
  1. R

    Windows 7 Suspicious temp files in default 'Downloads' folder

    [Solved] Suspicious temp files in default 'Downloads' folder Hi, everyone. :) This is my first post here. Recently I've noticed that some '.tmp' files have been created in default 'Downloads' folder of Win7 which is located at 'C:\Users\USERNAME\Downloads'. Here's a pic: Link Removed -...
  2. M

    Windows 7 How do I use the tab shortcuts for Opera like Firefox?

    To go to tab number 2, I want to be able to pres ctrl 2 and arrive at tab 2, but it just goes to bookmark 2.
  3. P

    Windows 7 Can't reach some websites?

    I'm running Windows 7 Home Premium with the latest updates. I have a strange problem. I can go to some websites, but not others. For example, I can load Find a Local Business, Ratings, Reviews, Deals | Angie's List, but not https://my.angieslist.com/angieslist/login.aspx. I have switched from...
  4. F

    Windows 7 Browsers not opening

    Neither FF, Opera or Chrome open on my Sony Vaio 64bit system. I know I have Internet access as Avast updates every day. When the relevant icons are pressed the Blue loading ring appears for a few seconds then disappears. When I try to access Task manager by ctr/alt/del the screen appears asking...
  5. whoosh

    VIDEO Mad Bull Singing Opera In Big Sur California

  6. News

    Windows 8 Playing well with Windows 8: Will other browsers work with the new OS?

    Mozilla and Google say they are building Windows 8-enabled browsers, and Opera Software is looking into the possibility, too. Still, it may not be as easy as with previous Windows operating systems thanks to Microsoft's new "Metro" user interface. Link Removed
  7. catilley1092

    Windows 2000 Pro, still a usable OS after all these years.

    There may be those who don't care about running older OS's, and if so, just ignore this thread. This is for those who still wants to run Windows 2000 Pro, or is interested in trying. First, you either need a computer that Windows 2000 was meant to run on, where drivers are still available from...
  8. Naruto

    Windows 7 I have a BIG Problem, and I need a big help .

    hi guys .. good morning , afternoon , evening . whatever .! here is my problem since yesterday i couldn't open my website which is www.gamezer.com on Firefox it give me a white page .! , and on IE it give me error and so is the Opera browser . ((so the problem is not with the browser )) ...
  9. whoosh


  10. shishirn

    Windows 7 Blue screen error (0xD1): tcpip.sys

    Hi, I bought a new desktop PC a few weeks ago, running Windows 7 and of late is has started giving STOP errors quite randomly. I've included the problem signature below. The error was stated to be associated with tcpip.sys. I've been investigating this issue for a few days now and have tried the...
  11. JMH

    Windows 7 Free Microsoft Security Tool Goes After Malware That Hijacks Web Searches

    Link Removed - Invalid URL
  12. A

    Windows 7 Free Translator - Google Translate Client

    Link Removed due to 404 Error Google Translate Client is a language translator application by utilizing the service from Link Removed. By using this application, you can translate any word or sentence from any language around the world into English or vice versa. Google Translate supports...
  13. reghakr

    Mac App Store delays critical updates

    The Mac App Store is the recently launched integrated application store for Mac OS X which brings the experience of the iPhone and iPad App Store to Apple's general purpose operating system. For the user, this promises a one-stop shop for Mac applications and easy installation and updating. But...
  14. reghakr

    [Rumor] Is Google changing how it displays search results?

    So I was doing some searching on Google. Typically when I run a Google search, I get results displayed like so: Aside from the lack of ads (yes, I block ads now) there is nothing special about the search results page: It is the standard search results page I have been seeing since...
  15. cybercore

    CIOs must start planning for HTML 5.0 now

    The browser has become the single piece of software most widely deployed and used. Apple, Microsoft, Google and Firefox's Mozilla are in a race to develop more functional browsers. The core functionality of these browsers must be the same to comply with W3C standards, but they compete on the...
  16. News

    Windows Vista Internet Explorer 10 won’t run on Windows Vista

    Microsoft has taken the decision to not add backwards compatibility into the next version of its browser from day one. That means if you are running any version of Windows other than Windows 7 (and Windows 8 on release) then Internet Explorer 10 won’t work–not even the developer preview is...
  17. News

    LastPass extends support to Opera and Windows 7 phones

    By Link Removed - Invalid URL LastPass 1.72 now supports the Opera web browser in addition to Internet Explorer, Firefox, Chrome and Safari. Premium account holders can also now download LastPass to their Windows 7 phone in addition to other mobile platforms. Other premium-only new features...
  18. News

    Hands-On With Opera for Android and Windows 7 Tablets

    Opera devotees will be glad to hear that the browser is coming to tablets running Android and Windows 7, with the same features of its mobile software on other platforms. More...
  19. News

    Exclusive: Opera To Show Off Browser For Windows 7 Tablets, Netbooks At CES

    Opera Software on Monday teased a preview of Opera for Tablets , a custom browser for hybrid touch devices, which it said would be debuting at CES this week. In a video, embedded below, the company briefly showed the product in action on an Android tablet, a Samsung Galaxy Tab to be more...
  20. News

    Microsoft Brings H264 to Firefox on Windows 7

    Both Apple and Microsoft are betting on H264 for HTML5 video, while Firefox and Opera focus on WebM and Opera does both. Microsoft, however, is kind of an oddball; they first stated they would limit HTML5 video support in Internet Explorer 9 to H264, excluding all other codecs, but later made an...