
New Member
Jan 18, 2010
I have this little problem. When I started my computer yesterday it was awfully slow for some reason, but when I wanted to play a game it gave me the blue screen. This said that is was dumping the physical memory. When it was done my computer shut down by itself and tried to reboot, but nothing happenend when it was rebooting. I could hear my fans working and my HD working also for a short time, but my screen didnt do anything at all. Normally when I boot my pc I hear some distinctive beeps, they were gone also.
Now, I've read trough all the possible problems and fixes but none seem to describe mine.

What I've done is I unplugged all my cables and my HD. Replugged my powercable and gave my computer a boot without anything except the powercable. When I did the beeps were back, then I shut down my pc and plugged my screen and keyboad/mouse back in.
Then I booted my pc again, I saw the bios flash screen and was able to get in my boot menu by spamming F8. The HD was still detached.
I shut down my pc again, plugged in my HD, spammed F8, chose my HD and it would start again. I chose to start it in safe mode to restore my back-up. Then while I was working my way to the restore page it froze on me again. (without the BSoD)

Now it wont do anything at all, it only starts my fans and thats it. Even when I repeat the same as stated above. Even when I pop in the restore disc I got with my PC. it just stays black =(

So guys, is my HD broken, my motherboard or my RAM?
I cant figure it out, can you help me or do you have suggestions?
Thanks in advance.

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The last time that happened to me it was the video card that was not working. An old spare one fitted saw it all working again. However if the mouse and the keyboard aere not lighting up it is probably somethinf else.
I presume that when you checked tha cables you checked the internal and the external ones. especially the power plugs.
If you have more than one ram module take them out and try them one at a time or beg or borrow a ram module and try that. If it is not the RAM I would think something wrong with the power supply. You could check the voltages with a multimeter.

I have 2 RAM modules I tried starting my pc with one module inserted (tried both) and with none inserted. Nothing happened.
My videocard does get power and its fan is working also. I dont think it's that.
I dont have a multimeter sadly.
But I think my motherboard is broken, I remembered that not too long ago my appartement had some serious power spikes running trough my net. This caused the modem to overheat and kill itself. Maybe my motherboard got suckerpunched too and just gave up now.
Maybe some spikes I didnt notice happened when it shut down but were the straw that broke the camel's back.
I have no idea...

M/B = motherboard. Yes go try your HDD on your friend's PC. It spins & you will see what's on it...

cus it's the M/B that needs replacing.

Not sure why we are going around & around over this... try some hardware changes. Go ahead & eliminate the HDD & then get a new M/B.


"A scan a day keeps te nasties away!"

Will do. Going to format it completely just to be sure. If it works ^^

ok so I've checked everything on another pc and yup its definitely my motherboard.
So that settles it, thanks for the help guys!
