Windows 7 Any way to unpin computer from start menu?


New Member
Jan 8, 2009
i'm trying to get rid of "computer" in start bar -- it just annoys me. anyone know how?

here's what i mean
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found the solution!

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1. Click Start, Run and type regedit.exe
2. Navigate to the following location:
HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT \ Folder \ shellex \ ContextMenuHandlers
3. Create a sub-key named {a2a9545d-a0c2-42b4-9708-a0b2badd77c8}
4. Exit the Registry Editor.
You can right-click on the Start button, choose properties and uncheck both boxes under Privacy.

This will remove them all, but they will return after you recheck the boxes.

I've done it and My Computer has never shown up again

that only got rid of all my recent programs, not the "computer" that my arrow points to.

Strange, worked for me.

You're sure you unchecked both boxes?

What options do you have if you right-click on the Computer entry?

I think (maybe I'm wrong) this thread has gone adrift. If I understand your request correctly, this is what you do:
Right click the Start and then "Properties"
Under the tab "Start Menu" select customise.
Under the first item "Computer" Check "Dont display this item"
Ok and Apply.

Hey Dave,

You're absolutely right.

I was thinking about an earlier post when someone had dragged the Documents folder and pinned it there and he could not remove it

Very easy solution.

I think I've seen that plate on one of the crime series!

That is correct. Which is the other one you want to remove. My installation doesn't show any others?

i would have if it were that's my "right click" pic

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I understand now. I've dragged Computer from the desktop and choose Pin to Start Menu and I'm working on a solution as the previous suggestions don't work.

I dont have that MY computer showing there but i do have an option to "remove from list" for everything else that shows there.

I've tracked the registry for changes and one particular entry under Software\Microsoft\Windows\Current Version\Explorer\Advanced.

The value was changed from 1 to 0. 1 indicated enabled and 0 indicates disabled.

I have to say this a a definite bug, as right-clicking on the Start Button, choosing properties and checking Computer > and then click the Customize button and choose Computer > Don't display this item simply does not work

I can only suggest you send feedback to Microsoft.

This same question was posted here:
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and a solution was never provided. Sorry, I did my best.

Hang on a minute, I just refreshed and now the Computer entry is gone.

However, this involves a lot of registry editting and unless you're a extremely advanced user, I would not suggest attempting it. I don't now how it will affect the operation of the system. I'm going to restrat and see what happens

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why don't you click 'properties' when you right click? usually you can just right click and 'un pin from taskbar' but obviously not in your case.. are you sure your clicking right? like when you click a folder and it says 'move here' 'copy here' ect.. when you move the arrow whilst right clicking, keep the arrow still, hovering over the picture and then it should come up 'un pin from taskbar'....

yes i'm sure im clicking right. and properties just brings up the actual my computer properties, as in showing me registration key info. i would send this feedback to microsoft, but i disabled those buttons cuz they were annoying.

yes i'm sure im clicking right. and properties just brings up the actual my computer properties, as in showing me registration key info. i would send this feedback to microsoft, but i disabled those buttons cuz they were annoying.
oh, sorry... not sure how to fix that then..
