
Senior Member
May 30, 2015

i have issues with my computer. Last week my computer crashed with a bluescreen caused by a damaged ram (BSOD > Memory_Management) (was using 2x4gb). With the help of Memtest i found the broken ram and bought a new package of the exactly same (modelnumber is same!). Now I have - due using again a package of 2x4gb additional to the one 4gb working - 12gb ram. I thought now, that all the bugs should gone.. but sadly now. At the beginning of the week i recognized, that sometimes for example a program crashed, once my firefox also crashed.. and yesterday also my media player classic wasnt working anymore till restart. later that day when starting a game a short time after i got a bluescreen, but with different message:

The problem seems to be caused by the following file: Ntfs.sys


If this is the first time you've seen this stop error screen,
restart your computer. If this screen appears again, follow
these steps:

Check to make sure any new hardware or software is properly installed.
If this is a new installation, ask your hardware or software manufacturer
for any Windows updates you might need.

If problems continue, disable or remove any newly installed hardware
or software. Disable BIOS memory options such as caching or shadowing.
If you need to use safe mode to remove or disable components, restart
your computer, press F8 to select Advanced Startup Options, and then
select Safe Mode.

Technical Information:

*** STOP: 0x00000024 (0x00000000001904fb, 0xfffff88003185578, 0xfffff88003184dd0,

*** Ntfs.sys - Address 0xfffff88001232688 base at 0xfffff8800122e000 DateStamp

Now that sounds for me like issues with the harddrive, even when I dont think, that the harddrive should be damaged! The system Harddrive is a SSD.

What i tried yet:

1) chkdsk c: /f /r on the harddrives (even the once just for music and pictures) - it could not find any issues!
2) checked the harddrives with Crystal Disk Info everything seems to be okay.

I have not changed anything special in my system in the close past! So I don't think this is an issues caused by new drivers for example. i am really desperated :(

So Bob what did you do about the graphics driver?

Games crashing doesn't always mean your pc is at fault. Some games will simply crash from time to time for whatever reason but it's not always down to the pc. Bad coding in the game can have a negative effect.

Can you just try the things I've recommended and then we'll move on to the next issue.
Hmm... Perhaps this is a bug which is common with those boards. Usually googling or a user forum will tell you. Have you considered returning it (yet again) and trying a different model board?

Sadly I do not know if any other people have this problem. I posted this in the german and english MSI forum and also explicit asked for other users with the mainboard... noone answers at least to this question like it seems noone has it there.
By the way I have another point that gives me a guarantee that my keyboard and mouse are not affected. In the previous bugged mainboard (the one I bought new) I had this issues more than once a day, when I didn't have any of them before. While I sent this mainboard back, I was using my laptop and I connected the keyboard and mouse to it. One week of exzessive usage and I didn't have even once the problem. Then I receive the changed motherboard, install it in the computer.. and right on the first day using it, the issue returns. Sounds really like this is NOT the keyboard and mouse.

No, I haven't tried another keyboard (since I didn't bought two Socket 1150 Mainboards for one computer of course). My plan now: I contacted MSI support via mail again, told the two problems (twisted fan settings/called Aux in system and the usb keyboard/mouse freezes). I hope they may fix it via patch or something very very soon or at least they tell me, that I should return it. With a copy of that mail I could argue with the shop, so that I can return the mainboard again. Then I would change it with another. I don't want the same model anymore. However I also don't know which board I should get. One of the big advantages of MSI for me is the 3 years warranty and I do not know another good mainboard manufactur that gives more than 2 years.

One of the big advantages of MSI for me is the 3 years warranty and I do not know another good mainboard manufactur that gives more than 2 years.
I always use Gigabyte motherboards and usually they have a warranty of 3yrs although my latest board has a warranty of 4yrs

In general the question: Where do you read taht it has 4 years guarantee? I maybe would be interested in the
Gigabyte GA-Z97X-Gaming 3

This was on the sellers site and seems is only available in the USA sorry. Warranty seems to differ from country to county so check the Gigabyte site in general.

