
  1. W

    Windows 8 Window 8 activation problem

    Hi everyone, Okay i've been facing a really bad problem on my computer for the last couple months, now I want to find the issue and repear it, so here I am. (I'm french so sorry if I do some mistakes) Here's my story: I've bought this brand new computer a year ago, window 8 was already on it and...
  2. News

    Missing Windows Installer Cache Files Will Require a Computer Rebuild

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  3. B

    Windows 7 Libraries is empty and documents is missing.

    I was playing videogames and everything was ok. But the next time i log onto my computer everything from my desktop is gone, but the recicling bin. I cant acces the downloads folder, libraries is empty, and the documents folder is missing. When i open my computer is saids...
  4. E

    Windows 7 MFC70.DLL is missing from computer

    Every time I start the computers, I keep getting an error message stating; MFC70.DLL is missing from computer. What can I do to rectify it. Can any one help please. Thank you
  5. F

    Windows 7 BOOTMGR is missing

    I've been getting the error (BOOTMGR is missing) I tried everything but nothing works for me. I'm using a HP desktop PC, I tried to upgrade to a bigger drive and then I started to get this error, so I put my old drive back in and the same error :((( Please help, Frank
  6. S

    Windows 7 creating folder option is missing, why???

    Link RemovedAs you see, there should no new folder option on the menu list. I want to create new folders, but it is missing, what can I do? I just switch to this Windows 7 computer days ago, have not changed any settings except for modifying the user account. Does it any matter?
  7. News

    Audio devices are missing or are displayed as "Not plugged in" after you restart a the computer that

  8. whoosh

    VIDEO Missing Cleveland Teens - 3 Ohio Missing women Found Alive - Amanda Berry

  9. News

    Missing Windows Installer Cache Files Will Require a Computer Rebuild

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  10. News

    The "New" option in the shortcut menu is missing for the root folder of a redirected drive in Window

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  11. News

    Windows Error message "Bootmgr is missing Press Ctrl+Alt+Del to restart"

  12. News

    Some Bulgarian characters are missing in the Trebuchet MS font in Windows 7 or in Windows Server 200

  13. A

    Windows 7 Boot Mgr Missing - Please Help !!!

    Hi everyone, I have been reading through many forums online, with many different solutions to this problem, and I have tried some of them, however I am still stuck with the same error. It might be helpful if I tell the whole story about the hard drives I am trying to boot. To begin with,my...
  14. K

    Windows 7 dbghelp-xfw dll missing when opening Photoshop CS3

    I have a HP touchsmart 600-1370a 64 bit with Win 7 premium installed. I used to run Photoshop CS3 and Photoshop CS6 no problems (both 32bit and 64 bits were installed upon initial installation). Recently my graphic driver was replaced by a HP authorised repairer and as they had problems with the...
  15. C

    Windows 7 Gadgets gone

    When I right click on the desktop, the button for the gadgets has gone! Followed by all my gadgets. Any ideas? Thanks
  16. S

    Windows 7 Desktop Option disappeared

    I have some pictures saved to my Desktop that I often include in emails I send out. I create the email. Then to include the picture I go to Insert and then click on 'single photo' and get a drop down box. From there I normally select Desktop and then choose the photo I wish to insert. BUT...
  17. O

    Windows 7 Bootmgr is missing recurring after fresh installs

    Hey all I know this is a common problem but so far I have been unable to fix it with any of the answers I've found anywhere. Let explain the situation in detail. I recently purchased a new OCZ 64GB SSD to install Windows 7 64 bit on. I have a separate 500 GB HDD for storage, but I completely...
  18. jamezb3

    Windows 8 Start Screen Icons Missing

    I installed Fontagent Pro and when I rebooted my PC the icons in the start screen where missing. I guess I am just wondering if anyone has run into this problem and knows how to fix this bug. I must have a bit of OCD because it really bugs me when things aren't just so. Link Removed Cheers
  19. O

    Windows 7 plz help......!!!!

    hello sir....all the icons in my laptop are gone...i am uploading some screenshots...plz help me...
  20. A

    Windows 7 Bootmgr is missing error Does not respond to any treatment!

    Hi! I'll jump straight to the point, I had windows 7 installed for a long time, today all of a sudden the PC crashed and I'm getting the Bootmgr is missing error at startup. I can't press F8 etc., only BIOS setup works. Since I don't use a DVD for reinstall, I used a USB installation, made it...