Windows 7 3gb ram, not 4gb ram problem


New Member
Jul 9, 2009
Hi all, I have bought last year a desktop computer, now with windows 7 ultimate 64 bits, and it only shows 3GB of RAM, instead of 4 GB of RAM. On the first release of windows 7, build 7000, it showed perfectly fine the 4GB, but on RC and RTM, Windows 7 only sees 3GB.
I would be very happy if you could tell me why is this happening, so that I can unleash the full pottential of Windows 7 Ultimate.

Thanks in advance!
...Also, I have heard of an option in my BIOS called Memory Hole Remapping, but I am not sure if it affects all the RAM. Any help would be appreciated.

looks like you got an old board design since newer boards no longer have this option (mem hole). Yes, disabling the remap should fix the issue.
Thanks for replying. Yes, there is hard drive activity, the pc boots into windows succesfully. No, there are no beeps whatsoever, it is a normal boot apart the monitor. How do I fix this?
The Computer Loads windows then Goes blank with that warning?
Have you tried booting into safe-mode?

Sorry for all the Questions but we need to narrow it down.
No, it goes black all the time with no video imput. I just can tell it boots into windows because it takes 4 seconds to shut down.
No post screen either..
From when you press Power till lights go out takes 4 seconds - no way its booting into windows.

Forgive me for being persistent but i'm almost certain its a loose ram Module.

By any chance you did you a remove a cable or something to gain easier access to the RAM.
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I don't know, I might have removed when I was reseting the bios. Why do you say it's a loose ram module? I can say it boots to windows, because the Led starts flashing, and when I am on windows, it only shutsdowns manually after 4 seconds. What exactly do you mean by loose ram module? Couldn't this be a loose cable on the graphics card? Thanks in advance
By loose ram Module i mean that the card is not fully inserted into the slot. I've had trouble with that in the past and the symptoms are nearly identical to yours.
Have you checked the connections on the card. Or the output ports on the rear of the computer, and the inputs on the monitor.
The outputs and the inputs seem to be fine. I think you are right, the ram module is not fully atatched, and I do not seem to know how. I would be glad if you could help me. Thanks in advance!
Well Drewm you were right! It was after all a loose RAM module, and I have video signal now. Thanks a lot! Yes, it as a loose RAM module. It was not fully attached. I have fixed that problem, but the 3GB, not 4 GB problem still presists. Any help would be perfect .
miniclip22 is your system bios the latest version? If not, check the manufacturers website and they should have the updates as well as instructions on how to flash your particular board.
Warning: Bios flashing is risky so make sure you read everything twice and don't take chances..
Glad to see you've got a Video output again...
Lost power at home because of The freak weather !

Any luck with the 3GB > 4GB problem?
Thanks for replying. Yes, I have made sure that I had my BIOS updated. Drew, you didn't miss anything, as the whole site was down for a day or two. No, I still have the same problem, even with 2x2GB, even after removing them and placing back together. I do not know what to do next. I've heard that this could be the video card not letting more than 3GB? Thanks in advance!
Some cards can share/ use your Main Memory but it wouldn't prevent it from showing in the bios.

Could you run cpu-z available here and post screen shots of both slot #1 and slot #2 from the SPD tab.
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Hi there, thanks a lot for replying . I have run the cpu-z program, and it appears to be a damaged RAM Module. Here are the screens:
Drew, once again, thanks for replying. I am totally sorry, but I did not understand a word you have told me. Could you please explain a little better? Sorry to bother you like this, and thanks in advance!!!
To eliminate the RAM problem you should test each module in each slot. So you are looking at doing this around 16 times, if each module is 1GB.

Secondly, if you finally do get to a point where you are testing the module and nothing boots up, you may hear three distinct beeps coming off the motherboard. This will indicate the RAM is faulty. If it only happens on one of the slots but works in the others, the slot itself is faulty.

If you have video issues you should try to reseat the video card carefully and make sure its in the PCI-E x16 slot, if you have one (on older boards this will be PCI-E x8 or x4).

Be very careful not to damage other components while using the system. Remember that the ATX form factor and the architecture of systems is modular. Your system is designed to still work if a stick of RAM goes or if a RAM slot fails. This does not mean the computer isn't broken. When you install the RAM, you should hear a distinct clicking noise. This is the module locking into place with the two plastic locking mechanisms on the side. All of the RAM should be locked in this way.
Thanks for replying, Mike. I have tested the RAM Modules, and the computer could boot perfectly. I only tried 4 times, though. Why do I need to try 16 times? And how can I determine which is the faulty RAM module, or which part of it? Thanks in advance!
Hi all, thanks one more time for your extended support though time. Well, I found out the source of the problem- missing RAM. I have complained to the store where I have bought my PC, and they agreed to replace the missing RAM. My problem (I thought it would be fixed) persists. I have tried almost everything to solve it, but have found no solution so far. In Windows 7 64 bits, windows only shows 3.25GB usable in 4 GB total. I will post a screen (below) to help me solve it. Also, I have heard of an option in my BIOS called Memory Hole Remapping, but I am not sure if it affects all the RAM. Any help would be appreciated.



  • RAM problem..webp
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I have had various memory issues over the years and I put together a handy little list of things to do if you have memory issues Link Removed - Invalid URL which hopefully will help you. Good luck and happy computing