temp files

  1. richter

    Windows 7 Installer can find location for temp files on Linux system.

    Trying to install Win 7 64 on computer running Linux seems impossible, a regular install doesn't see the keyboard or mouse and trying to install from Linux gets the temp file error.
  2. W

    Windows 10 Trojan w32/Tiggre!plock locked up temp files

    Hi, Sorry I cant seem to find a thread regarding malware.Just needed to get the prob solved as i have work files and software on my laptop,so am posting here intead.thank you Windows defender picked up the trojan named w32/Tiggre!plock,after i scanned the laptop as it was running extremely...
  3. jPaulB

    Windows 10 Multiple users on my C: drive? Where do they cone from, and can I delete them?

    Hi Everybody, I have a basic question. This is probably all very normal, but as far as I can remember there are only three possible users on my compute .... "me", a "guest", and a mysterious "Administrator". But, My "C:\User\" DIRECTORY shows a bunch of users I don't recognize, and although...
  4. L

    Windows 7 W7 disk full

    I only have 1.2 GB left on 178 GB C: I looked at properties and C:/windows is 130 GB. C:/windows/temp is 30 GB and has a lock symbol on the folder icon. Is this reasonable? I have removed down to basic programs. Btw C:\users is only 20 GB. help please... Thanks!
  5. K

    Windows 10 Windows 10 Memory Management

    Hi Kemical, I'm also experiencing the Memory Management crash, during video games and when high intensity programs are open. This is what I've gathered from it so far; my microphone mysteriously un-mutes itself at the end of some games.. this is the error report...
  6. S

    Windows 10 Help errors

    I require some urgent help- not a computer guru but if explained in layman terms I can fix things.. I have done a re-install of windows 10 Pro 64 bit, I have no start up menu I can not access any microsoft office programs , the pc is really slow. no 1 - this is what is coming up at start...
  7. David young

    Windows Vista Hard drive automatically filling up

    on vista, started this morning after restart. I delete some files but within minutes it is back to zero. Cannot even uninstall program when this low. I've defragged and cleaned temp and unnecessary files. Any other suggestions
  8. I

    Windows 7 Windows 7 - Launch Bat after installation (SetupComplete?)

    Hello guys! I'm wondering about a script I made after the installation of my Windows 7 x64 ISO is done. The script (bat) contains this: How should I implant this script after the Win7 installation is done. Tried with SetupComplete (see spolier): Problem is, I cant use GPO either...
  9. J

    Windows 7 Unknown program trying to install

    For the past few days, when booting my computer, the last startup action is UAC, showing the blue-yellow "OK" checked shield, asking for admin approval to run a file named "...AppData\local\temp\s3ms\Setup.exe /S". The file has no signature, and the folder/file doesn't show up on any search...
  10. K

    Windows 7 PLEASE HELP - Saved attachment from Gmail and lost all changes

    Update: I ended up having to rewrite the paper, but thanks all Orig post: I also posted this in Google Groups: I am desperate for help. I opened a docx attachment in Gmail and saved repeatedly throughout. I stupidly did not Save As, which I normally do, just did Save. I then went to open...
  11. J

    Windows 8 Suddenly many operationms require Run as Administrator

    Of course this is Windows 8, with Start8 and ModernMix to make it bearable. My account is an administrator. UAC is off (I build a lot of live CDs and flash drives that can't be built with UAC on). For the last week or so I've had problems running Google Drive or choosing Run when I download a...
  12. C

    Windows 7 Hibernation causing c drive to fill up?

    For about two weeks or so the 31gb c drive on my HP Mini has kept on filling up, sometimes within 20mb of space. I have run disk cleanup and defrag and used CCleaner, but they only free up about 200mb of space at a time, and eventually that gets filled up again. Once I freed up 1gb by restarting...
  13. P


    Hello, I recently bought a 120gb OCZ Agility SSD for my desktop build. I installed the SSD into the case and used my $40 promotional Windows 8 64-bit Pro copy on the new SSD. The install and initial setup went fine. Except I could not find the "memory remapping" option in my BIOS anywhere! Nor...
  14. Z

    Windows 8 My Windows 8 computer freezes while using CCleaner

    After two refresh and one clean install of Windows 8 within a two-week period, my computer freezes while I'm running CCleaner. It always stops at the same file: C\User\AppData\Local\Temp\_ME149482\PyWinTypes26.dll First few minutes I can still use my computer, but after that, I cannot...
  15. M

    Windows 7 ccleaner and passwords/cookies

    Hello everyone! I just ran Ccleaner and ran the registry cleaner and well as cleaned all the temp files and such. Now I find that I cannot access my email in Firefox or IE. Cookies are enabled in Firefox. Does anyone have any tricks I can try? :confused:
  16. L

    Windows 7 Save folder locations not showing up

    Anytime that I try to upload or download something, I get no folders in the dialog box. In the pictures I try to upload a file (1), then I try to download something "save as" (2), and then I try to save a .docx file to the computer (3). I remember a while ago trying to install a theme in the...
  17. calmpitbull

    Windows 7 Problem BCcode 124

    Problem signature: Problem Event Name: BlueScreen OS Version: 6.1.7601. Locale ID: 1033 Additional information about the problem: BCCode: 124 BCP1: 0000000000000000 BCP2: FFFFFA8006966038 BCP3: 0000000000000000 BCP4: 0000000000000000 OS Version: 6_1_7601 Service...
  18. S

    Windows 7 Local Administrator cannot install any program in windows 7

    Local Administrator cannot install any program in windows 7. I use Ultimate version since 1 + year and never had the problem before. But last 1 month onwards this problem has started. Like Cannot install Java / Firefox 15 etc.. the error says that the location where the TEMP files are to be...
  19. R

    Windows 7 Suspicious temp files in default 'Downloads' folder

    [Solved] Suspicious temp files in default 'Downloads' folder Hi, everyone. :) This is my first post here. Recently I've noticed that some '.tmp' files have been created in default 'Downloads' folder of Win7 which is located at 'C:\Users\USERNAME\Downloads'. Here's a pic: Link Removed -...
  20. C

    Windows 7 Keeping my PC clean!?

    Alright so I just did a clean install of Windows 7 and want to keep my Link Removed (I am very obsessive about keeping my laptop as clean as possible). As seen in the title I use programs such as CCleaner, Remove Empty Directories (it is a program), and Glary Utilities to achieve this...I also...