New Member
Sep 12, 2010
First of all, sorry if this was posted before or if this is the wrong section.

Earlier today I was playing Starcraft and my computer froze. I waited a bit and rebooted it by pressing the ON/OFF button on my case.

After that happened I am not able to get past the W7 logo. It gives me a BSOD with the following codes:

0x0000007E (0xFFFFFFFF00000065, 0xFFFFF880014EC335, 0xFFFFF880009A8F68, 0xFFFFF880009A87D0)


Computer specs:
Intel i7 920 @ 3.8 ghz
ASUS P6T Deluxe v2.0
12 GB DDR Kingston HyperX @ 1887~
1 x OCZ Vertex 2 SSD
1 x 640 GB HDD
1 x 1500 GB HDD
2 x 1 TB HDD
EDIT: Windows 7 64 bit OS

I tried putting my W7 DVD and repair, it said the OS and the iso on the dvd are different versions.

It won't let me repair via F8.

Any help is highly appreciated.

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A little update:

After trying to repair with this program I downloaded, it finally works. It booted with "last known working configuration" or whatever. The problem is that apparently windows is damaged and I need to reinstall it. It works as fast as before, just that I can't activate it and I can't (re)install my GPU drivers either. :/

I get the "the video card device isn't accessible because there are no drivers yadda yadda". If I reboot for them to load, it won't boot unless I select last known configuration. :c

If you can boot now:

1. sfc /scannow

2. chkdsk /r /f

3. reinstall video driver

4. Attach crash dumps from C:\Windows\Minidump.

I would clean install the system, or do a "vanilla" install to another partition...
You can try Windows 7 System Recovery Discs. Can you boot in safe mode?

I can't boot into safe mode. Only options I get when I press F8 is a list with potential boot devices (as in, a list with all my drives, floppy disk, dvd drive and whatnot). When I select my SSD I get a "Start Windows Normally" and a "Repair Windows" option. Start windows normally gives me the same BSOD as when I boot normally, repair windows option gives me an error code.

I'll download the recovery disk, burn it and see what. Thank you.

I submitted a reply but it didn't go through, apparently.

EDIT: Ah right.

I downloaded and burned the recovery disc, going to try now.

I can't boot into safe mode. Only options I get when pressing F8 is a list of bootable devices such as my HDD, DVD or whatever. When I select my SSD I get 2 options: Repair - which leads to an error; and boot normally which leads to a BSOD.

Update: Tried repairing via the recovery disc, still BSOD, same code.

Trying to repair via "normal" repair - aka no disc - gives The boot selection failed because a required device is inaccessible.

I can't boot into safe mode. Only options I get when pressing F8 is a list of bootable devices such as my HDD, DVD or whatever. When I select my SSD I get 2 options: Repair - which leads to an error; and boot normally which leads to a BSOD.

I see, looks like an ssd issue...hope not. This is probably why it says the OS and the iso on the dvd are different versions.

Update: Tried repairing via the recovery disc, still BSOD, same code.

Trying to repair via "normal" repair - aka no disc - gives The boot selection failed because a required device is inaccessible.

Choose command prompt from the recovery options and type chkdsk /r.

Have you made any changes to your bios setup that might have caused the freezes, like switching the hard drive controller modes ?

Choose command prompt from the recovery options and type chkdsk /r.

Have you made any changes to your bios setup that might have caused the freezes, like switching the hard drive controller modes ?

I downloaded the 64 bit recovery disc image that you linked. When I boot from it, after selecting the partition with the OS installed on it just directly attempts to repair it without any sort of options at all, so I can't choose command prompt. It *would* let me choose command prompt when I tried it from my W7 DVD - from which I installed my current OS - but it would only let me proceed when I didn't select any partition. I tried to run the repair from the freshly burnt DVD 3 times just incase, still no luck. I get an "advanced" error code or something alike after the automatic repair is complete, it's pretty long, though.

I haven't done any changes to the BIOS but I'll try resetting all values and see what it changes. I'll also try unplugging all hard drives but the SSD and seeing if that helps.

I resetted all BIOS values, set SSD to #1 on boot device priority, tried booting - still the same error.
Opened case, made sure all SATA cables are properly connected, unplugged all drives but SSD and DVD drive. Still the same error.

I might try making a clean install on another hard drive/partition and copying missing files onto my main install, would that work?

Bump, going to try install a clean install on a new partition and copy missing files or whatnot.

Have you tried using f8 while booting for the menu, and selecting "Last known good configuration"?

Have you tried using f8 while booting for the menu, and selecting "Last known good configuration"?

I can't even get to the menu where it lets me select "Last known configuration", "Safe mode" and whatnot.

I installed Windows 7 on another HDD, booted from there. Went into msconfig, made it so whenever I boot my SSD W7 it goes directly into safe mode. Doesn't go through, BSODs.

Tried copying cng.sys from the new installation to the old one, no luck either.

Boot to safe mode + networking.

Post the crash dumps now from C:\Windows\Minidump

You'll have to copy the files in there to any other folder. Then zip them. Attach the zip to a post.

We'll see what's going on and what to do to fix it.

Boot to safe mode + networking.

Post the crash dumps now from C:\Windows\Minidump

You'll have to copy the files in there to any other folder. Then zip them. Attach the zip to a post.

We'll see what's going on and what to do to fix it.

Okay, now I do get the option to boot to safe mode + networking, but I can't access it, it crashes. Same with any other option. :/

EDIT: Well I *am* able to access the C:\Windows\Minidump when I boot from my other W7. There's only *1* file created - apparently - in 2002, though. Not sure if this is what you need.

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A little update:

After trying to repair with this program I downloaded, it finally works. It booted with "last known working configuration" or whatever. The problem is that apparently windows is damaged and I need to reinstall it. It works as fast as before, just that I can't activate it and I can't (re)install my GPU drivers either. :/

I get the "the video card device isn't accessible because there are no drivers yadda yadda". If I reboot for them to load, it won't boot unless I select last known configuration. :c

A little update:

After trying to repair with this program I downloaded, it finally works. It booted with "last known working configuration" or whatever. The problem is that apparently windows is damaged and I need to reinstall it. It works as fast as before, just that I can't activate it and I can't (re)install my GPU drivers either. :/

I get the "the video card device isn't accessible because there are no drivers yadda yadda". If I reboot for them to load, it won't boot unless I select last known configuration. :c

If you can boot now:

1. sfc /scannow

2. chkdsk /r /f

3. reinstall video driver

4. Attach crash dumps from C:\Windows\Minidump.

I would clean install the system, or do a "vanilla" install to another partition to check if the hardware is ok.

If you can boot now:

1. sfc /scannow

2. chkdsk /r /f

3. reinstall video driver

4. Attach crash dumps from C:\Windows\Minidump.

I would clean install the system, or do a "vanilla" install to another partition to check if the hardware is ok.

I did this, it went through (had to get a PS2 keyboard because it wouldn't let me chkdsk before booting with an USB one, apparently).

The problem I have now is that some files are missing, or something alike. I tried to download a reputable W7 activator - updated some days ago - and it didn't activate my windows. My windows update is disabled/doesnt work, gives me the following error code: C004F012. Chkdsk/scannow didn't fix it.

EDIT: I'm running Malwarebytes + Kaspersky full scan to see if I have any malware/virus/whatever. I'm sure the "missing" files were caused by me trying to delete and replace cng.sys and whatnot, though. :/

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