Windows 7 Compter screeb wont even turn on after windows update. PLease healp!


New Member
Sep 13, 2012
I have an HP pavilion entertainment PC (hp pavilion dv4).
Well my lap top needed and update one day and i pressed okay but the problem is that once it shutdown it would not even turn on. I mean the laptop would turn on but not the screen I tried doing the power option meaning i held the power button for 30 secs then 60 secs after it didn't work. i removed the battery and all that. I cant even do safe mode start up because the screen is black. no even the logo windows shows up. I connected it to a monitor but nothing. The caps and the scroll button turn on and off after a few secs then again.

I have a huge 15 page paper due and it's in here, please tel me someone can help. I'm freaking out!

Sounds like the problem was most likely caused by a display driver update.. If you insert your Windows install disc and select System Restore, you can revert to just before you installed those updates, which should then let you boot normally. Add the driver to your "hide update" list on Windows Update.
Hi Girlynot3, as for the paper do you know anybody tech-savvy enough to remove the hard drive and connect it to a second PC so you can read the data off it and possibly print your paper?
As for the laptop itself, does the disk spin when you press the power button to turn it on? Are there any beeps? Do the fans start?

Sounds like the problem was most likely caused by a display driver update.. If you insert your Windows install disc and select System Restore, you can revert to just before you installed those updates, which should then let you boot normally. Add the driver to your "hide update" list on Windows Update.

yes to all, everything seems to work but the screen.
Uhm, yet when you plug it into and external monitor nothing seems to happen...
I guess Mitchell might be right, the display drivers got messed up for some reason, the screen might actually still be in working order.
Did you manage to get anywhere following his advice? Does anything show up?
