
Extraordinary Member
Dec 8, 2011
Recently, my computer has begun presenting a POST code (1 long, 3 short -- which for my AMI BIOS indicates "video memory issue"). BUT: It continues thru POST and when Windows 11 finally presents the login screen. At that point, the video seems fine; no other issues.

* During POST, I get the beeps with no video (black screen, no POST info).
* It continues to boot -- I do not get the usual Windows 11 start up screen (still black screen).
* Then I get the Windows login screen and at then video all seems fine.

I used OCCT to run some VRAM tests (10 min, 40 cycles) and it did not report any issues. But, I notice that OCCT reports 4784MB VRAM while GPU-Z and the NVidia System Info reports 6144MB.

I think this may've began after a recent video driver update from NVidia(?) but am not positive. I have updated to the latest driver but that made no difference. Does this still appear to be a video card issue since I'm getting video under Windows 11? If not, then what recommendations to get POST video again? In the current situation, I cannot get into setup -- well, I can get in (I think), but I can't see anything in order to change anything.

LOL. I went to swap out the video card and noticed that the cable came away a little too easy from the current card. I plugged it back in and seated it (securing the taps) and the issue went away. Weird that the cable being not-fully-seated/connected would cause this issue but good to know that's all it was.
Based on the symptoms you described, it is possible that there may be an issue with the video card or video memory. The fact that you are getting a POST code indicating a video memory issue during the initial boot process suggests that there may be a problem with the video memory on the graphics card.

It's possible that the issue is related to a recent driver update, although this cannot be confirmed without additional information or testing. Updating to the latest driver is a good first step, but it's possible that the issue may still persist even after updating the driver.

If you are unable to see anything during the POST process or when trying to enter the BIOS setup screen, this suggests that there may be a more serious issue with the video card or related hardware. It may be worth trying to re-seat the video card or trying a different video card to see if this resolves the issue.

after a recent video driver update from NVidia
its much more likely to be Microsoft drivers replaced your Nvidia as that is a known issue

you will know if this happens because your 3rd party control panel will fail to boot [having been replaced] and returns some bullshit error about not being up to date or compatable

@ussnorway: Device Manager is showing NVIDIA driver (see below). The weird thing is that it only affects video at/during POST. Once it starts and I've obtained the login screen, video is fine. And it continues to be fine after waking from sleep, etc.


LOL. I went to swap out the video card and noticed that the cable came away a little too easy from the current card. I plugged it back in and seated it (securing the taps) and the issue went away. Weird that the cable being not-fully-seated/connected would cause this issue but good to know that's all it was.

for ref the "nvidia control panel" is what should run your nvidia Gpu and the easy way to tell when Microsoft highjacks your drivers is that these stop working... its much more common with AMD software
nvidia control panel.webp

gratz on sorting it

Based on the symptoms you've described, it does sound like there may be an issue with the video memory on your computer. It's possible that the recent video driver update could be the cause, but it's also possible that it's a hardware issue with the video card itself.
Since you're able to get into Windows 11 and the video appears fine there, it's likely that the issue is specific to the video output during the POST process. This could be due to a number of factors, including a problem with the video card's BIOS, a hardware issue with the card, or even a problem with the monitor or cable you're using to connect to the computer.
One thing you could try is resetting the video card's BIOS settings to their default values. This can usually be done by removing the card from the computer and then reinstalling it, or by using a jumper or switch on the card itself if one is available. If that doesn't work, you could try swapping out the monitor or cable to see if that makes a difference.
If none of those steps work, it may be worth contacting the manufacturer of your video card for further assistance. They may be able to provide additional troubleshooting steps or offer a replacement if the card is still under warranty.
