
Honorable Member
Oct 2, 2014
Hi, I bought new hard drive and installed fresh Windows 10 and then upgrade to 1703 Build.

Now, I want to return it to it's original version then upgrade to 1507 or 1511 Build (Cuz one of them was the installed version in my previous hard drive).

I want this because a problem with files names.

They appear like this:

Link Removed

Where they should be like this (The one with blue color):

Link Removed

Build 1507 is end of life now and 1511 will be EOL in November. I'd suggest we work on tweaking the icon settings.

Reverting back to a prior build because of the highlighting is not a good idea! In Explorer on 1703, I see thumbnail'd photos and videos exactly as you did in 1507.

Go to Themes -> You will notice you are on a custom theme (probably a sync'd theme)

Click on the Windows theme or the Windows 10 theme.

