Windows 10 Blue screen after every full night shutdown.


It's not the oddest thing I've seen cause a bsod but it does rank up there. In fact this is a perfect example of why you simply have to try everything and check everything as it might be something as simple as incorrect keyboard settings. I once had a case where a browser was causing a bugcheck 124 (over heating issues usually related to overclocking) so it can certainly be a frustrating search.
It's great to hear that at last there might be a solution and great job in spotting it.

If any issues should reoccur Bawb then please post back. Best of luck!
That's some good detective work there, Bawb! Let's hope the BSOD issue stays resolved. Thanks for letting us know and sharing your solution.

Well John, looks like we were heading in the right direction although for me at least that was more down to a process of elimination than anything else.. Great job by the OP to spot the issue!!
Much thanks once again.. (for checking over the thread)
Great work Bawb! Most BSOD's are solved by the owner, not by the analyst.
We provide hints and clues, but it's you who know the system best (and you're the one doing the actual work on it!).
Good luck!