eve online

  1. Moldwyrm

    KVM causes erratic mouse behaviour in some games

    Hello, I use a KVM switch to enable my Windows 11 PC, work laptop, CCTV and Android box to share the same mouse, keyboard and monitor. The KVM I am using is: Link Removed Usually everything works smoothly, without any problems when I switch between computers. However, when in some games...
  2. chrisMontreal

    Windows 7 can't install windows 7 (hard drive drivers ???)

    okay, I have a LENOVO Ideapad S415 Touch notebook that came with windows 8 (shudder) I TRIED windows 10 on it but found that my favourite MMO was INCREDIBLY slow on it.. Eve-Online.. I TRIED installing windows 7 on it.. but ... apperantly I need drivers for the hard drive... (wtf ?).. so.. I...
  3. P

    Windows 7 Laptop acting up, virus? DLL isue? help please

    Hello all, I am new to this site so if this is in the wrong forum I apologize and move it is possible. Laptop has been acting up over the last couple of months. First off I run Windows 7 home pro on a Sager system (2 years old) and AGV antivirus a the time, now McAfee antivirus. I have ran...
  4. S

    Windows 7 All of a sudden, constant BSODs

    This week I have started getting BSODs. As of yet I am unable to explain the cause, or reproduce them on demand. They simply seem to happen between 30m and 2 hours of booting my computer. At first I thought they were related to Eve Online, but I soon noticed they occur even when that program...
  5. B

    Windows 7 BSOD Please Help Me

    Link RemovedLink Removed BSOD or a crash or freeze will initially occur while playing a game (EVE Online). BSOD/crash/freeze will then occur again upon restart with out running the game. The computer has also BSOD'd while in safe mode. EDIT: Attached a recently generated dump file.
  6. I

    Windows 7 COM surrogate error when running 2 clients of eve online

    Hey Having the com surrogate error come up when i run 2 clients when playing eve online. The error comes up at random times, could be 10 minutes or 3 hours. The game runs fine when only running 1 client. Have tried reinstalling windows and the game client, codecs, drivers are up to date. Any...
  7. E

    Windows 7 Graphics problems after restoring Windows 7 Professionel (ATI Mobility Radeon HD 4500 Series)

    Hi there. I just restored my Lenovo Edge 15" to factory settings using the Lenovo tools. After this restore, which also reset all drivers to the point of when I bought it, I tried playing Battlefield: Heroes, but the game refused to start. Googling this led me to find out that I probably had...
  8. G

    Windows 7 GTX 570 Graphical Display Issue with Direct x11

    Hello, I have tried searching through the forums to see if anyone else has had this error but I have not found another thread similar to this so I thought I would post about it here. I recently took advantage of the Christmas/New Year sales and bought myself several games including...
  9. lethalzero

    Windows 7 BOSD result crash

    hi there guys 3 blue screen i dont why only 2 bump files i attach them, please assist me:( i have the last update from easy driver and say all green 2 playing eve online (this intalation of windows is new ) 1 puting a driver but i remove them and fix the problem 1 shut down
  10. M

    Windows 7 Double-clicking window modification.

    Hello everyone, I play a MMO called EVE online. The in-game environment allows you to double-click on windows within the game and when you do this, it will minimize the window to just the title bar or it will maximize the window to the original size before the double-click. This system works...
  11. TheLP

    Windows 7 I can't install anything properly. At all.

    Okay, so a couple days ago I bought Windows 7 as a part of a promotional thing and got a student discount. I downloaded the .iso and burned it to a disc. I've installed it on my computer, and now almost everytime I attempt to install something I run into some kind of error or bug that basically...
  12. N

    Windows 7 Screen stays dark after minimizing or quitting a program

    Hello everyone! Let me first say before I explain the problem that I have installed the latest drivers, reinstalled the program, and all that jazz and the problem still persists. Pretty much when I minimize or exit from a game I play called EVE Online, my LCD remains really dark. Kind of as if...
  13. A

    Windows 7 Windows on the desktop issue

    Sorry for the vague heading, and I anot even sure if I can explaint he problem but i will try. I play a game called Eve - its an online space game (sad I know but hey ho). the game can play in full screen mode or windowed mode. I have to play in windowed mode as i have dual screens and if you...