
Essential Member
Microsoft Community Contributor
May 25, 2009

Adobe doesn't sell it's software anymore.

You have to rent it, and when they told me that I couldn't install my payed for copy of Photoshop CS2 because they didn't support it I was mad!!!

I've used Photoshop as a professional since version 2, in the early 90s.

A lot of other people were mad too, so Adobe relented and made Photoshop CS2 available on their web site for Free, along with a universal serial number.

I just noticed that they don't have it there anymore, so if you want a copy you can use forever you may want to get it now.

This is the full professional version of Photoshop, in my opinion much better then even the new Photoshop Elements.

I don't need to upgrade anymore I'm retired and this will do anything that I need to do.

Adobe Photoshop CS2

I've tried this specific download just now and it installed and ran fine, in Windows 10.

Note that the Serial Number is on the first page, (scroll down), copy it before you click on the download button.

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I downloaded and installed it from that specific link, just to make sure that it worked, before I posted the link.

It installed and runs fine, only thing it that it keeps asking me to register again.
I didn't use compatibility, or put it in the default location but installed in on my D:\ Graphic Arts Drive.

The registration screen isn't a problem, you can just close the window, but it's a nuisance because it opens every time you start the program even if you tell it Don't Register.

I had gotten rid of that in my old install, now I'll have to figure out how to do it again.

I remember it was done by deleting some file or folder but not exactly what.
I'll try and find out and post it here.

Most 32 bit software, if not all, will...
you can still get cs6 photoshop which is a stand alone licence and cheap but not free... I'm surprised that cs2 still does what you need, more power to you!

I don't need it to do all that content aware stuff, or color setup for printers anymore and CS2 has pretty much all the stuff needed to do normal photo retouching and styling.

I still use it all the time, I didn't know you could still buy CS6, if it's cheap enough I'd buy it, but it always cost hundreds of dollars even to upgrade.

I'll check it out.

Hey, Norway, if you know where to buy CS6 let me know, I haven't been able to find anyplace to buy it, other then a few places offering it for $2,000.

I have no idea whats up with that?

Photshop is my oldest adobe program.

I have later versions of InDesign, Illustrator and Premiere.
InDesign was the one program that I used every day to produce print material, while Photoshop was incidental to that, so I kept updating InDesign while I let Photoshop slide.

I wouldn't mind updating it if I can get a stand alone program that doesn't require logging into my Adobe account every time I use it, or renting it by the month.

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mike … couple questions … i'd assume your w10 environment is 64bit … cs2 is 32bit … you had no problems installing it? did you need to install using compatibility?

I downloaded and installed it from that specific link, just to make sure that it worked, before I posted the link.

It installed and runs fine, only thing it that it keeps asking me to register again.
I didn't use compatibility, or put it in the default location but installed in on my D:\ Graphic Arts Drive.

The registration screen isn't a problem, you can just close the window, but it's a nuisance because it opens every time you start the program even if you tell it Don't Register.

I had gotten rid of that in my old install, now I'll have to figure out how to do it again.

I remember it was done by deleting some file or folder but not exactly what.
I'll try and find out and post it here.

Most 32 bit software, if not all, will run in 64 bit, I've never tried running 64 bit software on a 32 bit computer, but I'm guessing that wouldn't work.

When I did it the first time I copied it to a DVD and put a label on it with the serial number so that I can always reinstall it even if it becomes unavailable, you might want to do that.

It's still a better photo editing program then Photoshop Elements as far as I'm concerned, because it works like a professional photo editing program, with out the fluff for beginners.

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It's easier then I remembered to get rid of the Nag screen.
Just start Photoshop as Administrator, select the Don't Register box and restart.

After that it opened without the reminder.

no worries, mike … 'ppreciate your rsvp.

at my work-place we utilize the cc-series (acr, ps, il, indd) … here at home, i make do with what avails itself to me. been using paint-shop-pro-7 since 2002 or thereabouts. couple years later, started to feel daring and found cs4 versions at a disreputable website. installation for that software went fine (xp-platform).

with regard to the reg-proc … there's couple google hits i came across by using "adobe keeps reminding me to register" as filter … sounds hopeful in your quest, mike.

thanks to your original post, mike … i did d/l, in the event i try installing that copy. since i had taken screen-caps of the cs4-install a decade ago … probably will try installing it on this laptop.

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yep, mike … that's one of the work-arounds i read.
GIMP is a cross-platform image editor available for GNU/Linux, OS X, Windows and more operating systems. It is free software.

Hope it help.
Hi Norway

As far as I can see the link goes to a location where you can setup the monthly fee to use the new Adobe software.
I don't see anything about buying Adobe Photoshop CS6 cheap.

I have looked and don't find anyway to get it anymore other then buying it from someone who has an original disk at a very high price.

I think that's the reason that people are selling the old versions that have not been used for thousands of dollars, it's the latest version that you can buy and not be on the string forever...

I really don't like the new trend of renting out software for a monthly fee, especially at $60 a month!

That's $720 a year, every year, it's much more expensive then it used to be to buy or upgrade the software.

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I didn't notice that, but I'm guessing that there prices are a lot more then I want to spend.
I'm really OK with CS4, but if there was a deal on a newer one I'd do it.

I paid a lot of money since I started with Photoshop 2 over the years, it usually cost several hundred dollars to upgrade each Adobe program every time the updated and that adds up added up.

Photoshop is actually my oldest Adobe program, Indesign, and Illustrator are CS6, and Premiere Elements is up to date.

If I want a newer Photoshop I should probably just get the latest Photoshop Elements.
It probably has all the stuff I need anyway.

It's just that I've used the old interface for so many years that I hate to change.


Hi, I found the price, $600 since it won't upgrade anymore, to rich for my blood.
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Wow i only just found this thread lol. I have an old copy of Photoshop 5 which I have used on occasion so something more recent is great!

Thanks Mike!

Nice post, I have used Adobe Photoshop 7.0 for long time, but I prefer to update it with more recent version
Oh, I haven't checked that the thread was created a couple of years ago and the title is a little misleading. I had a subscription for Adobe apps and as a student, I paid only 20 bucks per month. But I'm not a student anymore so I don't want to pay extra and was looking for free software. I'm gonna try GIMP that you've mentioned here. Thanks for info. I also checked some reviews about apps that allow you to recolor image online which it's incredibly useful for me cause I want to restore old photos of my grandmother.
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there are other options around but Photoshop is still the best ... having said that I agree that renting it [cs6 is finished] is not the best option for some people

p.s, shop around mate GIMP is very old now