Windows 7 Fix punkbuster kick?

I know that evenbalance will not support the Windows 7 BETA
but that does not mean we will not be able to play.
I am sure there is a way around this problem, and I was intrested if someone had a 'working' sollution for this.
if not so I am going to try some things for myself.. its where a Beta is for right...:cool:

I know that evenbalance will not support the Windows 7 BETA
but that does not mean we will not be able to play.
I am sure there is a way around this problem, and I was intrested if someone had a 'working' sollution for this.
if not so I am going to try some things for myself.. its where a Beta is for right...:cool:

if you find something, please post here :frown:

for cod 5 fix dl new 3.4 updater for pb and all issues go away, sweet

if i could fix the unknown api kicks from punkbuster, windows 7 would just about be perfect. cod 4 = fail. bf2/2142 = fail. just because of punkbuster. post if you know a fix. it would be very helpful to ALOT of people....

i have tried everything, been on every forum on the internet (i think). and nothing works. I understand that win7 is a beta, built for testing only. i am trying to punkbuster = epic fail on win7:mad: any help? anyone??? i believe it has to do with allowing PnkBstrB service, to stay on "allow service to interact with desktop." located task manager, services in bottom right hand corner, find pukbstrb, right click, properties, log on, check "allow service to interact with desktop". but everytime you try to play, this unchecks itself because of how punkbuster works. seriously there has got to be a way to make punkbuster function with win7. i can game on my other system no problem. but i don't want to. i like windows 7 way more than vista.

Ok, I am not an computer freak in the way off that i can say: Oeh you have to write a proggram so, and so, so you get it to work.. I will try to use.. *logic*..

1. Evenbalance (punkbuster) does not support betá OS.

2. you are getting kicked because of the unknown API xxx-xxx.

3. i tryed all kind off things to make it work. , updating PB- in-game, auto, manual. It does NOT fix the problem.
fact: It is not PB, it is some software that PB can't say it is allowed, and a program that monitors the game. (based on that Evenbalance does not keep an record off all software ever made)

4. this monitoring software is IN windows 7? What does it (providing it is a piece off software) and how do we stop it.

last thing I am going to try is running W7 in Save mode with networking and see if I can find something to get around the problem.

the problem is not windows 7. the problem is punkbuster... service "pnkbstrb" i believe. if u can make that service not uncheck "allow service to interact with desktop" everytime you try to play. then i think we could play. good luck mate. still trying on this end to.

found this on this guys blog Link Removed
"This is how PunkBuster works right now with it’s PnkBstrA.exe and PnkBstrB.exe services. PnkBstrA.exe will redownload, reinstall and restart PnkBsterB.exe periodically while in a game “protectedâ€Â￾ by PunkBuster. If anything goes wrong PnkBstrA.exe will kick the user from a server and give a error in the 13xxxxxx range. PnkBstrB.exe is what actually looks for hackers/cheaters and kicks them. PunkBuster also looks for unknown APIs and will kick you if it finds any, this is the issue it has with Windows 7."

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Yes, it is the pnkbstrb that is cousing those problems, but it is resetting itself when you play.

Is it possible to find where the program.exe of pnkbstrb is and alter the default start-up so it is checked when it starts (and thus resets)

Problem is that I don't know HOW to do that in the first place, and I don't know if punkbuster will allow an alterred pnkbstrb.
what does the service do under Windows XP and Vista anyway? does it behave the same as in W7?

Yup same API error here, no way around it. I've tried everything mentioned on the net like others here. Punkbuster have said they're working on 7 compatibility but won't support it until release.

Back to playing Empire Total War and Eve Online for now !

I maybe got it fixed...

