Those are two completely different resolutions. Anything looks big at the low res of that vista pic. On a decent res it doesn't take up much space at all.
"A well respected Windows 7 Forum member attended PDC '08 and Microsoft said there is no chance they are bringing back the Classic menu."
But if ENOUGH potential buyers sceam loud enough, this decision can be considered tentative at this point. This is one of the purposes of a beta version. Everybody scream LOUDLY. Both "sides" of this issue can be satisfied quite easily here. Those of us who prefer the "legacy look" could have that while the "Youngsters" can have their "flash and glory".
Hey Windows 7 Users I am using Windows 7 Ultimate 64 Bit Downloaded From MSDN......
About Classic Start Menu You can't expect every thing at your disposable, microsoft has stopped Spoon Feeding ha ha ha...
So if you want any thing you have to make it your self web surfing & information about classic start menu is helpless as i tried 4 days then i decided to use my Logic and i deployed the Windows 7 Ultimate 64 Bit ISO image using n-Lite during deploying ii had Vista Ultimate 64 Bit....
In n-Lite you will come to know all hidden keys for enabling and disabling feature of Windows....
that will help you to make your own custome selection in class of windows appearance;windows behaviour;windows settings;windows default softwares....
I did so and selected classic menu and reconstructed the ISO and burned on DVD using MagicISOMaker and it worked for me.....
now i have got Windows 7 Ultimate 64 bit with quick launch,classic start menu, efficient power saver profile...
If you never use the start menu, just fill it up with random programs then.i dont want any items there i almost never use the start menu but when i do that white block makes my eyes twitch and my ocd goes nuts lol