dmp files

  1. L

    Random BDOS for the best few weeks. I have DMP files but cant read them.

    Not sure where to go from here or how to fix. Any help would be great. Thanks.
  2. K

    Windows 10 BSOD - ongoing issues

    Hi All, I am also having issues with BSOD errors. Copies of DMP files can be found here: MiniDMP I have run memtest and it has shown no issues. My NVidia driver for Quadro P620 is current (and I've tried other versions too). I'm at a bit of a loss as to where to look next - and would...
  3. S

    Windows 7 BSOD from playing specific games, have DMP files, no idea what I'm doing

    Apologies in advance, but this isn't something I know how to deal with. I'll try to keep up. I've attached my system specs and the two recent Bluescreen logs. So, the three programs that Bluescreen me are PCSX2, Gauntlet: Slayer Edition, and now Mr Shifty. It's been like this for about 2 years...
  4. N

    Windows 7 3 BSOD Problems - please help

    Here are my computer specs: ASRock z170 PRO4S Motherboard Nvidia Gefore GTX 970 Graphics Card Intel i7-6700 processor 16GB DDR4 Ram (2x8GB) 240GB SanDisk SSD & 1TB HDD (forget brand) RetailPlus 700w PSU Windows 7 professional (version 6.1.7601 service pack 1 build 7601) Kaspersky Anti-virus...
  5. S

    Windows 10 [SOLVED] New Win 10 Install: Memory Management BSODs.

    Hi all, I'm having issues with a fresh Windows 10 install on a brand new system. Most of the erros are "Memory_Management" errors, but also some "IRQL_NOT_LESS_THAN_EQUAL" and PAGE_FAULT_NONPAGED_AREA" BSODs Here are the DMP files...
  6. Windows 7 Multiple BSOD

    Hello everyone, So here is my predicament, every day my machine blue screens with many different errors. I've tried to reformat and start over and that did not work. I have tried to upgrade to windows 10 that installation just completely failed so I kept windows 7. Not sure whether to just...
  7. Windows 7 BSODs on new system

    I just had someone build my computer with a new SSD and I'm getting random BSODs during use. Any help would be appreciated. I'm an IT guy but I've never taken the time to learn how to read dmp files :( The only other problem I"ve noticed with this new build is that sometimes, when I hit the...
  8. I

    Windows 8 Windows 8.1 Pro BSOD Randomly

    Hello, I decided to upgrade my pc and last night I got everything together and did a fresh install of 8.1 Pro on a new SSD. I also made some hardware changes in the form of a new video card (970GTX) and took out 8 gigs of Mushkin Blackline ram and put in 16 gigs of Mushkin Redline ram. Some of...
  9. O

    Windows 8 BSOD Probably caused by : win32k.sys, help!

    I've been getting random BSOD's for a long time now ever since i purchased the machine. Tried analyzing the file using windbg and pasted the bugcheck analysis at the end of this post. but i always see Probably caused by : win32k.sys ( win32k!xxxSendMessageToClient+0 ) I have the latest windows...
  10. K

    Windows 7 BSOD when trying to connect to the Internet

    Hello, I own a Compaq Presario CQ42 and it's running on Windows 7 64-bit.Each time I tried to connect to the internet this past 2 weeks I keep getting the blue screen.I have uploaded my DMP files on rapidshare and here is the link to ZIP file: Link Removed Any help is greatly appreciated
  11. T


    My PC: OS - Windows 7 Ultimate Case - Rosewill CHALLENGER Black Gaming ATX MB - ASUS M4A79XTD EVO AM3 AMD 790X ATX CPU - AMD Phenom II 965 Black Edition 3.4Ghz PSU - CORSAIR CMPSU-750TX 750W RAM - G-Skill Ripjaw Series 4GB DDR3 1600 x4 (16GB) HDD - Seagate Barracuda 7200 1.5TB GPU - XFX Radeon...
  12. C

    Windows 7 Computer continously crashes and sometimes shows BSOD

    Hello, I recently got a new hard drive for my pc after my last one died one me and after 2 days I am now getting random crashes. Sometimes it shows the BSOD and gives me the error message 0X0000000A (0X00000000, 0X00000002, 0X00000001, [0x00000000]). Not too sure about the part in [] because I...
  13. C

    Windows 7 Windows 7 BSOD after fresh image

    I kept getting BSODs. I've reinstalled windows, updated the drivers, and still get BSOD. Then I reinstalled windows again, kept the dell recommended drivers on the laptop, and just updated the video drivers. Still get BSODs. I attached my dmp files, any help would be appreciated.Link...
  14. Z

    Windows 7 BSOD happening every so often

    This is a brand new machine i just build. Here are some specs i5 3570k 3.4ghz ivy bridge 7950 AMD SSD OCX 240gig 600watt Cossair gaming series 8gb vengeance Cossair ram p8 z77-v lx Motherboard So, below are some attached DMP files, I'm confused on what's happening, I just had my CPU RMA...
  15. E

    Windows 7 Random BSOD mostly when playing

    Hi guys, i built a new machine few day ago... Now i'm getting random bsod time to time... Hardware: OS: Windows 7 Ultimate x64 CPU: Intel i5 3570k MOBO: Asus Sabertooth z77 GPU: Radeon 6970HD Ram: 16 GB GeiL Evo Corsa SSD: OCZ Agility 3 120GB (OS installed here) (firmware 2.22) HDD: Samsung...
  16. J

    Windows 7 BSOD after hibernate/sleep mode

    Hi, I am currently experiencing a BSOD after I put my computer into hibernate/sleep mode. Model: U46E-BAL6 ASUS After I restart my computer, the windows crash report says the problem lies in my 080712-18283-01.dmp Link Removed and a 2nd BSOD happened a little after, and the problem file is...
  17. J

    Windows 7 BSOD WHILE GAMING ks.sys ntoskrnl.exe

    Hey guys, i come to you with an issue i have been trying to work out for months now. I constantly get BSOD while gaming. ive done a memtest, replaced the ram, replaced the video card, ran chkdsk, uninstalled usual suspects avast daemon tools etc., and nothing. the most prevalent error message...
  18. E

    Windows 7 "Display driver has crashed and recovered"?

    Hi, Whenever I play any sort of game, whether Hon/LoL/Minecraft, my screen always freezes for about 10-15 seconds and then works again, and I get the "Display driver has stopped working and has recovered" error. This seems to happen at random intervals; sometimes it'll happen once or twice every...
  19. S

    Windows 7 BSOD with various messages

    Hi all, I've recently experience many BSODs, and the messages are changed each time. For e.g. "IRQ_NOT_LESS_OR_EQUAL", "MEMORY_MANAGEMENT" and so on. I must say this started once I put the computer to sleep mode. However, no new hardware has been installed recently I'm attaching the 3 recent...
  20. C

    Windows 7 Exciting Blue Screen & other problems (?)

    Hello! I am very hopeful I can get help with this seemingly random problem. I have attached the dmp file, along with the "system info" file generated by the SF Diagnostic Tool (unfortunately, I can't get the computer to survive long enough to generate the other files using the tool). This...