
  1. P

    Windows 10 make files bootable

    I have files I made into a CD but it takes 5 minutes to work. I think it is because I just pasted the files. . What is the difference between ImgBurn, Power ISO and Rufus?
  2. kampachi

    Windows 8 Unable to Create a Bootable windows 7 dvd on windows 8 pro

    hey guys i am literally in confuse i want to dual boot i have two windows dvd one with genuine key and the other one with windows activator. so i want to make a bootable windows 7 dvd but i cant do it in windows 8. although i was able to create the same dvd on my windows 7. i want to create...
  3. P

    Windows 7 Wireless Internet Stuck on Indentifying

    Wireless Internet Stuck on Identifying I see you guys have this problem a lot but through scrolling through other threads I still couldn't get my wireless internet to begin working on my laptop. It goes between saying "Identifying... (NETGEAR) No internet access" and something like...
  4. M

    Windows 7 virtual CD program not working

    I've just setup/installed Windows 7 32-Bit and looks like everything is OK but I installed a virtual CD program/s (i.e. Daemon Tools, PowerISO and or MagicISO) my system is not detecting the virtual CD's that Daemon Tools, PowerISO and or MagicISO have created. can you suggest any procedures for...
  5. Z

    Windows 7 Windows 7 stuck in a loop

    Hey guys! I have a problem with windows 7 clean install I had windows XP and I mounted Windows 7 iso onto my J drive with poweriso. I tried to install it but after i chose "home network" it told me that there was no disk in harddrive\dr1 or something. I pressed try again 3 times and took me to a...
  6. S

    Windows 7 Can't install Windows 7

    Version: ¤ Windows 7 Professional (x86) - DVD (English) I got it for free from my college. It seems to not want to work. (Clean install) When I try launching "Setup.exe" by extracting the ISO, I get the following error: So I figure...
  7. B

    Windows 7 Program Crashes when browsing for Files

    hi I am consistently getting program crashes from (so far) itunes (9.0.1) and powerISO when I browse for files. In itunes when I go to Edit->Preferences->Advanced then try to change my default media folder location it will open up windows explorer for about 2 seconds then crash. In PowerISO...
  8. I

    Windows 7 Missing CD/dvd drivers and unable to copy .mui files.

    Hi, I've downloaded Win 7 Professional from MSDN and have been trying to install it since midnight yesterday, but still no luck. I've tried a few methods on my laptop and desktop and all FAILED so i'm pretty emo and lack of sleep right now. I'm running windows vista home basic on both...
  9. S

    Windows XP Want to burn Bootable xp dvd

    This is sanjay from Pune, here, Last week I've downloaded Windows_Xp service pack 3(1.48gb)_from website which is not a iso file, contanis installable folders only, i want to make it bootable dvd tried diffrenet softwares like Ultraiso, poweriso, Magiciso And even nero 6.6. but all is vain i...
  10. J

    Windows 7 bad image

    hello i have gone through 15 dvds in 24 hours trying to burn windows 7 on my pc and my kids pc ive done nero 8,poweriso,imgburn,magiciso and more i have 3 copyes of it 2 proper 1 not they all say the same bad image its driving me mad can anyone help i am on xp pro s pack 3 thanks:mad::mad:
  11. L

    Windows 7 Windows 7 Image Burning

    Hi guys, I am trying to burn a bootable image using PowerISO of Windwos 7, however it won't work when I go to boot! What the heck is wrong??
  12. C

    Windows 7 Need a little help

    I was just wondering if the following scenario would work: I've got my windows 7 ISO and have extracted the files using poweriso to a tiny 5GB partition, my question is, If I boot into this partition, will I be able to install Windows 7 (or any os for that matter) from this partition? There...
  13. J

    Windows 7 Problem Burning CD's in Windows 7

    Hey, My windows 7 has been installed for a few weeks now with no problems except the problem with which my CD burner won't burn. This has never happened prior to installing Windows 7. I usually use Zune to burn a CD and when I did place a blank CD in and clicked "start burn" it would start and...
  14. S

    Windows 7 How to use .MDF files

    Hey, I was recently trying to install a program that was packed as a mdf-image. It turned out that there are no mdf-mounting programs available that work with Windows 7 (build 7000). I think a lot of people have the same problem, so I decided to share my solution with you: Download PowerISO...
  15. K

    Windows Vista poweriso an idiots guide

    can someone please help, i have been given a cd with a program on, but it requires poweriso, i have this installed but have no idea how to use it:confused: thanks kevin