    Hello For some reason, I recieved the message of "User Profile Service failed the logon" after trying to log onto my account. Now my computer has both Windows 8.1 and Windows 10, and whenever I tried to log into both accounts, I got that error. So I then made new account on both operating...
  4. Customize the default local user profile when preparing an image of Windows

    Describes how to customize a default user profile or a mandatory user profile in Windows Vista, Windows Server 2008, Windows 7, and Windows Server 2008 R2. Link Removed - Invalid URL
  5. B

    Windows 7 Local accounts and custom profile

    Hi I have Windows 7 SP1 and I want to create a custom default profile so that, when I will have to create the local accounts, they already will have the custom profile. Thanks Bye
  6. Customize the default local user profile when preparing an image of Windows

    Describes how to customize a default user profile or a mandatory user profile in Windows Vista, Windows Server 2008, Windows 7, and Windows Server 2008 R2. Link Removed
  7. How to customize the default local user profile when you prepare an image of Windows Vista, Windows

    Describes how to customize a default user profile or a mandatory user profile in Windows 7 and in Windows Server 2008 R2. Link Removed
  8. C

    Windows 7 "Choose Profile" in Outlook 2010

    I am running Outlook 2010 32bit with Windows 7 Pro 64bit. After installing google outlook sync (and subsequently uninstalling) an annoying popup window continues to appear when I start outlook. It asks me to Choose Profile. I have only one profile named "outlook". When you click "options"...
  9. A

    Windows 7 Win 7 won't boot after changing drive's sata connection

    I need to move the sata connection for my drive "D" on the motherboard, however after moving it Windows 7 won't boot. Hi, I am looking for some assistance in resolving this issue, thanks for any help in advance. Gateway LX6820, 8GB Ram Windows 7 HOMEPREMIUM 64 bit Drive "C"- Intel...
  10. M

    Windows 7 New User Profile creation issue

    How do you use Windows 7 in a corporate world with a default profile that has all our apps loaded? XP did not have this problem and was very user friendly on a domain. W7 is not. Average users logging into this All-In-One we purchased cannot create their own profile and hit the domain.
  11. S

    Windows 7 Windows 7, Ghost and Sysprep.

    I could use some advice on using preparing a Windows 7 Pro image using Ghost GSS 2.5. I have downloaded a demo of GSS 2.5 to test. I have used BartPE and Ghost 8.3 to image hundreds of machines running XP Pro for years without fail, but this Windows 7 process has my head spinning. Am I forced...
  12. S

    Windows 7 Administrator Logging in and loading default profile.

    Hello, i'm new to this forum but I was hoping someone here could help me out as I'm unsure what i've done. Last week I turned off my desktop normally and there was no major differences that had been made whilst it was on. I leave my desktop for one week and the next time I logged on it...
  13. E

    Windows 7 Windows 7 Pro 64-bit - User Profile issue

    I am trying to troubleshoot this user's LaptopLink Removed, it's a 64-bit Windows 7 Professional. The user encountered a " Windows cannot load user's profile but has logged you on with the default profile for the system." Log Name: Application Source: Microsoft-Windows-User Profiles Service...
  14. F

    Windows 7 Everything works, but I don't have a profile !

    Hi, I have recently upgraded from Vista Ultimate x64 to W7 Ultimate x64 (it went very smoothly), and I have a small problem. When I select: Control Panel > System > Advanced System Settings > Advanced > User Profiles > Settings : (phew !) There are 3 Profiles listed as usual: * Default...
  15. R

    Windows 7 Default Profile with Windows 7 - How Do You Set It?

    Following a massive headache with the many failed attempts of figuring out this same issue with Vista, I'm back again with Windows 7. We pulled our Vista attempts with the 1,100 new computers we got and dumped XP Pro on them which has worked great. Windows 7 is looking to be very attractive...
  16. H

    Windows 7 Color management of the Windows 7 Desktop

    I cannot get the colour management in Windows 7 (32 bit) to work. I have a wide gamut display, and have produced a colour profile using my Spyder2Pro. I have associated the profile with my display - initially I did it just for my user account, but then tried making it the default profile for all...
  17. S

    Windows 7 copy windows profile

    In windows XP, I would configure a profile and copy it to the default profile. But in Windows 7 it is not allowing me to do it. Is there something I need to disable to copy a the profile. Sniffles :eek: