legacy systems

  1. R

    Windows 7 IIS 5.1 Authentication issues after upgrading to Windows 7

    So, here's the situation, and any help is greatly appreciated, I've banged my head on the keyboard for hours trying to figure this out. I've searched forums, searched Microsoft's Support site, and must be blind because I can not find a solution to my problem. I have a client, who has a...
  2. P

    Windows 7 Can HP Workstation xw4100 network driver run in windows 7?

    I want to upgrade from XP to win 7 and I tried to search the network driver before. Found only network driver for Microsoft windows XP professional and windows XP only. Can they run on windows 7 ? Which one can run and how to install for win 7 compatibility.? Thanks.
  3. T

    Windows 7 Win7 Install Failure with BSOD 0x000005C

    I was hoping you might be able to point me to a resource that could help a relative having trouble upgrading to Windows 7 - 32-Bit on a mainstream PC built for Windows XP. I was a bit disappointed that he was on a call with support for 1 ½ hours to help him through a BSOD issue. In the end...
  4. J

    Windows 7 Error Messages/Not finding HD

    Hey all, I've spent the last two days trying to install Windows 7 and haven't gotten very far. I originally tried to delete XP and install win7 but my old Hard Drive wasn't very roomy so I bought a 320GB WD Caviar Blue PATA. After installing it, I get the error message 0xc00000e9. But only...
  5. D

    Windows 7 IBM x226 scsi hostraid adapter

    I encountered a problem installing win7 64bit resp. win2k8 r2 to a IBM x226 computer. The installing routine did not recognize the onboard hostraid adapter with the AIC-7902B chip. Furthermore I could not find a suitable driver for 64bit on the ibm-support page. Desperatly I tried the...
  6. T

    windows 98 question

    I just installed it on a machine for the hell of it. Problem is the computer is a HP Pavilion a343v and it came with XP so I can't find any drivers on the HP site that are compatible with it. The resolution is super big so is there a stand VGA driver I can get? Also does anyone know of a good...
  7. cybercore

    How to convert your Windows Server 2003 to a Workstation

    Link Removed - Invalid URL
  8. H

    Windows 7 Down grade from windows 7 to XP/VISTA

    Recently I have been crashing on windows 7 every 10 minutes, I decided I would like to go back to my old xp, so I put in my cd and try to load it from boot menu, but it does not work. I heard that there is a way to downgrade, can anyone help?
  9. BigJuice

    Windows 7 Install issue with older Dell and Win 7 DVD

    I have an older gen 5 dell XPS and was having issues with the windows 7 DVD booting, I tried everything from updating the firmware of the drives to updating the BIOS, moving and making the only thing bootable device my CD/DVD ROM drive nothing would work. I didn't want to take the time of...
  10. T

    Windows 7 Xp on one HDD, 7 on another

    I have XP installed on my old HDD. I bought a new HDD and windows 7 I installed windows 7 on my new HDD, my old HDD was plugged in at the same time of the installation. Everything runs great. I then put my pc back together, leaving my old HDD out, as i only want my new HDD with 7 installed...
  11. D

    Windows 7 Right click on any file says "Registry Access Denied"

    I can right click on the taskbar, desktop, any icons on the desktop and inside all of the applications that I can think to try, but as soon as I enter any folder, including 'My Computer' and right click on something a window pops up saying Error Registry Access Denied. I click the 'ok' button...
  12. textureDnB

    Exploring GeeXboX: A Lightweight Media Center OS for Old PCs

    Anyone on this board ever use the awesome media center OS called GeeXboX? I am extraordinarily pleased with this super lightweight linux OS. I have an OLD 600 MHz P3 in an even olde ISA based (1 PCI slot the rest is ISA) Gateway PC using a video card that is made by nvidia but is so old I can't...
  13. Z

    Windows 7 CreatingDual boot Windows 7 + Vista on a machine that had dual boot Vista+XP

    I had my system running with dual boot Vista Ultimate (32bit) and XP professional (32 bit). These OS were both installed on 2 separate partition of a single physical Hard disk. Now, I just did a full install of 64Bit Windows 7 Ultimate, on the partition where windows XP was installed. I had...
  14. K

    Windows 7 MS Server 2000 compatibilty

    Is Windows 7 compatible with Server 2000?
  15. S

    Windows 7 RC flashing screen using AGP video card

    Ok decided to try installing the RC on an older system I have laying around. Guts are a Dell Optiplex GX270 SMT (P4 2.4Ghz, 2Gb PC2700 ram). I have upgraded the power supply to a Coolmax 500w, put in a Samsung 140Gb IDE HD, an IDE DVD drive and am using a XFX GeForce 6600GT 128mb AGP video card...
  16. C

    Windows 7 Windows 7 Won't Boot

    Okay, when the official Windows 7 RC came out, I wanted to try it, but I wasn't sure how things would work so I kept my original XP and put Windows 7 on a second partition on the hard disk. After trying windows 7 I decided I liked it, and after transfering my files I decided I didn't need...
  17. A

    Windows Vista Win 7 Install Nightmares Dell 2650

    I should have listened to myself and kept Win 7 running, But I listened to MS about the but they discovered where some folders had the wrong security Etc Etc. So I downloaded a new copy from MS burned the DVD and now just like before it is a puzzle to get running again. Here is what I have and I...
  18. whoosh

    Windows 7 WIN7 xp MODE

    Hey got to say the xp mode MS have got in the pipe line is great for companies on the fence . Should we get win7 ? Just a thought the very fact MS are giving this new feature wxpm is it a backward move or not ? I would have to say yes . In a perfect world things should just mvoe forward but we...
  19. G

    Windows 7 PC won't shutdown after Win7 install

    After install of Win7 to an old Gateway 700LTD, it won't shut down and just restarts when clicking Shut Down, Sleep, Hibernate or using the Power Button to shut down. I have to do a hard shutdown at the point where it restarts. This is an older machine which could not boot from disk, so I...
  20. james.harding

    Windows 7 XP File Permissions

    Hello world! I have been using XP and Windows 7 for a while now, and have been keeping my media all on my XP partition. Windows 7 added it's permission settings to the "My Documents" folder of my XP installation just fine, and was working without a hitch. Yesterday, I tried to share the XP "My...