This is what i tried, its a a workaround which works fully for me and my cod 4, its a possible new solution because it was no where mentioned before (i think). I merged some "fixes" from this forum and from brian madsons site and added something... but read and then try it out... I am running win7 build 7100 rc1 64bit Ultimate with all until now available updates for it and the following solution worked fully for me (i tried nearly everything i could ever mention, but this seems to work with cod 4): If you want to try this "fix", first BACKUP your WHOLE registry for safety reasons because you will change some entries! First i made all PnkBstr.exes (A and B!)on my Computer (in Windows/sysWOW64 and in User/Appdata/Local/Punkbuster/Cod4/pb run in Vista Compatibility mode (the mode without any Service packs) and also checked run as administrator for them. Additionally, i copied the PnkBstr.exe´s (A and B) from sysWOW64 to system32 and to the cod 4 pb folder (there only was one of them) above. Remember: all those exes must run in compatibility mode and as administrator! Then i added "Everyone" with full control to the permission tab of the Punkbuster folder located in User/Appdata/Local. Now i started the task manager, the services overview and started the task "regedit". I changed the following stuff: In HkeyLocalMachine/SYSTEM/controlset01/services i found only the PnkbstrA entrie. I changed the imagepath from system32 to syswow64 and deleted the bottom WOW entrie. Did the same for the PnkbstrB entrie (first it wasnt there but i exported the PnkbstrA entrie, manually changed it and merged it to the registry, maybe you have to do the same) and rebooted. After reboot i went again into the registry and looked in controlset01, 02 and currentcontrolset and changed everywhere in the pnkbstr entries the "type" dword from 10 to 110 (which means 272 and checks the box for "allow service to interact with desktop". Now i tried to make the pnkbstr entries read-only because the pnkbstrB entrie always reset itself when startin cod 4 and or joining a server. I right clicked HKEYLOCALMACHINE and gave everyone in the permissions tap only read permission. Additionally i started this bat file which is mentioned somewhere above I edited it with a timeout of one, it is attached) and joined various servers. Until now i never got kicked because of any api or driver issue, even without the bat file... Maybe its just luck but i really hope this kicks EvenBalance´s ass :D nevermind that but i hope this works for everyone out there with this cod 4 pb problem! Try it out and see if it works for you, too... if it works, check back on this site and tell your success to us, if not, do so too... greetz, WischMoB

ps: sorry, my english might be not quite good but this because i am german^^

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This is what i tried, its a a workaround which works fully for me and my cod 4, its a possible new solution because it was no where mentioned before (i think). I merged some "fixes" from this forum and from brian madsons site and added something... but read and then try it out... I am running win7 build 7100 rc1 64bit Ultimate with all until now available updates for it and the following solution worked fully for me (i tried nearly everything i could ever mention, but this seems to work with cod 4): If you want to try this "fix", first BACKUP your WHOLE registry for safety reasons because you will change some entries! First i made all PnkBstr.exes (A and B!)on my Computer (in Windows/sysWOW64 and in User/Appdata/Local/Punkbuster/Cod4/pb run in Vista Compatibility mode (the mode without any Service packs) and also checked run as administrator for them. Additionally, i copied the PnkBstr.exe´s (A and B) from sysWOW64 to system32 and to the cod 4 pb folder (there only was one of them) above. Remember: all those exes must run in compatibility mode and as administrator! Then i added "Everyone" with full control to the permission tab of the Punkbuster folder located in User/Appdata/Local. Now i started the task manager, the services overview and started the task "regedit". I changed the following stuff: In HkeyLocalMachine/SYSTEM/controlset01/services i found only the PnkbstrA entrie. I changed the imagepath from system32 to syswow64 and deleted the bottom WOW entrie. Did the same for the PnkbstrB entrie (first it wasnt there but i exported the PnkbstrA entrie, manually changed it and merged it to the registry, maybe you have to do the same) and rebooted. After reboot i went again into the registry and looked in controlset01, 02 and currentcontrolset and changed everywhere in the pnkbstr entries the "type" dword from 10 to 110 (which means 272 and checks the box for "allow service to interact with desktop". Now i tried to make the pnkbstr entries read-only because the pnkbstrB entrie always reset itself when startin cod 4 and or joining a server. I right clicked HKEYLOCALMACHINE and gave everyone in the permissions tap only read permission. Additionally i started this bat file which is mentioned somewhere above I edited it with a timeout of one, it is attached) and joined various servers. Until now i never got kicked because of any api or driver issue, even without the bat file... Maybe its just luck but i really hope this kicks EvenBalance´s ass :D nevermind that but i hope this works for everyone out there with this cod 4 pb problem! Try it out and see if it works for you, too... if it works, check back on this site and tell your success to us, if not, do so too... greetz, WischMoB

ps: sorry, my english might be not quite good but this because i am german^^

Right, so most of this stuff I had already tried, and had also copied the pnkbstr files all over the shop and set compatitibiliy mode. Then I changed the imagepath to syswow64 in the registry, now I can stay in a server for more than 1min. Just tested for 10min and its working fine for me. Ive tried and tried all the fixes out there and still got that stoopd API error.
One thing though, I couldnt find the allow service to interact with desktop option anywhere, but it still works.

I think you have done it bro. Somebody with rep, rep this guy

Good work, and hopefully this fix works for everyone

Thanks heaps this has been my only problem with 7

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I have a little manual prepared for you...

