
New Member
Jan 2, 2013
I'm using BlueScreenView to analyze the multiple minidumps, but having no success in fixing anything. I need guidance on what to do with the info now that I have found it.

I thought I knew enough about computers to figure this out myself. I've read through so many posts/articles now that my head hurts! Any help would be appreciated.

If you're interested in debugging BSODS yourself, go through each minidump one at a time.
Using BlueScreen Viewer, finish screening a dump, then record:
the message reported
any paramaters tagged to the message
What might've caused the problem (Most likely caused by: <driver/application>)

I've never used BlueScreen Viewer - I use either the scripted application given to me, or I use: Link Removed
Download the correct version of WDK and use windbg.
Please provide this information so we can provide a complete analysis: Link Removed

At work we run diagnostics on every system that we take in for repair (before we even start working on it). At a minimum, please run the free diagnostics here: Link Removed. For more in-depth diagnostics, please run those listed here: Link Removed

If you're interested in debugging BSODS yourself, go through each minidump one at a time.
Using BlueScreen Viewer, finish screening a dump, then record:
the message reported
any paramaters tagged to the message
What might've caused the problem (Most likely caused by: <driver/application>)

I've never used BlueScreen Viewer - I use either the scripted application given to me, or I use: Link Removed
Download the correct version of WDK and use windbg.