This link gives some idea but generally it's country by country:

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Do you use SpeedFan? Can you set the Fanspeed manually with this board? Since I am wondering I cannot do anythign with Speedfan in this Board

I used to use it with my last set up but not with this one. Speedfan relies on the fans being attached to posts which carry at least 4pins these are known as PWM or Pulse width modulation and basically means the current to the fan can be altered to either speed it up or slow it down. If you have a fan attched to a point which only has 3pins Speedfan will not be able to change the fan speed.
This usually means one can control fans to do with either the CPU or GPU but any case fans attached would have to be to a PWM header as I said above otherwise you can't change the speed. I actually bought a little controller for my case fans which basically acts just like the fan is attached to a PWM header. You can also slow case fans by doing whats called a 7volt mod and indeed I've have at least one fan set to using 7volts only and in doing so slowing it down to an acceptable speed.

Guess I learn something. Whats with the pins. Does the fan need a 3 PIN or the Mainboard? Since I am wondering that I could use my 3 PIN noctua casefan on the previous mainboard but not on this one.

Also I am disappointed by the mainboards temperature. HWMonitor tells me, that the Mainboard temperature gets even to 47C (under Max even 56C - but haven't seen that for myself when it was like that). There is no way I could change that I guess. I lay down even the noctua 120mm fan on the bottom of my case, but it didn't change the temperature. By the way I bought a new case - a fractal design r5 PCGH edition (2 140mm fans preinstalled in front).

Today while watching series from my external drive, the mainboard some kind of freezes/disabled the drive (LED still running, but not located in Windows explorer anymore and the USB unplug sound was there). Since this harddrive never ever did this before and this problem seems to be familiar to my previous USB problems with this board, I don't want to wait anymore until MSI support talks with taiwan (which should take 5 days for answer) until they start making a solution or maybe tell me, to get a new one.
Now I am thinking of a different board. Since in germany only MSI gives more than 2 years warranty for their mainboards, I am thinking of the MSI z97 Gaming 3. It is a bit more expensive and I guess I do not need all that stuff, but at least it should be a better quality. Do you know something about that? temperatures or else? :-)

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Does the fan need a 3 PIN or the Mainboard? Since I am wondering that I could use my 3 PIN noctua casefan on the previous mainboard but not on this one.

Sorry Bob not sure what you mean exactly. Do you mean you used a 3pin fan on your old motherboard and you could control with speedfan?
If so you were probably plugging it into a pwm header. 3pin fans will plug into 4pin posts.

Since the old mainboard is not here anymore (I sent it to the shop due warranty). I connected the 3 pin casefan into a SysFan pin on the mainboard. don't know if it had 3 or 4 pins on it.

Well hello hello,

I wanted to give a new update of how the things are going with my computer. First I have to say: In germany you cannot return a device after 14 days, just because you don't want it. Since I had already two mainboards (same model) here, the 14 days are already done. Now we have the rule, that the seller/shop has the chance to try to fix/change the problem three times. That means also I still have a G43-Z97 mainboard here and this time it is the third (!) board.

However also this third board has issues. This time the SATA-controller on tha mainboard itself already are bugged. I just found out by changing SATA cable and also usign another SSD, that SATA Slot 3-4 are broken. Also it already happends in the 2 hours i am on this computer with some restarts, that once Windows war in a loading loop and two times, that one of the secondary harddrives was not loaded. But meanwhile at least MSI found out, that the fan issue is a true problem and gave me a Beta BIOS Update. However due the other issues and the thing, that it seems to be buggy all around with these kidn of boards, I am now looking for an alternative board to this.

I am really unlucky with my computer..

This time the SATA-controller on tha mainboard itself already are bugged.
I know with certain Gigabyte boards they would use a Marvell controller which wasn't really very good and prone to bsod. Your better off not using the Marvell ports and just sticking with the Intel ports.

I hope that this issue or issues are eventually sorted out for you Bob and if I can help any further you only have to ask.

Well I have to say, that those SATA ports weren't a problem in the previous two mainboard, but now they are. However I also had one startup, with a windows loadingscreen endless loop or one, where a secondary harddrive was not loaded.