This is an update to my previous post: i have written a detailed txt which might explain this PB fix better than my post, but see yourself. Feel free to try it out, this manual describes detailed what I must do to play cod 4 online, maybe for you works the same solution? keep cool :cool: and dont give up!
I have attached the manual and the .bat i use (in the .rar archive because this forum wont let me upload the bat itself (invalide filetype))

greetz, wischMoB

@loathe: thats why i still run the bat in background; i am scared to get this shitty api errors only one more time :eek:... but if you mean you dont know where to find this option, here we go: open task manager ---> click tab "services" ---> click button "services..." on the bottom right--->find PnkBstr services---> right click on one of them and click "properties"--->click tab "logon"---> you have reached your destination

For PnkBstrB this box usually unchecks itself, and the bat prevents that and that might be necessary but this needs more testing....

EDIT/UPDATE: ... and that hast still to be done... i have tested various servers and i noticed some servers kick me for api 131152 or 131132. a lot of servers work, some do not, i think there could be a server side function which forces in windows 7 this api... weird... i fear my fix is not ready, its still a pre-beta^^

EDIT2: try my following post first, its much easier and seems to work better... continue testing this new workaround now

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Another solution which seems to work...

I have given up on my solution and just tried something else... i merged two workarounds from Link Removed - Invalid URL (the one from jimbonbon and from Link Removed ) and did the following:

1. I totally reinstalled my Windows 7 RC1 Build 7100 Ultimate 64Bit

2. I just installed all necessary stuff (e.g hardware drivers and Call of Duty with all patches)

3. I went online in CoD 4 on a server and played until i got kicked for unknown windows api function and closed the game to continue with step 4

4. I copied these Files (PnkBstrA.exe, PnkBstrB.exe and PnkBstrK.sys) from SystemDrive/Users/LogonName/AppData/Local/Punkbuster/COD4/pb to COD4InstallationPath/pb

5. I copied these Files (pbsv.dat, pbcl.db, pbns_c.dat and the 'scrnshot' folder) from COD4InstallationPath/pb to SystemDrive/Users/LogonName/AppData/Local/Punkbuster/COD4/pb

6. I´ve set all PnkBstrA.exe and PnkBstrB.exe instances on my PC (each of them in SystemDrive/Users/LogonName/AppData/Local/Punkbuster/COD4/pb, in COD4InstallationPath/pb and in SystemDrive/Windows/sysWOW64; makes a total of three times PnkBstrA.exe and three times PnkBstrB.exe) to "run as administrator" on the compatibility tab in their properties

7. I opened the task manager, clicked services and the "services..." button to open the services overview

8. I right-clicked the PnkBstrA service and in logon ticked the "allow service to interact with desktop"-button

9. I started the game and connected to the server i previously got kicked and played there for about half an hour and PB didn´t kick me for any reason :cool:

Try this step by step, maybe this is the solution we searched for. Jimbonbon said it would be already enough to deinstall cod4 and punkbuster, additionally delete any remaining trace of cod4 or pb manually, he also said to install cod4 WITHOUT PB and manually install it afterwards, but i installed it directly with PB but this workaround works for me anyway... :D

so please give it a try, its much easier to do than my "beta" workaround and works even better... post back here and on Link Removed - Invalid URL if you successfully got PB to work - if so i will change my txt manual and insert this workaround instaed do spread it everywhere i can with giving credit to jimbonbon and Link Removed

EDIT: seems this was only luck, or something else happened, but the kicks start again :(:mad:
so... back to the drawing board...

greetz, WischMoB

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Wischmob thanks so much for your tutorial :) My punkbuster works fine now thanks to you :) Thank you for letting me stay with windows 7 from now on :D

Which fix worked? the one that you have to everytime you boot change the registery permissions?

Hi guys,
I have Windows 7 RC Build 7100 64 bit, there is another fix for punkbuster unknow windows api....? I play to CoD 2.
I tried the fix of Link Removed - Invalid URL but pb kick me after 10-20 seconds.

Link Removed

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Meh. Like he said it worked for a while, but now it doesn't work apart from on the server I went on while it worked. It was the one above my post.

Finally there IS a "fix" (at leas for cod 4)

I noticed there was another Punkbuster update for cod 4 - and i played cod 4 online on pb enabled servers the last two days for hours... first i believed it was the installation of nfs undercover which fixed it but there was an update which - maybe only accidently, but i dont care - finally supports windows 7 rc1 build 7100 64bit ultimate. For now i am just glad to be able to play cod 4 online on windows 7, and ONLY if this "support" of windows 7 is NOT accidently, i must admit: THANKS EVENBALANCE!!! Finally you saw what gamers want, so keep on this for all other PB games which dont work already with windows 7... go go go^^

greetz, WischMoB

That worked for me. Thanks.

Just played cod4 for 2 hrs with no pb kick (crossing fingers).
