system service exception

  1. Cardinal System


    My mother's laptop has been gradually crashing more and more with SYSTEM_SERVICE_EXCEPTIONs since Windows 10 pushed an upgrade back in October. I published a thread back then to seek support with some other issues the upgrade was causing, but at that time I was unaware of the BSOD errors. My...
  2. LeviAckerman

    Windows 10 Blue screen of death windows 10..

    I used to get BSOD very frequently. When playing games such as Nostale, Talesrunner and League of ledgends. While playing league i used to get BSOD everygame and now it has shrunken down and it happens not so often but still happens quite frequently. These are the error codes: - System Service...
  3. M

    Windows 7 Event 41 kernel power 63

    Hi, My computer freezes randomly. The error in event viewer is "event 41 kernel power 63". I had tried windbg. I am neither a developer, nor an expert. I am new to this forum. Below is the code generated from whatever little analysis I could do. I'd be grateful, if anyone can help me out.
  4. JakubKrol

    Windows 10 Graphics issues after upgrade to Windows 10: SYSTEM_SERVICE_EXCEPTION sgfxk64.sys

    Hi, 2 days ago I upgraded to Windows 10 my HP ProBook 450 G0. After I realized my graphic drivers are not working properly I tried to update them to the lastest listed at drivers download section for my model. After this I had BSODs and couldn't even see login screen. I removed installed...
  5. D

    Windows 10 SLI Windows 10

    I found some stuff about SLI not working in earlier versions of windows 10 but nothing for release. I disabled SLI and it seems to be the cause of my BSOD's. (system service exception dxdiag)<< or something like that. So, does it even work when it's on and/or for only some people and anyone...
  6. TheMountain

    Windows 7 BSOD error: 0x0000003b. Help needed

    I had a really nasty virus named Obfuscator.xz which forced me to do a total reset of my Windows. After the reset I started getting these BSOD and they seem to appear at random. Additional info, may be unrelated: After my last reinstall it took at least 1 minute to shut down my computer...
  7. J

    Windows 7 BSOD - Help

    Hi, I hope i have this right. I am getting the BSOD several times a day now. I have hopefully attached the relevant files for someone to look at and hopefully help. I'm not that great with computers and the "WhoCrashed" or "Bluescreen" software i downloaded doesn't seem to find a crash log. I...
  8. H

    Windows 8 Windows 8.1 BSOD system service exception. Kindly ask for help

    After an auto-update (I think Windows) I get a BSOD after entering my password. Message: system service exception. I can start the computer in safe mode. Searched threads but could not find the fix. I kindly would like to ask your advice or help in solving this. Best regards, Hans Dump file...
  9. M

    Windows 8 Random BSOD with different types of error codes

    hey, I got a new pc with win 8.1 installed on it, I always get BSOD and there are different types of error codes: most of them says it because ntoskrnl.exe+1509a0 I already fresh installed win 8.1 and still having those problems. what I did is checking the system stability with FurMark and...
  10. bmoreGUY

    Windows 7 OMG! not the BSOD! Help.

    Hello guys, So I decided to be a cheapskate and purchase a i5 T530 thinkpad on craigslist. What I thought was a good deal ended up so far being a heart pounding nightmare. As soon as I brought the laptop home I encountered my 1st dreaded and depressing BSOD asking the laptop why didn't you...
  11. C

    Windows 8 BSOD every hour on the hour - tried driver fixes - nothing :/

    Hoping you can help: Here are my specs: Link Removed Here is my bsod log: Crash dumps are enabled on your computer. On Sat 5/24/2014 10:00:00 PM GMT your computer crashed crash dump file: C:\Windows\Minidump\052414-22312-01.dmp This was probably caused by the following module: ntoskrnl.exe...
  12. S

    Windows 7 Just recently got this problem, has happened twice in the past week.

    Microsoft (R) Windows Debugger Version 6.12.0002.633 AMD64 Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved. Loading Dump File [C:\Windows\Minidump\112413-29983-01.dmp] Mini Kernel Dump File: Only registers and stack trace are available Symbol search path is...
  13. L

    Windows 7 Blue screen (BSOD)

    Hi,everyone Please help me While I am playing LOL(League of Legends), it turn to blue screen and reboot by computer. I already attached the dmp file in this post. Dump File Crash Time Bug Check String Bug Check Code Parameter 1 Parameter 2 Parameter 3 Parameter 4 Caused By Driver Caused By...
  14. mscrivo

    Windows 8 atikmdag.sys BSOD

    Ever since upgrading my AMD 6950 to an AMD 7970 card, I've been having two very annoying issues: 1) a BSOD with atikmdag.sys randomly, but most often within a few mins of resuming from monitor sleep 2) Monitor just not waking up from sleep at all. This is happening daily, and is driving me...
  15. A

    Windows 7 BSOD - System Service Exception, Bootcamp Win7, having trouble fixing

    Good day all, I am a microsoft mvp myself and pride in helping others in the forums. Today I need help, my macbook pro 2011 is having issues, I did the following to try and rectify new hdd, solid state new memory , replaced all 16 gig new install of win7 and bootcamp and mac osx I...
  16. A

    Windows 7 Crazy BSOD problem with Z580!

    Hi ,Few days ago I bought a Z580 Laptop (CI7/4GB Ram /500GB HDD) .. I get BSOD and I unable to find the reason Link Removed I tested the ram with memtest/HCI memtest and windows memory diagnostics for over 24h and not error showed ... I tried to recover the windows but I still get blue screen...
  17. A

    Windows 7 Windows 7 crashes with blue screen

    i m having windows 7 which restart with below error. SYSTEM SERVICE EXCEPTION PAGE FAULT IN NON PAGE AREA KMOD EXCEPTION NOT HANDLED IRQL NOT LESS OR EQUAL DRIVER IRQL NOT LESS OR EQUAL. Kindly help to get rid of this unwanted auto restart attached dmp file..and snaps. Link RemovedLink...
  18. S

    Windows 7 BSOD Multiple After GPU/PSU upgrade, In Game at First, Now At Desktop

    hey everyone, usually i can figure this stuff out on my own, im a technical computer science major, but right now im just stuck for once, i have a hp p6520y quad core desktop which i purchased unmodified and working great, windows 7 home prem 64 bit after 2 months of using the...
  19. K

    Windows 7 BSOD stop code 3b, unclear cause

    I have been getting a BSOD every couple days. The error is a system_service_exception with stop code 3b. (STOP: 0x0000003b (0x00000000C0000005, 0xFFFFF9600010D010, 0XFFFFF88E011B40, 0x000000000000) To explain further, I have had this exact same error on TWO different computers, one of them...
  20. B

    Windows 7 BSOD while computer idling - System_Service_Exception (0X0000003B) - NToskrnl

    My PC has been stable since I built it 3 months ago. However recently I have been getting BSODs that only identify the kernel as the application that caused the issue. They state SYSTEM SERVICE EXCEPTION and 0X00000003B as further information. After some searching I realized these are too...