Im just wondering why some members have Achievements: showing under there Name / Avatar and some members dont ?, I have been through all my settings and I see no option to show or not show Achievements: ... ?
Im just wondering why some members have Achievements: showing under there Name / Avatar and some members dont ?, I have been through all my settings and I see no option to show or not show Achievements: ... ?

Thank you for reporting this bug. It appears too many achievements throws off the array (this is a bug). For now, achievements will once again not display on profiles until the issue can be resolved. Page loading will likely occur faster with achievements only being displayed on member profiles at this time.
Thank you for the update Mike

Ciara ... X

You are very welcome. Some aesthetic changes have been made for the user info area (reverted), in order to fit full information for people using the fixed width designs. This also uses less code and full-size signatures could be reintroduced without breaking the page margins. There have been other changes since Mitch's announcement that I will have for you Monday night.