
New Member
Dec 24, 2014
I have 2 hard drives one is my drive C with windows and a 2nd hard drive drive F where I put all my game, steam, origin ect. I was always able to create a system image of drive C and uncheck drive F

All of a sudden now when I try to create a system image of drive c I cant uncheck drive F. MS backup says that drive C and F are system Drives. Drive F has no boot files boot.INIis okay and disk manager does not show drive Fas a system drive. The last system I made was in july after I restored image to c drive. . If I image both drives it is 420gig, unacceptable I noticed some game save data is on c while game is installed on F but that has bot been problem I CANT FINE THE PROBLEM HELP
I cant find answer anywhere, but computer works fine


There is at least one program on F that has designated it as a system drive. It will be search and delete to find the culprit. Most likely are antivirus, antimalware, hidden folder programs etc.
There is at least one program on F that has designated it as a system drive. It will be search and delete to find the culprit. Most likely are antivirus, antimalware, hidden folder programs etc.

Windows is connected from C to any drive you have essential programs on. In my case I've named my second disk K, and I can't get it unchecked, just like your F. Boot isn't same as System.

"All of a sudden" implies that you have recently installed something in a way that connects your F to your C. Check your latest installs and get rid of everything you may suspect. It's not necessarily anything dangerous, it may be an attachment you can avoid by being careful when you re-install, it may be something like "let us know..." or "auto-update", "start when Windows starts", or something. Thus, check the settings of newly installed programs, click off any auto-updates.

Like in my case, I don't worry about it.

And do scan your computer thoroughly. With Malwarebytes and CCleaner too, but do not have more than your AV running all the time, security programs may collide.

Auto is a function I've got rid off. Have programs inform you when an update is available, but have yourself to decide. Goes for Windows updates too.

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