Now I had to write a very big email to the seller/shop, since they told me to do that after I gave them a phonecall. I hope they give me the full money back, so I can purchase another. Meanwhile I already posted a thread in a german hardware forum to ask for an alternative to this board.

Okay, I just want to reply and give an update. I received my new motherboard ASUS Z97-Pro Gamer and this board seems to work. However I sadly now feel I have been cursed with my computer, because problems won't stop. For example skype forces my GPU to run on full clockspeed without any reason. It worked well with the latest update, but after a few days it started again. I clean reinstalled the GPU drivers and now it works again (until next time I guess). GTA 5 has issues with MSAA for me that may result in crashes... and also I got again trojans on my computer system in SysWow64 and I don't even know why again - latest updates from windows and I never had that before. I'm really sick of it :(

Bob are you using a back up file to re-install or are you clean installing everytime? The reason I ask is because either the backup or the HDD may have corruption or similar which is causing these issues to reappear with every new motherboard. I would set about testing every component you have or are using. If possible ask a friend if you can try using certain components in their system to verify is they stable or not.

No, I always make clean installs with all programs and updates and drivers. The only backups I have of course is my data like music, pictures and more. Also I copy savegame folders.
I also have to say that the new mainboard seems to work fine, but that there comes new problems like its a chain of probelms with no end. Those are the current problems:
- Skype forces the GPU (MSI GTX 970 Gaming) to run in 1113MHZ clockspeed - this also makes high temps all time. I updated two days ago to the latest nvidia drivers and the problem has gone. Yesterday night the problems returned and I don't know why. I reinstalled Skype but id did not help. I made a clean reinstall of the GPU drivers and now it works. But I don't know what happend and I guess this can return then, when I don't know why this even happend. I haven't made any changes in the settings of the drivers, only the global setting Vsync adaptive I made. Nothing else. However now I chose adaptive Vsync for a few games.
- Without any reason I had new trojans on my computer and I don't understand how they could come into my PC. They were in C:/Temp and C:/Windows/SysWow64. I didn'T downloaded anything since I have the new system. Only thing that was downloaded were new updates in Steam or the Windows Updates. However I used a offline security update pack from July15, that I installed after I made the clean Windows-installation. So I prefent to get infected while updating online. So I don't know why the returned
- GTA 5 gets sometimes crashes when I am using MSAA settings. However I checked in internet and forums, but it looks like noone has this problems anymore (only in april/may).

Now I am neurotic as f***, checking alltime HWMonitor clocks of gpu, windows event viewer, checking for viruses. I hate that :(

What are you using for security?

With Skype does your gpu speed ramp up when skype is first started and then settle back down again or does it remain at full speed?

Try clean installing your gpu drivers. That means booting into safe mode using the Display driver uninstaller app to clean things up. You can then install a fresh copy of the driver knowing there is nothing left lying around from previous driver installs.
DDU Released - Wagnardmobile Forum

What are you using for security?

With Skype does your gpu speed ramp up when skype is first started and then settle back down again or does it remain at full speed?

Try clean installing your gpu drivers. That means booting into safe mode using the Display driver uninstaller app to clean things up. You can then install a fresh copy of the driver knowing there is nothing left lying around from previous driver installs.
DDU Released - Wagnardmobile Forum

So be honest I don't use any antivirus programs that run whole time. I sometimes check for viruses with a few smaller programs because I never ever had good experience with antivirus programs. Also I didn't have any problems with viruses since 7 years I guess. I know how to act in internet and if I get a file that is strange, I check it on another computer which has an free antivirus program. All time using a antivirus program, it procuded slower performance, annoying popups or stuff like that. This virus now I foudn with HitmanProx64.

Skype: Well, when I start skype, then the clock keeps the high rate of it. Then 2 days ago I tried the latest drivers and it seems to fix that problem. As you say.. when I started skype, then the gpu speed goes up to the 1113MHZ.. but after a few it drops down again. Then since yesterday it was keeping in the high clock speed. Restarts didn't help.

Clean GPU install: I have learned from you and I never ever make clean installs without the DDU u have me. I saved it on my HDD, so I already did it exactly that way :). I jsut use the file you gave me some time ago. Its version
